Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
ANGLES, V. - "Tinder in India? Culturalist versus Institutionalist perspectives" - 2017, CCMP | ANGLES Valérie |
Case Study |
ANGLES, V., "Les Chinois d’un côté, les Français de l’autre" in Chine-France : connaître et reconnaître., Zheng L. et Yang X. Ed., Le Manuscrit, pp. 331-336, 2017 | ANGLES Valérie |
Book chapter |
ANGLES, V., "Quand ISO 9001 est détournée pour des raisons organisationnelles dans les Firmes Multinationales en Chine" in Chine-France : connaître et reconnaître., Zheng L. et Yang X. Ed., Le Manuscrit, pp. 383-392, 2017 | ANGLES Valérie |
Book chapter |
ANGLES, V., S. M.APITSA - "CODIREL Cameroun : Quelle stratégie pour la durabilité d’un modèle français de distribution au Cameroun ?" - 2017, CCMP | ANGLES Valérie |
Case Study |
ZHANG, C., S.-J.HONG, "Guanxi Culture: How it Affects the Business Model of Chinese Firms" in The China Business Model., Elisabeth Paulet & Chris Rowley Ed., Elsevier, pp. 19-40, 2017 | ZHANG Chi |
Book chapter |
PETIT, O., C. SPENCE, "Using food insecurity in health prevention to promote consumer's embodied self-regulation", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2017, vol. 40, pp. e126 | PETIT Olivia |
Journal article |
PETIT, O., C. SPENCE, C. VELASCO, A. T. WOODS, A. D. CHEOK, "Changing the influence of portion size on consumer behavior via imagined consumption", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 75, pp. 240-248 | PETIT Olivia |
Journal article |
ZACHAREWICZ, G., A.PIRAYESH, M.SEREGNI, Y. DUCQ, G.DOUMEINGTS, "Simulation-Based Enterprise Management; Model Driven from Business Process to Simulation" in Guide to Simulation-Based Disciplines., Mittal, Saurabh, Durak, Umut, Ă–ren, Tuncer Eds, Springer International Publishing, chap. 12, pp. 261-289, 2017 | PIRAYESH Amir |
Book chapter |
COVA, B., G.FUSCHILLO, S.PACE, Le Marche Siamo Noi, FrancoAngeli Editore, Milano, Italy, 2017 | COVA Bernard FUSCHILLO Gregorio |
Book |
CRESPIN MAZET, F., K.GOGLIO-PRIMARD, C.GRENIER, ""Social Collectives: A Partial Form of Organizing That Supports Social Innovation"", Management International, 2017, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 33-44 | GRENIER Corinne CRESPIN MAZET Florence GOGLIO Karine |
Journal article |
CRESPIN MAZET, F., P.JACOB - "Business Development au Yakastan Oriental ou comment agir avec le marketing d'affaires" - 2017, CCMP, France | CRESPIN MAZET Florence |
Case Study |
CHEBBI, H., D.YAHIAOUI, A.THRASSOU, "Multi-country collaborative innovation in the internationalisation process", International Marketing Review, 2017, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 109-137 | YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Journal article |
CHEBBI, H., D.YAHIAOUI, D.VRONTIS, A.THRASSOU, "The Impact of Ambidextrous Leadership on the Internationalization of Emerging-Market Firms: The Case of India", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2017, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 421-436 | YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Journal article |
YAHIAOUI, D., A. AL ARISS, "La diversité dans le monde arabe: défis et opportunités" in Management et diversité: comparaisons internationales., Ed., PUL, pp. 255-266, 2017 | YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Book chapter |
YAHIAOUI, D., A.AL ARISS, "Diversity in the Arab world: challenges and opportunities" in Management and Diversity: perspectives from different national contexts., Ozbilgin, M.F. & Chanlat, J.F. Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, vol. 3, pp. 249-260, 2017 | YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Book chapter |
LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "Crash de la Germanwings Analyse d’une situation complexe." - 2017, CCMP, Paris, France | LE PODER Laurence WHITE Tim |
Case Study |
ALI, M., M. Z.BABAI, J.BOYLAN, A.SYNTETOS, "Supply chain forecasting when information is not shared", European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, vol. 260, no. 3, pp. 984-994 | BABAI Mohamed Zied |
Journal article |
JAEGLER, A., T.ROQUES, Construire avec succès une supply chain durable, Ellipses Marketing, Paris, France, 2017 | ROQUES Thierry JAEGLER Anicia |
Book |
JAEGLER, A., Y.ALEXANDROVA - "L’internationalisation des achats responsables : Sanofi relève le défi" - 2017, CCMP | JAEGLER Anicia |
Case Study |
JAEGLER, Y., A.JAEGLER, D.TRENTESAUX, P.BURLAT, S.LAMOURI, "The CONWIP Production Control System. Classification and discussion of current and future research avenues", Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2017, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 187-211 | JAEGLER Anicia |
Journal article |
JAEGLER, Y., S.LAMOURI, D.TRENTESAUX, P.BURLAT, A.JAEGLER, "Generic Routings for ConWip Sizing in a Multi-product Environment" in Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing., Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 447-460, 2017 | JAEGLER Anicia |
Book chapter |
MERIEUX, P., T.BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, A.JAEGLER - "La logistique inverse des avions : AIRBUS cherche des solutions innovantes" - 2017, CCMP | BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana JAEGLER Anicia |
Case Study |
MONLOUBOU, A., A.JAEGLER, T.ROQUES - "Supercoop ou comment répondre aux enjeux d’une supply chain alimentaire en circuits" - 2017, CCMP | ROQUES Thierry JAEGLER Anicia |
Case Study |