Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
RICHOMME-HUET, K., V.VIAL, "Le mouvement des Mampreneurs en France: phénomène féministe libéral ou radical ?", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2017, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 123-149 | RICHOMME-HUET Katia VIAL Virginie |
Journal article |
VIAL, V., "The Elements of Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Wu Guan Tang Restaurant", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2017, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 17-24 | VIAL Virginie |
Journal article |
VIAL, V., K.RICHOMME-HUET, "Women entrepreneurs in France", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2017, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 80-109 | RICHOMME-HUET Katia VIAL Virginie |
Journal article |
ROBERTS, M. L., B. R. NEUMANN, E. CAUVIN, "Individual Performance Measures: Effects of Experience on Preference for Financial or Non-Financial Measures", Advances in Management Accounting, 2017, vol. 28, pp. 191-221 | CAUVIN Eric |
Journal article |
AINTABLIAN, D., W.EL KHOURY, Z.M'CHIRGUI, "The role of toeholds on asymmetric information in mergers and acquisitions", Studies in Economics and Finance, 2017, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 260-280 | M'CHIRGUI Zouhaier |
Journal article |
JIANG, C., "L'effet culturel sur le transfert des pratiques de GRH dans les entreprises françaises en Chine" in Chine-France : connaître et reconnaître., Ed., Le Manuscrit (Espace interculturel Chine-Europe), pp. 345-355, 2017 | JIANG Cuiling |
Book chapter |
BOMPAR, L., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "La dynamique de la confiance sur la coopération acheteur / vendeur en B2B", Logistique & Management, 2017, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 253-265 | BOMPAR Laurent |
Journal article |
TCHAKOUTE, H., F.DURRIEU, G. S.KOUAO, "Funding Strategy and Performance of Microfinance Institutions: An Exploratory Study", Strategic Change, 2017, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 133-143 | TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert DURRIEU François |
Journal article |
JIMÉNEZ PALMERO, D., A. JIMENEZ, "La alternancia de código como variable estratégica de decisiones económicas en la industria musical", Revista Española de LingüÃstica Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2017, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-22 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., D. M. BOEHE, V. TARAS, D. V. CAPRAR, "Working Across Boundaries: Current and Future Perspectives on Global Virtual Teams", Journal of International Management, 2017, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 341-349 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
BRENNAN, R., L.CANNING, R.MCDOWELL, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Great Britain, 2017 | CANNING Louise |
Book |
FEDI, L., "De l’intérêt de bien choisir son incoterm", Droit maritime français, October 2017, no. 795, pp. 826 -831 | FEDI Laurent |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "La surveillance, la déclaration et la vérification des émissions de CO2 du transport maritime", Droit maritime français, 2017, vol. 787, pp. 7-19 | FEDI Laurent |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "Le monde maritime à l’heure du smart", Droit maritime français, September 2017, no. 794, pp. 729-734 | FEDI Laurent |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "Le nouveau Code polaire OMI" in Annales de l'Institut Méditerranéen des Transports Maritimes., Ed., IMTM, pp. 175-189, 2017 | FEDI Laurent |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "Les alliances géostratégiques dans le transport maritime conteneurisé" in Annales de l'Institut Méditerranéen des Transports Maritimes., Ed., IMTM, pp. 175-189, 2017 | FEDI Laurent |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "The Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of ships’ CO2 emissions: a European substantial policy measure towards accurate and transparent CO2 quantification" in Ocean Yearbook., Ed., Brill, vol. 31, pp. 381-417., 2017 | FEDI Laurent |
Book chapter |
CALCEI, D., M.OHANA, M.LARDEAU, "The Influence of the Adult Entertainment Industry on Technology Standards for Computer, Video, and Smartphone Applications", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2017, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 14-20 | OHANA Marc |
Journal article |
PACHECO, K., S.PAIXAO BARRADAS, A.PACHECO, P.DOS SANTOS, M.QUIRINO, "Design, pedra, madeira e fibra natural: um experimento para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos.", DAT Journal, 2017, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 66-77 | PAIXAO BARRADAS Susana |
Journal article |
HOLMQVIST, J., C.DIAZ RUIZ, "Service ecosystems, markets and business networks", The TQM Journal, 2017, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 800-810 | HOLMQVIST Jonas |
Journal article |
HOLMQVIST, J., Y.VAN VAERENBERGH, C.GRÖNROOS, "Language use in services: Recent advances and directions for future research", Journal of Business Research, 2017, vol. 72, pp. 114-118 | HOLMQVIST Jonas |
Journal article |
DERBAIX, C., I.PONCIN, M.DERBAIX, A.NAGLIERI, A.DERBAIX, "Fusions et acquisitions : Réactions des consommateurs au redéploiement des marques", Revue Française de Gestion, October 2017, vol. 43, no. 268, pp. 97-132 | DERBAIX Maud |
Journal article |
DERBAIX, M., D.BOURGEON - RENAULT , E.JARRIER, C.PETR , "Transmedia Experience and Narrative Transportation", Journal of Marketing Trends, May 2017, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 39-48 | DERBAIX Maud |
Journal article |
Journal article |
GOESSLING, T., B. BUITER, "Socially Responsible Investment Engagement" in Stakeholder Engagement: Clinical Research Cases., R. Edward Freeman, Johanna Kujala & Sybille Sachs Eds, Springer International Publishing, vol. 46, chap. 5, pp. 113-153, 2017 | GOESSLING Tobias |
Book chapter |
SUN, E., Y. T.CHEN, "Automated Business Analytics for Artificial Intelligence in Big Data @X4.0 Era" in Frontiers in Data Science., Ed., CSC Press Taylor & Francis Group, chap. 8, pp. 227-255, 2017 | SUN Edward |
Book chapter |