Publication |
Year of publication |
Type of publication |
LE PODER, L., L. LE PODER, I. DUCASSY - "L¡¯incendie de Lubrizol en 2019 : Un jeu de simulation : une crise de communication entre parties prenantes sur fond de crise ¨¦cologique" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France |
2024 |
Case Study |
LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., L. LE PODER, "Appr¨¦hender la diversit¨¦ ¨¦conomique" in Monnaie et Finance Ecologique., Ed., De Boeck Superieur, chap. Chapitre 2, pp. 28-36, 2024 |
2024 |
Book chapter |
LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., L. LE PODER, "Capitalism, markets and Organizations" in Ecological Money and Finance : Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems., Palgrave macmillan Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 35 - 58, 2023 |
2023 |
Book chapter |
LE PODER, L., I. DUCASSY - "Le Slip Fran?ais : du bad buzz ¨¤ la crise digitale" - 2020, CCMP, France |
2020 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "The Gendarmerie and the Germanwings crash Managing emotions at work" - 2019, CCMP, France |
2019 |
Case Study |
DUCASSY, I., L.LE PODER - "Politique de divides: 6 exemples de politiques de divides et leurs d¨¦terminants" - 2019, CCMP, France |
2019 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., I.DUCASSY - "Dividend policy Six examples of dividend policies and their determinants" - 2019, CCMP, France |
2019 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., "Managing the emotional impact of disaster relief: The Gendarmerie Nationale and the crash of Germanwings Flight 952", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2018, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 48¨C57. |
2018 |
Journal article |
LE PODER, L., L. FEDI - "GREENMODAL TRANSPORT : les enjeux d¡¯une logistique durable pour l¡¯implantation d¡¯une plate-forme trimodale en R¨¦gion parisienne Collection KEDGE. CCMP. KEDGE-PL-003" - 2018, CCMP, Paris, France |
2018 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., T.WHITE - "Crash de la Germanwings Analyse d¡¯une situation complexe." - 2017, CCMP, Paris, France |
2017 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L. - "R¨¦gie des Transports de Marseille : comment ¨¦laborer un dispositif de pr¨¦vention de crise ?" - 2016, CCMP, France |
2016 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L. - "Sony Pictures Entertainment : Comment faire face ¨¤ une crise li¨¦e au cyberterrorisme ?"" - 2016, CCMP, France |
2016 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., G.LINSCOTT - "¡°Sony Pictures Entertainment: What to do in the face of a crisis linked to cyberterrorism?¡±" - 2016, CCMP, France |
2016 |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., L.FEDI - "GREENMODAL TRANSPORT : Comment devenir un organisateur de transport innovant et durable" - 2016, CCMP, France |
2016 |
Case Study |