Val¨¦rie ANGLES


IBBA Program Director

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Dr. Valérie Anglès received her Phd in Management in 2008 (université de la Méditerranée) after having obtained a MPhil in Economy and Sociology of Labour at LEST (Laboratoire d’économie et sociologie du travail). She previously obtained Master degrees in Ethnology from École des hautes études en sciences sociales, EHESS Paris (1998) and in Management from ESC Marseille (1989). She is an associate professor in KEDGE Business School specialized in International Management, an associate researcher at LEST, and a professional intercultural mediator. She obtained the Certificate for Documentary Credit Specialists (CDCS) from the The London Institute of Banking & Finance in 2018. Dr. Valérie Anglès has published several chapters in books and articles in the fields of International and Intercultural Management in different cultural contexts and several case studies dealing with international marketing, international business administration issues in SMEs and intercultural management. She bases her courses and research on a strong vocational experience of 15 years in the field of international business as the export manager of several French SMEs as well as the European manager of a Chinese company where she also acquired an expertise about the management in China.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    ANGLES, V., T. MIRON - "Bioderma: International priority markets for a dermo-cosmetic brand ¨C the road to performance" - 2023, The Case Centre, Great Britain 2023 Case Study
    ANGLES, V., C. ZHANG - "Moteurs Baudouin: Un mod¨¨le d'acquisition chinoise en France" - 2023, CCMP, Paris 2023 Case Study
    ANGLES, V., C. ZHANG - "Moteurs Baudouin A model of Chinese acquisition in France" - 2023, CCMP 2023 Case Study
    ANGLES, V., "Doing business in China: Challenges and opportunities", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2019, vol. 38, pp. 54-63 2019 Journal article
    ANGLES, V., "La communication, moteur de la confiance, dans le cas extr¨ºme d¡¯un partenariat sino-fran?ais", Management International, 2018, no. 22, pp. 130-141 2018 Journal article
    ANGLES, V. - "Tinder in India? Culturalist versus Institutionalist perspectives" - 2017, CCMP 2017 Case Study
    ANGLES, V., "Les Chinois d¡¯un c?t¨¦, les Fran?ais de l¡¯autre" in Chine-France : conna?tre et reconna?tre., Zheng L. et Yang X. Ed., Le Manuscrit, pp. 331-336, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    ANGLES, V., "Quand ISO 9001 est d¨¦tourn¨¦e pour des raisons organisationnelles dans les Firmes Multinationales en Chine" in Chine-France : conna?tre et reconna?tre., Zheng L. et Yang X. Ed., Le Manuscrit, pp. 383-392, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    ANGLES, V., S. M.APITSA - "CODIREL Cameroun : Quelle strat¨¦gie pour la durabilit¨¦ d¡¯un mod¨¨le fran?ais de distribution au Cameroun ?" - 2017, CCMP 2017 Case Study
    ANGLES, V. - "A model of international organization, Schneider Electric in Russia" - 2016, CCMP 2016 Case Study
    ANGLES, V. - "Dinh Van investing in a new emerging market" - 2016, CCMP 2016 Case Study
    ANGLES, V., "Comprendre et r¨¦duire les conflits dans le cas d¡¯un partenariat international franco-chinois : une approche psychosociologique" in Economies ¨¦mergentes., Ed., Vuibert, pp. 199-223, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    Teaching domains


    • International Management
    Research domains

    International Business

    • International Management

    Cross-Cultural Management

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    Diversity Management