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Maud Derbaix is Associate Professor of Marketing at KEDGE Business School and a member of the Creative Industries Research Group. Her research interests focus on consumer behaviour within the context of arts and cultural activities including performing arts, live events and cultural heritage. 

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    DERBAIX, M., M. KORCHIA, M. PADIOU, "Fans as Prosumers : Labour of Love", International Journal of Arts Management, 2023, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 4-15 2023 Journal article
    DERBAIX, M., "Exp¨¦rience transm¨¦diatique et transport narratif dans le domaine des arts et de la culture ou comment engager les publics" in Valoriser le patrimoine via le transmedia storytelling - R¨¦flexions et exp¨¦rimentations., Jessica de Bideran et M¨¦lanie Bourdaa Ed., Editions Complicit¨¦s, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    DERBAIX, M., "Rock School Barbey: Music Transmission Through Informal Learning and Community of Practice", International Journal of Arts Management, 2021, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 68 - 77 2021 Journal article
    PONSIGNON, F., M. DERBAIX, "The impact of interactive technologies on the social experience: An empirical study in a cultural tourism context", Tourism Management Perspectives, 2020, vol. 35, pp. 100723 2020 Journal article
    DERBAIX, M., M. KORCHIA, "Individual celebration of pop music icons: A study of music fans relationships with their object of fandom and associated practices", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2019, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 109-119 2019 Journal article
    BOURGEON - RENAULT, D., M. DERBAIX, E. JARRIER, C. PETR, "Transport narratif et exp¨¦rience de consommation transmedia dans le domaine culturel", International Journal of Arts Management, Winter 2019, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 27 - 42 2019 Journal article
    DERBAIX, C., M. DERBAIX, "Intergenerational transmissions and sharing of musical taste practices", Journal of Marketing Management, December 2019, vol. 35, no. 17-18, pp. 1600-1623 2019 Journal article
    GOULDING, C., M.DERBAIX, "Consuming Material Authenticity in the Age of Digital reproduction", European Journal of Marketing, March 2019, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 545 - 564 2019 Journal article
    DERBAIX, C., I.PONCIN, M.DERBAIX, A.NAGLIERI, A.DERBAIX, "Fusions et acquisitions?: R¨¦actions des consommateurs au red¨¦ploiement des marques", Revue Fran?aise de Gestion, October 2017, vol. 43, no. 268, pp. 97-132 2017 Journal article
    DERBAIX, M., D.BOURGEON - RENAULT , E.JARRIER, C.PETR , "Transmedia Experience and Narrative Transportation", Journal of Marketing Trends, May 2017, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 39-48 2017 Journal article
    DERBAIX, M., C.DERBAIX, M.KINDT, M. L.FERNANDEZ, M.KORCHIA, "Transmissions culturelles entre parents et enfants : le cas des go?ts musicaux", Management & Avenir, Summer 2016, vol. 87, no. 5, pp. 151-174 2016 Journal article
    DERBAIX, M., A.GOMBAULT, "Selling the invisible to create an authentic experience: imagination at work at C¨¦zanne¡¯s studio", Journal of Marketing Management, Fall 2016, vol. 32, no. 15-16, pp. 1458-1477 2016 Journal article
    HOTA, M., M.DERBAIX, "A Real Child in a Virtual World: Exploring whether Children¡¯s Participation in MMORPGS Transform them into Virtual Shoppers", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, November 2016, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 1132 - 1148 2016 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    • Consumer Behaviour
    • Arts & Culture Marketing
    Research domains

    Consumer Behavior

    Creative Industries

    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    Heritage-based museums: how to create an authentic experience from scratch? Anne GOMBAULT Publication highlight
    Creative Industries & Culture