Publications |
Kedge Authors |
Type of publications |
AUBERT, N., A. KERN, X. HOLLANDTS, "Employee stock ownership and the cost of capital", Research in International Business and Finance, October 2017, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 67-78 |
Journal article |
CHAPAS, B., X.HOLLANDTS, "La participation dans le monde du travail : une perspective d’autogouvernement", Gérer et Comprendre, May 2017, vol. 129, no. 1, pp. 59-68 |
Journal article |
HOLLANDTS, X., N.AUBERT, S.HERNANDEZ, "La participation des salariés : analyse historique et textuelle", Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise, March 2017, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 7-51 |
Journal article |
LOHÉAC, Y., A.HAYYAN, C.BAZART, M. A.BCHIR, S.BLONDEL, M.BONESCU, A.BORNIER, J.BROUARD, N.CHAPPE, F.COCHARD, A.FLAGE, F.GALEOTTI, X.HOLLANDTS, N.JACQUEMET, F.LE LEC, M.LEFEBVRE, M.LEPLAT, E.PETERLE, E.PETIT, A.ROZAN, M. C.VILLEVAL, M.WILLINGER, A.ZYLBERSZTEJN, A.SUTAN, A.HOPFENSITZ, G.PERON, C.MANTILLA, G.MATEU, J.ROSAZ, E.RAIBER, J.-C.TISSERAND, "Mise en place d’une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie", Revue économique, January 2017, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 941 |
Journal article |
TOÉ, D., X.HOLLANDTS, B.VALIORGUE, "La face cachée de l’actionnariat salarié: Etude empirique sur l’indice SBF 120 (2000-2014)", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, April 2017, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 37-54 |
Journal article |
VALIORGUE, B., É.BARGUES, X.HOLLANDTS, "Mettre en œuvre une gouvernance démocratique suite à une reprise en SCOP", Revue Française de Gestion, March 2017, vol. 43, no. 263, pp. 31-50 |
Journal article |
MANDJÁK, T., Á.WIMMER, F.DURRIEU, "The influence of economic crises on network behavior", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2017, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 445-456 |
DURRIEU François
Journal article |
GARONNE, C., C.DI MARTINELLY , A.DUENAS, "The Impact of Health Policy on The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain In France", Value in Health, 2017, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. A709 |
GARONNE Christophe
Journal article |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., "Cinq problématiques clef pour impliquer les fournisseurs dans un projet d’innovation", Entreprendre et Innover, 2017, vol. 4, no. 35, pp. 59-74 |
Journal article |
BARES, F., B. COVA, S. HOMBOURGER-BARÈS, "Coaching entrepreneurial : Comment intégrer la passion ?", Entreprendre et Innover, 2017, no. 35, pp. 7-18 |
COVA Bernard
Journal article |
COVA, B., "Pourquoi les cadres paient-ils pour souffrir le dimanche ?", Le libellio D'Aegis, 2017, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 7-17 |
COVA Bernard
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., "Policy transfer or policy churn? Institutional isomorphism and neoliberal convergence in the transport sector", Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2017, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 351-371 |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., "Port governance in the UK: Planning without policy", Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2017, vol. 22, pp. 78-88 |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., G. WILMSMEIER, "Introduction: applying the mobilities paradigm to the maritime sector" in Maritime Mobilities., Jason Monios & Gordon Wilmsmeier Ed., Routledge, pp. 1-21, 2017 |
Book chapter |
MONIOS, J., G. WILMSMEIER, "Ports as capitalist spaces" in Maritime Mobilities., Jason Monios & Gordon Wilmsmeier Ed., Routledge, pp. 42-56, 2017 |
Book chapter |
MONIOS, J., G. WILMSMEIER, "Unproductive mobilities and maritime system capacity" in Maritime Mobilities., Jason Monios & Gordon Wilmsmeier Ed., Routledge, pp. 161-170, 2017 |
Book chapter |
MONIOS, J., Y. WANG, "The unproductive and induced mobility of empty container repositioning in peripheral regions" in Maritime Mobilities., Jason Monios & Gordon Wilmsmeier Ed., Routledge, pp. 207-222, 2017 |
Book chapter |
MORA, P., F.LIVAT, "Does Storytelling Add Value? The Case of Bordeaux Fine Wines" in The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientations in a Dynamic Business World., Campbell, Colin L. Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 187-191, 2017 |
LIVAT Florine
Book chapter |
CASTAGNONI, D., D.ANTONINI, T.WHITE - "ALTER ECO ou comment rendre la filière chocolat plus responsable" - 2017, CCMP, Paris |
Case Study |
COVA, B., La vie sociale des marques, Editions EMS, Caen, France, 2017 |
COVA Bernard
Book |
COVA, B., E.REMY, "Au coeur du phénomène collaboratif : l’entraide" in La Consommation Collaborative., Decrop, A. Eds, De Boeck-Vuibert, 2017 |
COVA Bernard
Book chapter |
COVA, B., V.COVA, H.EL JURDI, "Ethnographies of a Mediterranean Vestaval: The Passeggiata" in Contemporary Consumer Culture Theory., Sherry, J. F. Jr. & Fischer, E. Eds, Routledge, pp. 130-151, 2017 |
COVA Bernard
Book chapter |
BABONNEAU, F., M. CARAMANIS, A. HAURIE, "ETEM-SG: Optimizing Regional Smart Energy System with Power Distribution Constraints and Options", Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2017, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 411-430 |
Journal article |
BONHOURE, E., L. GERMAIN, "Corporate Governance in France 2008-2016" in Corporate Governance: New Challenges and Opportunities., Pr Vincenzo Capizzi, Pr Udo Braendle and Pr Alex Kostyuk Eds, Virtus Interpress, 2017 |
Book chapter |
CASTAGNONI, D., F. CAPEAU - "Palais des Thés ou comment associer raffinement et éthique" - 2017, CCMP |
Case Study |
ALI, S., D. GIURCO, N. ARNDT, E. NICKLESS, G. BROWN, A. DEMETRIADES, R. DURRHEIM, M. A. ENRIQUEZ, J. KINNAIRD, A. LITTLEBOY, L. D. MEINERT, R. OBERHÄNSLI, J. SALEM, R. SCHODDE, G. SCHNEIDER, O. VIDAL, N. YAKOVLEVA, "Mineral supply for sustainable development requires resource governance", Nature, March 2017, vol. 547, no. 7662, pp. 246-246 |
Journal article |
VAZQUEZ-BRUST, D., N. YAKOVLEVA, "External facilitators of sustainable management education (EFSUMEs) and their role in promoting sustainable management education in higher education" in Handbook of Sustainability in Management Education., Arevalo, J.A., Mitchell, S.F. Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 406-432, 2017 |
Book chapter |
YAKOVLEVA, N., Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Industries, Routledge, London, Great Britain, 2017 |
Book |
YAKOVLEVA, N., J. KOTILAINEN, M. TOIVAKKA, "Reflections on the role of mining in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Sub-Saharan Africa", Extractive Industries and Society, July 2017, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 426-433 |
Journal article |
SANNAJUST, A., A. CHEVALIER , "Drivers of LBO Operating Performance: An Empirical Investigation in Asia" in Handbook of Recent Advances in Commodity and Financial Modeling., Consigli, G., Stefani, S., Zambruno, G. Eds, Springer International Publishing, 2017 |
Book chapter |