
DBA Program Director

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Holding a PhD in Economic History, London School of Economics (2003), Peter Von Staden is Associate Professor in International Business at KEDGE Business School and a member of the Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO), Lyon. His field of research is Japanese history during the Taisho and early Showa period and the contemporary (1990– to the present). Therein, Peter’s primary focus is on the relationship between big business and government considered from a social constructivist perspective. More recent research has included South Korea and its exercise of soft power.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    HAMEED, T., P. VON STADEN, K.-S. KWON, "Inter-Team Cooperation: An Overlooked Imperative in South Korea¡¯s Transition to the Technological Frontier", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2023 2023 Journal article
    HAMEED, T., P.VON STADEN, K.-S.KWON, "Impediments to Sustaining South Korea's Economic Development: Pathologies of Cooperation in Intra-Team Dynamics of Technology Commercialization", Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1-18 2019 Journal article
    HAMEED, T., P.VON STADEN, K.KWON, "Sustainable Economic Growth and the Adaptability of a National System of Innovation: A Socio-Cognitive Explanation for South Korea¡¯s Mired Technology Transfer and Commercialization Process.", Sustainability, 2018, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1-26 2018 Journal article
    BRUCE, K., P.VON STADEN, "Towards micro-foundations of institutional change", Journal of Management History, Summer 2017, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 223-240 2017 Journal article
    VON STADEN, P., "A sociocognitive approach to business ethics: lessons from early industrializing Japan", Asia Pacific Business Review, Spring 2016, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 411-421 2016 Journal article
    VON STADEN, P., "The Politics of Institutional Restructuring and Its Moral Persuasion in Japan" in The Political Economy of Business Ethics in East Asia., Oh, I. & Park, G.S. Eds, Elsevier, chap. 8, pp. 131-149, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    Teaching domains

    Human Resources Management



    Research domains

    International Business
