Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
MIFSUD, M., M. MOLINES, A. S. CASES, G. N'GOALA, "It's MY health care program: Enhancing patient adherence through psychological ownership", Social Science and Medicine, 2019, vol. 232, no. 1, pp. 307-315 | MOLINES Mathieu |
Journal article |
GABAY-MARIANI, L., J.-P. BOISSIN, "Entreprendre maintenant ou plus tard ? Profils d’engagement des étudiants-entrepreneurs issus du PÉPITE", Entreprendre et Innover, 2019, vol. 2019, no. 3, pp. 119-131 | GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia |
Journal article |
DERBAIX, M., M. KORCHIA, "Individual celebration of pop music icons: A study of music fans relationships with their object of fandom and associated practices", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2019, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 109-119 | DERBAIX Maud KORCHIA Michaël |
Journal article |
BOURGEON - RENAULT, D., M. DERBAIX, E. JARRIER, C. PETR, "Transport narratif et expérience de consommation transmedia dans le domaine culturel", International Journal of Arts Management, Winter 2019, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 27 - 42 | DERBAIX Maud |
Journal article |
DERBAIX, C., M. DERBAIX, "Intergenerational transmissions and sharing of musical taste practices", Journal of Marketing Management, December 2019, vol. 35, no. 17-18, pp. 1600-1623 | DERBAIX Maud |
Journal article |
GOULDING, C., M.DERBAIX, "Consuming Material Authenticity in the Age of Digital reproduction", European Journal of Marketing, March 2019, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 545 - 564 | DERBAIX Maud |
Journal article |
MAURER, F., P.POURQUERY, "Improving Banks’ Organisational Culture. A Sustainable Approach to Behavioral Change" in To Catch A Tief. The Evolution of the Chief Control Officer., Ed., Armstrong Wolfe, pp. 219-233, 2019 | MAURER Frantz |
Book chapter |
HAMET, J., F. MAURER, "VALEUR INTRINSÈQUE ET VALEUR TEMPS DE LA RECHERCHE EN SCIENCES DE GESTION", Revue Française de Gestion, 2019, vol. 7, pp. 103-123 | MAURER Frantz |
Journal article |
LEGROS, B., Y. BOUCHERY, J. FRANSOO, "A Time-Based Policy for Empty Container Management by Consignees", Production and Operations Management, 2019, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1503-1527 | BOUCHERY Yann |
Journal article |
GIMET, C., T. LAGOARDE-SEGOT, L. REYES-ORTIZ, "Financialization and the macroeconomy. Theory and empirical evidence", Economic Modelling, 2019, vol. 81, pp. 89-110 | LAGOARDE-SEGOT Thomas REYES-ORTIZ Luis |
Journal article |
LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., S.NEAIME, I.GAYSSET, "Twin deficits and fiscal spillovers in the EMU's periphery. A Keynesian perspective", Economic Modelling, 2019, vol. 76, pp. 101-116 | LAGOARDE-SEGOT Thomas |
Journal article |
GOUJON BELGHIT, A., J. HUSSER, A. DARDOUR, "Logisticians’ Ethical Decision: Does the Psychological Safety Team Matter?", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2019, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 215-227 | DARDOUR Ali |
Journal article |
LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET, Y.ERRAMI, S.CHANTELOT, "Dynamique de co-création des politiques publiques dans des contextes institutionnels complexes : le cas des Chemins de Compostelle en France et en Espagne", Management International, 2019, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 89-105 | LOREY Thierry |
Journal article |
SERAPHIN , H., V. GOWREESUNKAR, M. ZAMAN, T. LOREY, "Limitations of Trexit (Tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism", Worlwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2019, vol. vol. 11, no. N° 5, pp. 566-581 | LOREY Thierry |
Journal article |
DESVEAUD, K., J. MALLOL, "Stakes and challenges in building and analyzing a client database: a case study of a French company", Management & Datascience , October 2019, vol. 3, no. 3 | DESVEAUD Kathleen |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., J. HOLMQVIST, D. JIMÉNEZ, "Cross-border communication and private participation projects: the role of genealogical language distance", Management International Review, 2019, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 1009-1033 | HOLMQVIST Jonas JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
