Publications |
Kedge Authors |
Type of publications |
RANDRIANARISOA, L., A. ZHANG, "Adaptation to climate change effects and competition between ports", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2019, vol. 123, pp. 279-322 |
Journal article |
LACAN, A., "Think tank: Meaningful management in postmodern society", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2019, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 6-10 |
LACAN Arnaud
Journal article |
LACAN, A., "Les valeurs comme moteur de performance managériale : focus sur les entreprises de l'ESS" Forthcoming Gestion 2000 |
LACAN Arnaud
Journal article |
GAO, N., J.SCHAAPER, "How do Chinese Multinational Companies Coordinate and exert Control over Foreign Subsidiaries ? The case of Chinese Subsidiaries in France", Journal Global Policy and Governance, Winter 2019, vol. 8, pp. 7-26 |
Journal article |
MATHIEU, A., "La monnaie fiscale complémentaire comme solution aux politiques d'austérité en Europe? Une participation au débat", Revue Française de Socio-économie, 2019, vol. 1, no. 22, pp. 171-184 |
Journal article |
SUN, Y., Q. QIN, H. REN, T. ZHANG, S. CHEN, "Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimation From Sentinel-2/MSI Imagery", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2019, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 826-840 |
ZHANG Tianyuan
Journal article |
AUBERT, N., X. HOLLANDTS, "L'influence du contexte de travail des salariés sur la participation aux plans d'achat d'actions de l'entreprise", Entreprise et Société, 2019, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 115-145 |
Journal article |
CHASSAGNON, V., X. HOLLANDTS, "Human capital and the pluralistic governance of the modern firm: the emergence of flattened hierarchies at work", Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 2019, vol. 168, pp. 79-102 |
Journal article |
HOLLANDTS, X., B.VALIORGUE, "Les grands courants en management stratégique" in Les grands courants en management stratégique., Sébastien Liarte Ed., Editions EMS, chap. Chapitre 8, pp. 221-246, 2019 |
Book chapter |
TOÉ, D., X.HOLLANDTS, B.VALIORGUE, "L’implication et la valorisation du capital humain comme facteur de compétitivité dans les banques : vers une mesure du capital humain" in Capital Humain : entre performance et bien-être au travail., Ed., ESKA, chap. 14, pp. 302, 2019 |
Book chapter |
HOLLANDTS, X., D. BORODAK, "Les déterminants de la mise en place et de la progression de l’actionnariat salarié en France (2000-2014)", Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise, 2019, vol. 21, pp. 96-124 |
Journal article |
HOLLANDTS, X., N.AUBERT, "La gouvernance salariale : contribution de la représentation des salariés à la gouvernance d’entreprise", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, April 2019, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-22 |
Journal article |
CASTAGNONI, D., T.WHITE - "Evernat - Using organic products to attract new consumers" - 2019, CCMP, Paris, France |
Case Study |
LIU, M., F. CHU, J. HE, D. YANG, C. CHU, "Coke production scheduling problem: A parallel machine scheduling with batch preprocessings and location-dependent processing times", Computers & Operations Research, 2019, vol. 104, pp. 37-48 |
HE Junkai
Journal article |
HUO, J.-Z., Y.-T. HOU, F. CHU, J. HE, "A Combined Average-Case and Worst-Case Analysis for an Integrated Hub Location and Revenue Management Problem", Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2019, vol. 2019, pp. 8651728 |
HE Junkai
Journal article |
CHU, F., J. HE, F. ZHENG, M. LIU, "Scheduling multiple yard cranes in two adjacent container blocks with position-dependent processing times", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, vol. 136, pp. 355-365 |
HE Junkai
Journal article |
PATHAK, A., C. VELASCO, O. PETIT, G. A. CALVERT, "Going to great lengths in the pursuit of luxury: How longer brand names can enhance the luxury perception of a brand", Psychology and Marketing, 2019, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 951-963 |
PETIT Olivia
Journal article |
PETIT, O., C.VELASCO, C.SPENCE, "Multisensory Consumer-Packaging Interaction (CPI): The Role of New Technologies" in Multisensory Packaging., Carlos Velasco, Charles Spence Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 349-374, 2019 |
PETIT Olivia
Book chapter |
PETIT, O., C.VELASCO, C.SPENCE, "Digital Sensory Marketing: Integrating New Technologies Into Multisensory Online Experience", Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2019, vol. 45, pp. 42-61 |
PETIT Olivia
Journal article |
SPENCE, C., C.VELASCO, O.PETIT, "The Consumer Neuroscience of Packaging" in Multisensory Packaging., Carlos Velasco, Charles Spence Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 319-347, 2019 |
PETIT Olivia
Book chapter |
VELASCO, C., C.ADAMS, O.PETIT, C.SPENCE, "On the localization of tastes and tasty products in 2D space", Food Quality and Preference, 2019, vol. 71, pp. 438-446 |
PETIT Olivia
Journal article |
BEN SAAD, M., G. ASSOUMOU-ELLA, "Economic complexity and gender inequality in education: An empirical study", Economics Bulletin, 2019, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 321-334 |
Journal article |
DE VECCHI, D., "Les projets en / d’entreprise ou la vie programmée des dénominations en entreprise" in Lexicalisation de l’onomastique commerciale Créer, diffuser, intégrer., Jana Altmanova & Gabrielle Le Tallec Ed., Lexicalisation de l’onomastique commerciale. Créer, diffuser, intégrer, pp. 127-138, 2019 |
Book chapter |
FILIERI, R., Z.LIN, S.D'ANTONE, E.CHATZOPOULOU, "A cultural approach to brand equity: the role of brand mianzi and brand popularity in China", Journal of Brand Management, July 2019, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 376-394 |
Journal article |
CRESPIN MAZET, F., A.INGEMANSSON HAVENVID, A.LINNÉ, "Organising communities for construction innovation — examples from the French and Swedish construction sectors" in The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry., Havenvid M., Linne A., Bygballe L. & Harty C. Eds, Routledge, pp. 306, 2019 |
Book chapter |
CRESPIN MAZET, F., F.ROMESTANT, R.SALLE, "The co-development of innovative projects in CoPS activities", Industrial Marketing Management, 2019, vol. 79, pp. 71-83 |
Journal article |
BARTIKOWSKI, B., M. LAROCHE, M.-O. RICHARD, "A content analysis of fear appeal advertising in Canada, China, and France", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 103, no. October, pp. 232-239 |
Journal article |
BARTIKOWSKI, B., F.FASTOSO, H.GIERL, "Luxury cars Made-in-China: Consequences for brand positioning", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 102, pp. 288-297 |
Journal article |
JAMAL, A., A. YACCOB, B. BARTIKOWSKI, S. SLATER, "Motivations to donate: Exploring the role of religiousness in charitable donations", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 103, pp. 319-327 |
Journal article |
HAMEED, T., P.VON STADEN, K.-S.KWON, "Impediments to Sustaining South Korea's Economic Development: Pathologies of Cooperation in Intra-Team Dynamics of Technology Commercialization", Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1-18 |
Journal article |