Val¨¦rie BARBAT

Marketing Download CV

Valérie Barbat has been a marketing professor at KEDGE Business School since 1998. She holds a doctorate in Management Sciences. She has had professional experience as a researcher. Her courses revolve around three themes: strategic marketing and marketing strategy; strategic decision-making and operations in marketing; and B2B marketing. Her publications are centred primarily on managing supplier relations; the role of business, institutions and employee networks in the development of SMEs; and the marketing decisions within SMEs. She is the author of marketing case studies published in the CCMP.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    BILLON, D., V. BARBAT - "GreenMa : comment cr¨¦er et d¨¦velopper une marque DNVB sur le march¨¦ des th¨¦s et des infusions bio ?" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    BOUSQUET, F., V. BARBAT, F. COOREN, "The difficult integration of liminal individuals", M@n@gement, 2022, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 31-44 2022 Journal article
    BOUSQUET, F., V. BARBAT, "Capital social collectif et rites de passage", Management et Sciences Sociales, June 2021, vol. 30, pp. 162-178 2021 Journal article
    BOUSQUET, F., V. BARBAT, S. PETZOLD DUMEYNIEUX, "La nature strat¨¦gique des ressources issues de l¡¯ancrage territorial : proposition d¡¯une grille d¡¯¨¦valuation pour les PME", Revue Internationale PME, 2020, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 41-73 2020 Journal article
    PETZOLD DUMEYNIEUX, S., V. BARBAT, F. PONS, M. ZINS, "Impact of responsive and proactive market orientation on SME performance: the moderating role of economic crisis perception", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2019, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 459-472 2019 Journal article
    BARBAT, V., F.BOUSQUET, "Le capital social dans les r¨¦seaux de m¨¦c¨¦nat de comp¨¦tences", Revue Fran?aise de Gestion, 2019, vol. 2, no. 279, pp. 113-127 2019 Journal article
    BOUSQUET, F., V.BARBAT, "Exemple de sp¨¦cificit¨¦ sectorielle : les ¨¦tudes d¡¯implantation de points de vente" in Etudes de march¨¦., Ed., Dunod, chap. 8, pp. 263-293, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    BOUSQUET, F., V.BARBAT, "L¡¯impact de l¡¯ancrage de l¡¯entreprise sur l¡¯engagement des salari¨¦s au sein du territoire", Management & Sciences Sociales, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 116-135 2018 Journal article
    DURRIEU, F., S.PETZOLD DUMEYNIEUX, V.BARBAT - "EAT ME : Ma?tre Prunille ¨¤ la conqu¨ºte de la Chine" - 2018, CCMP, France 2018 Case Study
    BOUSQUET, F., T. VERSTRAETE, V. BARBAT, "La th¨¦orie des conventions pour comprendre l¡¯ancrage territorial des PME", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2018, vol. 17, no. 3-4, pp. 75-102 2018 Journal article
    BARBAT, V., F.BOUSQUET, K.WILSON, "Les perturbations dans les relations d'interd¨¦pendance forte", Revue Fran?aise de Gestion, 2016, vol. 42, no. 256, pp. 159-179 2016 Journal article
    BOUSQUET, F., V. BARBAT, T. VERSTRAETE, "Influence des pr¨¦f¨¦rences de l'entrepreneur sur la dynamique de l'ancrage territorial", Gestion 2000, 2016, vol. 33, pp. 53-74 2016 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    Research domains

    Strategic Management

    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    None Publication highlight
    Marketing & new consumption
    None Publication highlight
    Innovation & Entrepreneurship
    Are supply chain managers morphing into political entrepreneurs? None Publication highlight
    Supply Chain