MSc Arts & Creative Industries Management

International programme dedicated to Arts & Creative Industries Management

 MSc Arts & Creative Industries Management - KEDGE

Sino-French Institute in Management of Arts & Design (IMAD)

Double degree in arts and management for Chinese students from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Shanghai and France

 Sino-French Institute in Management of Arts & Design (IMAD) - KEDGE

MSc Creativity & Design Management

International Program in Creativity and Design Management

 MSc Creativity & Design Management - KEDGE

Bachelor Cr¨¦ativit¨¦ et Design

Planète MARSeille

 Bachelor Cr¨¦ativit¨¦ et Design - KEDGE

Creative Industries Culture Research Centre:

Unique research Centre in France that produces and disseminates knowledge on the management of the arts, culture and creative industries 

 Creative Industries Culture Research Centre: - KEDGE

Professional training in the arts, culture and creative industries

Executive education for actors involved in creation and culture in general

 Professional training in the arts, culture and creative industries - KEDGE

KEDGE Arts School

KEDGE Arts School's mission is to produce and disseminate knowledge on arts, culture & creative industries management. The institute brings together the Creative Industries & Culture centre of expertise, as well as several teaching programmes. The field includes visual arts, heritage and performing arts; cultural industries (video games, music, cinema, publishing, media); creative services (architecture, design, communication, digital, education); taste industries (arts and crafts, fashion, luxury); entertainment and leisure industries, including cultural and creative tourism.

+ d'infos

Open Education Content

Publications and videos of Masterclasses

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Creative Networks

Our alumni, students and partners testimonials

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Arts at KEDGE

Contemporary art exhibitions and diversity festivals on KEDGE campuses

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KEDGE Arts School key figures


Unique research centre in France on arts and creative industries management


Students trained each year


Creative and cultural organisations¡¯ partners


Of graduates find a job in the creative industries within six months of graduation