Thierry LOREY

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 Thierry LOREY is a marketing professor at KEDGE Business School since September 2018. He holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole (2012), and an HDR (Habilitation to Supervise Research) from the University of Pau (UPPA, 30 June 2020). His teaching is based on three themes: wine and agri-food, qualitative studies, and brand management in an international context.  His research interests include Wine ("Social Representations, Generations, Rosé Wine"), Heritage and Tourism ("The Ways of Compostela", Wine Tourism and Sustainable Development), Sport, and the Digital Revolution that is transforming these three sectors.  His work has been published in several international scientific journals (Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Management International, International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Small Business, International Journal of Arts Management, Worlwide Hospitality & Tourism Themes, Décisions Marketing ..), and several  Editors (Pearson France, Routledge, L'Harmattan, Dunod,..).  He also has 15 years of international professional experience as a Marketing Manager in the wine and food industries.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    JAUD, D., T. LOREY, N. POUZALGUES, G. MASSON, "The effect of ros?e wine colors on expected flavor and tastiness: A cross-modal correspondence explanation", Food Quality and Preference, 2024, vol. 123, pp. 105308 2024 Journal article
    LOREY, T., F. DOSQUET, F. DURRIEU, M. AMBAYE, "Phygital Innovations for Wine Tourism During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the Juran?on Wine Cooperative in South West France" in Technology Advances and Innovation in Wine Tourism New Managerial Approaches and Cases., Springer Nature Switzerland AG Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 251¨C277, 2023 2023 Book chapter
    PETIT, O., T. LOREY, F. DOSQUET, "Digital touch in sponsorship: Getting closer to the brand through virtual reality", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2023, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1758-1771 2023 Journal article
    DURRIEU, F., E. LICK, T. LOREY, A. F. ST?CKL, "The impact of country and wine culture on ideal pairings of French white wine and cheese", International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 2023, vol. 32, pp. 100735 2023 Journal article
    DOSQUET, F., S. BOURLIATAUX-LAJOINIE, T. LOREY, Y. RIVAL , "Expectativas de los peregrinos y estrategia de los actores p¨²blicos: el caso del Camino de Santiago.", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gesti¨®n, 2023, vol. N¡ã156, pp. 69- 98 2023 Journal article
    MUGHAL, M., R. JAVED, T. LOREY, "Female Early Marriage and Son Preference in Pakistan", Journal of Development Studies, 2023, vol. 59:10, pp. 1549-1569 2023 Journal article
    LOREY, T., M. MUGHAL, R. JAVED, "Pandemic Buying: Covid-19 & Purchasing Behaviour of French Households", Social Science Research Network, 2023 2023 Journal article
    DOSQUET, F., M. AMBAYE, S. BOURLIATAUX-LAJOINIE, T. LOREY, "Investigating the Tourism Sustainability Empowerment Potential of Kids¡¯ Facilitators in Holiday Resorts with Mini-Clubs: A French Case", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gesti¨®n, 2022, no. 152, pp. 177-207 2022 Journal article
    DURRIEU, F., K. GARDIA-PAREGE, T. LOREY - "Quelle strat¨¦gie pour la marque Lipault face ¨¤ la crise du covid sur le march¨¦ de la maroquinerie haut de gamme ?" - 2022, CCMP 2022 Case Study
    LOREY, T., F. DOSQUET, F. CUEVAS, S. BOURLIATAUX-LAJOINIE, H. SERAPHIN, "Mutations r¨¦alis¨¦es et en cours des repr¨¦sentations sociales des p¨¨lerins et autres acteurs des Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle" in Vers Compostelle. Regard contemporain sur les Chemins de Saint-Jacques., Presses Universitaires du Midi Ed., Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    DOSQUET, F., Y. ERRAMI, T. LOREY, N. CHARLET , "Intermediate stakeholders, strategic linchpins in the management of public policies. The Case of the Ways of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle", Resadderse International, 2022, vol. 49 - 50, pp. 36- 69 2022 Journal article
    LOREY, T., "The Success of Ros¨¦ Wine in France: The Millennium Revolution", Cornell Hospitality Quaterly, 2021, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 357-370 2021 Journal article
    DOSQUET, F., T. LOREY, M. AMBAYE, "The role of children in marketing, a state of the art: Applications in tourism marketing" in Children in Hospitality and Tourism : Marketing and Managing Experiences., Seraphin H, B¨¦al L., Zaman M., Gowreesunkar G. Eds, Degruyter, 2020 2020 Book chapter
    DOSQUET, F., T.LOREY, S.BOURLIATAUX-LAJOINIE, J. L.DEL OLMO ARRIAGA, T.VO THANH, "Case Study 5: A paradox of the UNESCO ¡°World Heritage¡± label ? The case of the Way of St James of Compostela in France" in Overtourism: Causes, Implications and Solutions,., Seraphin, Hugues, Gladkikh, Tatiana, Vo Thanh, Tan Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 267-284, 2020 2020 Book chapter
    LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET, Y.ERRAMI, S.CHANTELOT, "Dynamique de co-cr¨¦ation des politiques publiques dans des contextes institutionnels complexes : le cas des Chemins de Compostelle en France et en Espagne", Management International, 2019, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 89-105 2019 Journal article
    SERAPHIN , H., V. GOWREESUNKAR, M. ZAMAN, T. LOREY, "Limitations of Trexit (Tourism exit) as a solution to overtourism", Worlwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2019, vol. vol. 11, no. N¡ã 5, pp. 566-581 2019 Journal article
    DOSQUET, F., T.LOREY, H.SERAPHIN , T.MAJD, "The elusive goal of sustainable tourism, A cas study of the Camino de Santiago in France and in Spain" in Green Events and Green Tourism: An International Guide to Good Practice., Seraphin H. and Nolan E Ed., Routledge, pp. 117-124, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    LOREY, T., "Les Etudes Qualitatives : du face-¨¤-face ¨¤ la R¨¦volution du Online" in Etudes de marche., Dosquet F. Ed., Dunod, pp. 179-197, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    LOREY, T., "Two models of representation for the baby-boom and millennium generations in France: elitist identity capital vs. universal democratic capital", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2017, vol. 32, no. 1/2, pp. 79-101 2017 Journal article
    LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET , Y.ERRAMI , S.CHANTELOT, "Le contrat de destination des Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : un d¨¦fi ¨¤ terme pour la nouvelle gouvernance ?" in Les Contrats de destination : un atout d'attractivit¨¦ et de valorisation des territoires., Bede S. et Spindller J. Ed., L'Harmattan, chap. Chapitre 2 / Seconde partie, pp. 183-210, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    CHAMARD , C., T.LOREY, "Quels facteurs de succ¨¨s et d'¨¦checs dans la construction d'une marque territoriale ? L'analyse du processus d'¨¦laboration de la marque territoriale basque", Annales M¨¦diterran¨¦ennes d'Economie, March 2016, no. N¡ã3, pp. 51-78 2016 Journal article
    LOREY, T., "La communication sportive" in Pentacom., Malaval Ph., Decaudin J-M Eds, Pearson , pp. 393-422, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    LOREY, T., F.DOSQUET , N.ESTELLAT , "Comment valoriser un patrimoine en pleine mutation : le cas des Chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle dans le Sud-Ouest de la France" in La valorisation des patrimoines, authenticit¨¦ et communication., Ait Heda et Meyer V. Ed., Ibn Zohr Press, 2016 2016 Book chapter
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    Wine Management

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    Marketing & new consumption
    E-sports: a 21st century phenomenon None Expert¡¯s view
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    Marketing & new consumption