BRESSOLLES, G., G. LANG, "KPIs for performance measurement of e-fulfillment systems in multi-channel retailing: An exploratory study", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 2019, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 35-52 | BRESSOLLES Grégory LANG Gerald |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., S. KLEINHANS, G. BRESSOLLES, "The Contribution of Quality Management to an Organisation’s Digital Transformation: a Qualitative Study", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2019, vol. 30, no. Sup1, pp. S17-S34 | BRESSOLLES Grégory PONSIGNON Frédéric |
Journal article |
BRESSOLLES, G., F.PONSIGNON, QSE et digital: soyez moteurs de la transformation, Afnor Editions , Paris, 2019 | BRESSOLLES Grégory PONSIGNON Frédéric |
Book |
VALAEI, N., S. R. NIKHASHEMI, G. BRESSOLLES, H. HA JIN, "A(n) (a)symmetric perspective towards task-technology-performance fit in mobile app industry", Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2019, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 887-912 | BRESSOLLES Grégory |
Journal article |
TOUATI, N., J.DENIS, C.GRENIER, P.SMITS, "Implementing spaces to favor the emergence of ecologies of complex innovation in the public health sector: an empirical analysis", Administration and Society, 2019, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 463-490 | GRENIER Corinne |
Journal article |
MOOSMAYER, D., S.WADDOCK, L.WANG, M. P.HÃœHN, C.DIERKSMEIER, C.GOHL, "Leaving the Road to Abilene: A Pragmatic Approach to Addressing the Normative Paradox of Responsible Management Education", Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, vol. 157, no. 4, pp. 913-932 | MOOSMAYER Dirk |
Journal article |
MOOSMAYER, D., Y.CHEN, S. M.DAVIS, "Deeds Not Words: A Cosmopolitan Perspective on the Influences of Corporate Sustainability and NGO Engagement on the Adoption of Sustainable Products in China", Journal of Business Ethics, 2019, vol. 158, no. 1, pp. 135-154 | MOOSMAYER Dirk |
Journal article |
RAHIM, M. A., Z.MA, C.-S.QUAH, M. S.RAHMAN, S.JASIMUDDIN, L.SHAW, A.OZYILMAZ, "Intelligent entrepreneurship and firm performance: A cross-cultural investigation", Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2019, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 475-493 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
JASIMUDDIN, S., M. NAKSHABANDI, "Knowledge infrastructure capability, absorptive capacity and inbound open innovation: evidence from SMEs in France", Production Planning and Control, 2019, vol. 30, no. 10-12, pp. 893-906 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
JASIMUDDIN, S., J.LI, N.PERDIKIS,, "An empirical study of the role of knowledge characteristics and tools on knowledge transfer in China-based Multinationals.", . Journal of Global Information Management , 2019, vol. 27(1), pp. 165-195 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
PETZOLD DUMEYNIEUX, S., V. BARBAT, F. PONS, M. ZINS, "Impact of responsive and proactive market orientation on SME performance: the moderating role of economic crisis perception", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2019, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 459-472 | BARBAT Valérie PETZOLD DUMEYNIEUX Stéphanie |
Journal article |
BARBAT, V., F.BOUSQUET, "Le capital social dans les réseaux de mécénat de compétences", Revue Française de Gestion, 2019, vol. 2, no. 279, pp. 113-127 | BARBAT Valérie |
Journal article |
VOLPERT, J., Fiches d'Introduction à la comptabilité, Ellipses, Paris, France, 2019 | VOLPERT Johanna |
Book |
PAIXAO BARRADAS, S., G.MELLES, "Sustainable Design Literacy: Developing and Piloting Sulitest Design Module" in Research into Design for a Connected World - Proceedings of ICoRD 2019., Chakrabarti A. Ed., Springer International Publishing, vol. Volume 1 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies), chap. 47, pp. 539-549, 2019 | PAIXAO BARRADAS Susana |
Book chapter |