Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
KELLEHER, C., J. GUMMERUS J, D. O'LOUGHLIN, L. PEĂ‘ALOZA, "Shifting Arrays of a Kaleidoscope: The Orchestration of Value Cocreation in Service Systems", Journal of Service Research, 2020, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 211-228 | PEĂ‘ALOZA Lisa |
Journal article |
PEÑALOZA, L., "Ethics" in Marketing Management: A Cultural Approach., Luca M. Visconti, Lisa Peñaloza, Nil Toulouse Eds, Routledge, vol. 2nd ed., chap. 30, pp. 487-511, 2020 | PEÑALOZA Lisa |
Book chapter |
BEN MOHAMED, I., W. KLIBI, F. VANDERBECK, "Designing Two-Echelon Distribution Network under Demand Uncertainty", European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, vol. 280, no. 1, pp. 102-123 | KLIBI Walid |
Journal article |
OURAHMOUNE, N., L. ZAYER , W. HEIN, J. BRACE GOVAN, C. COLEMAN, R. HARRISON, L. STEINFIELD, M. SANGHVI, "The Renaissance of Gender Equality Research and Sustainable Development in the Academic Context of Marketing" in Struggles and Successes in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development for the Principles of Management Education (PRME)., Tay Keong Tan, Milenko Gudic, Patricia M. Flynn Eds, Routledge, 2020 | OURAHMOUNE Nacima |
Book chapter |
PREUSS, L., "Tracing the Global Diffusion of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Example of Business in the Community’s CSR Framework" in Non-market Strategies in International Business., Vikrant Shirodkar, Roger Strange, Steven McGuire Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 131-149, 2020 | PREUSS Lutz |
Book chapter |
GOLD, M., L. PREUSS, C. REES, "Moving out of the comfort zone? Trade union revitalisation and corporate social responsibility", Journal of Industrial Relations, 2020, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 132-155 | PREUSS Lutz |
Journal article |
CHEN, Y. T., E. SUN, Y. B. LIN, "Merging anomalous data usage in wireless mobile telecommunications: Business analytics with a strategy-focused data-driven approach for sustainability", European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, vol. 281, no. 3, pp. 687-705 | SUN Edward |
Journal article |
LIN, E., E. SUN, M. -T. YU, "Behavioral data-driven analysis with Bayesian method for risk management of financial services", International Journal of Production Economics, 2020, vol. 228, pp. 107737 | SUN Edward |
Journal article |
CHEN, Y.-T., E. SUN, Y.-B. LIN, "Machine learning with parallel neural networks for analyzing and forecasting electricity demand", Computational Economics, 2020, vol. 56, pp. 569-597 | SUN Edward |
Journal article |
WANG, M., J. WU, N. KAFA, W. KLIBI, "Carbon emission-compliance green location-inventory problem with demand and carbon price uncertainties", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, October 2020, vol. 142, no. 102038, pp. 1-25 | KAFA Nadine KLIBI Walid |
Journal article |
KAFA, N., A. JAEGLER, J. SARKIS, "Harnessing Corporate Sustainability Decision-Making Complexity: A Field Study of Complementary Approaches", Sustainability, December 2020, vol. 12, no. 24, pp. 10584 | KAFA Nadine JAEGLER Anicia |
Journal article |
GARNIER, C., "Intégrer la bonne Écurie ou comment devient-on associé d’audit ? Le fonctionnement des réseaux informels de promotion dans les cabinets Big 4 en France.", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 2020, vol. Vol. 2, no. Tome 26, pp. 7-44 | GARNIER Claire |
Journal article |
CAPEAU, F., D. CASTAGNONI, T. WHITE - "Danone Eaux France Volvic ou Evian: quelle marque pour cibler le marché des boissons pour enfants" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France | CAPEAU Fanny WHITE Tim |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., T. WHITE - "Danone Eaux France Comment relancer la marque Volvic sur le marché des boissons pour enfants?" - 2020, CCMP, France | CAPEAU Fanny WHITE Tim |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., T. WHITE - "Danone Waters France Relaunching the Volvic brand on the kids’ beverage market" - 2020, CCMP, France | CAPEAU Fanny WHITE Tim |
Case Study |
ATALLAH BIDART, S., "Collaborer sur Wikipédia pour Co-construire une société de la connaissance– Opportunités, défis et enjeux pour le monde universitaire", Revue française des sciences de l'informationet de la communication, September 2020 2020, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 40 | ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan |
Journal article |
ATALLAH BIDART, S., C. PASCAL, "Challenges and stakes in Syrian Representation and Participation in international media", French Journal for Media Research, January 2020, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 31 | ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan |
Journal article |
ULRICH, I., S. L. AZAR, I. AIMÉ, "Stay close but not too close: The role of similarity in the cross-gender extension of patronymic brands", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 120, pp. 157-174 | AIME Isabelle |
Journal article |
JAEGLER, A., T. GOESSLING, "Sustainability concerns in luxury supply chains: European brand strategies and French consumer expectations", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2020, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 2715-2733 | GOESSLING Tobias JAEGLER Anicia |
Journal article |
GOESSLING, T., T. STRAUB, "NGOs, Institutions and Legitimacy: Empirical Findings and a Research Agenda" in Handbook of Business Legitimacy Responsibility, Ethics and Society., Jacob Dahl Rendtorff Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-16, 2020 | GOESSLING Tobias |
Book chapter |
GIAMPORCARO, S., J.-P. GOND, N. O’SULLIVAN, "Orchestrating Governmental Corporate Social Responsibility Interventions through Financial Markets: The Case of French Socially Responsible Investment", Business Ethics Quarterly, 2020, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 288-334 | GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie |
Journal article |
ESTAY, C., Z. YANAT, C. LAKSHMAN, L. BOMPAR, "Comment un manager peut-il faire réussir un collaborateur en situation d’échec ?", Question(s) de management, 2020, no. 28, pp. 65-75 | BOMPAR Laurent |
Journal article |
DABOUSSI AYADI, A., C. ZHANG, S. K. ZOUAOUI, M. OHANA, "Interpersonal Justice And Innovative Behaviours: The Role Of The Workgroup", International Journal of Innovation Management, 2020, vol. 24, no. 03, pp. 2050073 | ZHANG Chi OHANA Marc |
Journal article |
ZHANG, C., S. J. HONG, M. OHANA, "The Effects of Guanxi on Supply Chains: The Role of Culture" Forthcoming European J. of International Management | ZHANG Chi OHANA Marc |
Journal article |
PIGNATEL, I., H. TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA, "Microfinance institutions and International Financial Reporting Standards: An exploratory analysis", Research in International Business and Finance, 2020, vol. 54, pp. 101309 | TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert PIGNATEL Isabelle |
Journal article |
SOUMARE, I., H. TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA, H. HESSOU, "Are microfinance institutions resilient to economic slowdown? Evidence from their capital ratio adjustment over the business cycle", Economic Modelling, 2020, vol. 92, no. November, pp. 1-22 | TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert |
Journal article |