The Governance and the Executive Committee

KEDGE is a non-profit association created in July 2013 by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Marseille-Provence and Bordeaux.


KEDGE is an association (law 1901). The headquarters are located on the Bordeaux campus.

The KEDGE Busines School association group comprises 20 members:

  • Founding members: the CCIAMP, the CCITV and the CCIBG;
  • Active members: the college of directors or the college of qualified personalities;
  • Institutional members: the territorial collectivities college or the associated structures college (contributing to teaching and research activities);
  • Honorary members: natural or legal persons who have made significant contributions to the Association.

The professionals constituting the Association represent all the sector of activities on our territories. This diversity is a true asset for KEDGE's strategic orientations.

The members of the Association belong to five colleges:

  • The consular college (8 to 16 persons appointed by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry);
  • The college of directors (8 to 12 persons performing business managerial functions);
  • The college of qualified personalities (2 to 12 experts from economic, social or educational sectors, at the national and international scales);
  • The territorial collectivities college (1 representative appointed by each local or territorial collectivity);
  • The associated structures college (1 or 2 representative(s) of employees, students and the different structures linked to KEDGE's activity).

The Association has 3 main governance bodies.

1/ The Board of Directors


It is composed of representatives from the three first colleges:

  • The consular college;
  • The college of directors;
  • The college of qualified personalities.

It gathers twice a year.

The Board of Directors' President is elected for 5 years. The next election will take place on the 19th of January 2022.


The Board of Directors defines and proposes the Association's strategy. It determines KEDGE's  main strategic orientations as the executive power and oversees its implementation. It adopts the forecast budget and follows-up on its application.
It sets the cotisations' amount for the year.
It closes the annual accounts and the management report, before submitting it to the General Assembly for approval.
It appoints and terminates the General Director upon the President's proposal.
It supervises the Bureau's implementation of the policies and decisions issued by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.

2/ The Bureau


It is comprised of: 

  • the President of the Association's Board of Directors;
  • the Vice-President of the Association's Board of Directors;
  • a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer appointed by the Board of Directors;
  • a Secretary elected by the Board of Directors;
  • four to six members appointed by the Board of Directors.

The treasurers, the secretary and the elected members are part of the three first colleges.

The Bureau is renewed every five years.

It gathers at least four times a year.


The Bureau oversees the Association's general management for the implementation of the policies and decisions issued by the Board or Directors and the General Assembly. It monitors the implementation of the budget. It helps the Board of Directors to define the general policy. It is accountable for its mission's execution to the Board of Directors. It draws up the Association's rules and regulations.

3/ The General Assemblies

It assembles all the Association's members. Only the representatives of the consular college, the college of directors and the college of qualified personalities can vote. 

The ordinary General Assembly

The ordinary General Assembly meets at least once a year to approve the annual accounts, and every time it is necessary, upon the President's convocation.

It is convened to: 

  • Be informed about the Association's general operation;
  • Hear the Board of Directors' reports about the Association's management, activities, and moral and financial state;
  • Approve the accounts for the financial year, affect the outcome and give the administrators' full discharge for their management;
  • Approve the strategic plan and its annual adaptations;
  • Appoint new candidates upon the proposal of the Nomination and Ethics Committee, or statute about potential reappointments or dismissals within the Board of Directors.

The extraordinary General Assembly

It has the power to amend the Statutes or to dissolve the Association.

The extraordinary General Assembly gathering specifically for this purpose, upon the request of the President or at least half of the Association's members, can propose to dissolve the Association.

The general direction

The managing director, Alexandre de Navailles ensure the application of the Board of Directors' decisions. The management committee, steered by the managing director, implements the Board of Directors' strategy on an operational basis. Moreover, it takes the operational decisions allowing the School to operate.
The main orientations of the strategic plan has been defined by the Board of Directors. The management committee then ensures its application through the implementation of the KEDGE 25's 27 strategic projects.

  • Administrative and Financial Department: Pascale Gefflot
  • Brand and Communication Department: Cécile Jolly
  • Human Relations Department: Charlotte Poulmarch
  • Executive Education Department / Corporate Relations and Entrepreneurship Department: Jean-Luc Faye
  • Innovation, Experience & Data Department: Frédéric Cozic
  • General Secretariat, Risk and Compliance Department: Claire Atassi
  • International Development Department: Santiago Garcia Rodriguez
  • Associated Dean for ɫ: Céline Davesne
  • Associated Dean for Faculty career development: Clémentine Bourgeois
  • Associated Dean for Quality & Accreditations: Isabelle Fagnot