Operations Management-Supply Chain-Information Systems Download CV

Tim White holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Bournemouth and a Specialised Master's in Logistics and Organisation from the University of Aix-Marseille.  He has exetensive experience in software marketing and knowledge management initiatives. His previous clients include public/private business clusters, Rio Tinto Alcan and Airbus Helicopters. His publications are essentially case-based.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    BOUOUD, I., N. YANES, T. WHITE, S. JASIMUDDIN, "Serious Games on Human Behavior: Impact on Learning Styles, Engagement, and Motivation", Journal of Global Information Management, 2025, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 1-21 2025 Journal article
    COUSTON, A., F. DURRIEU, I. PIGNATEL, T. WHITE - "GOLD BOND: The high stakes of dermocosmetics at Sanofi" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    CAPEAU, F., D. CASTAGNONI, T. WHITE - "Danone Eaux France Volvic ou Evian: quelle marque pour cibler le march¨¦ des boissons pour enfants" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France 2020 Case Study
    CAPEAU, F., T. WHITE - "Danone Eaux France Comment relancer la marque Volvic sur le march¨¦ des boissons pour enfants?" - 2020, CCMP, France 2020 Case Study
    CAPEAU, F., T. WHITE - "Danone Waters France Relaunching the Volvic brand on the kids¡¯ beverage market" - 2020, CCMP, France 2020 Case Study
    CASTAGNONI, D., T.WHITE - "Evernat - Using organic products to attract new consumers" - 2019, CCMP, Paris, France 2019 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "The Gendarmerie and the Germanwings crash Managing emotions at work" - 2019, CCMP, France 2019 Case Study
    JAMBON-ROUSSEAU, J., A. JAEGLER, T. WHITE - "Adidas AG : How can Blockchain technology improve Supply Chain Management ?" - 2019, CCMP 2019 Case Study
    MORA, P., T.WHITE - "S.A.G.E. : Une cr¨¨che parentale face aux ¨¦volutions de son domaine d'activit¨¦" - 2018, CCMP, Paris 2018 Case Study
    MORA, P., T.WHITE - "SAGE: A parent-run daycare centre in a changing environment" - 2018, CCMP, Paris, France 2018 Case Study
    LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "Crash de la Germanwings Analyse d¡¯une situation complexe." - 2017, CCMP, Paris, France 2017 Case Study
    CASTAGNONI, D., D.ANTONINI, T.WHITE - "ALTER ECO ou comment rendre la fili¨¨re chocolat plus responsable" - 2017, CCMP, Paris 2017 Case Study
    CASTAGNONI, D., T.WHITE - ""Airbnb? Developing a business model inspired by collaborative practices"" - 2016, CCMP, Paris 2016 Case Study
    MORA, P., T.WHITE - "The Bonfils vinyards: What is the ideal development model for an independent wine producer in an area dominated by co-operatives?" - 2016, CCMP, Paris 2016 Case Study
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