Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA, H., I. SOUMARÉ, H. HESSOU, "Lending and Business Cycle: Evidence from Microfinance Institutions", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 119, pp. 1-12 | TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert |
Journal article |
BARKEMEYER, R., C. FAUGERE, O. GERGAUD, L. PREUSS, "Media attention to large-scale corporate scandals: Hype and boredom in the age of social media", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 109, pp. 385-398 | FAUGERE Christophe GERGAUD Olivier BARKEMEYER Ralf PREUSS Lutz |
Journal article |
BEZENCON, V., F. GIRARDIN, R. LUNARDO, "When does an ethical attribute matter for product evaluation? The role of warm-glow feelings for low-rated products", Psychology & Marketing, 2020, vol. 37, pp. 1571-1585 | LUNARDO Renaud |
Journal article |
CHAOUALI, W., R. LUNARDO, I. BEN YAHIA, D. CYR, A. TRIKI, "Design aesthetics as drivers of value in mobile banking: does customer happiness matter?", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2020, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 219-241 | LUNARDO Renaud |
Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., C. SAINTIVES, "Comment l’autonomie rend-elle une expérience agréable ? Les rôles de la perception du risque et du contrôle personne", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2020, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 45-64 | LUNARDO Renaud |
Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., F. PONSIGNON, "Achieving immersion in the tourism experience: The role of autonomy, temporal dissociation, and reactance", Journal of Travel Research, 2020, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 1151-1167 | LUNARDO Renaud PONSIGNON Frédéric |
Journal article |
PETIT, O., R. LUNARDO, B. RICKARD, "Small is beautiful: The role of anticipated food waste in consumers’ avoidance of large packages", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 113, pp. 326-336 | LUNARDO Renaud PETIT Olivia |
Journal article |
SHAO, L., T. BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, R. LUNARDO, "The interacting effect of business and cultural distances on relationship management and export performance: the case of wine export between France and China"", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2020, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 1659-1672 | LUNARDO Renaud BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana |
Journal article |
VAN KERCKHOVE, A., R. LUNARDO, G. J. FITZSIMONS, "Monetary Scarcity Leads to Increased Desire for Assortment", Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 2020, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 377-390 | LUNARDO Renaud |
Journal article |
Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
MONIOS, J., "Environmental Governance in Shipping and Ports: Sustainability and Scale Challenges" in Maritime Transport and Regional Sustainability., Ng, A.K.Y., Monios, J. & Jiang, C. Eds, Elsevier, pp. 13-29, 2019 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
MONIOS, J., G.WILMSMEIER, A. K. Y.NG, "Port system evolution – the emergence of second-tier hubs", Maritime Policy & Management, 2019, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 61-73 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
AKGÃœN, E. Z., J.MONIOS, T.RYE, A.FONZONE, "Influences on urban freight transport policy choice by local authorities", Transport Policy, 2019, vol. 75, pp. 88-98 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., "Geographies of governance in the freight transport sector: the British case", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2019, vol. 121, pp. 295-308 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., "Polycentric port governance", Transport Policy, 2019, vol. 83, pp. 26-36 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
NG, A. K. Y., J.MONIOS, H.ZHANG, "Climate adaptation management and institutional erosion: insights from a major Canadian port", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2019, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 586-610 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
NG, A. K. Y., J.MONIOS, C.JIANG, "Setting the scene on maritime transport and regional sustainability" in Maritime Transport and Regional Sustainability., Ng, A.K.Y., Monios, J. & Jiang, C. Eds, Elsevier, pp. 3-11, 2019 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
SVINDLAND, M., J.MONIOS, H. M.HJELLE, "Port rationalization and the evolution of regional port systems: the case of Norway", Maritime Policy & Management, 2019, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 613-629 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., R. BERGQVIST, "The transport geography of electric and autonomous vehicles in road freight networks", Journal of Transport Geography, 2019, vol. 80, pp. 102500 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
ESTACHY, L., "Nouvelles routes de la soie et Endiguement économique et financier de la Chine par les Etats-Unis", Europe en Formation , 2019, no. 388, pp. 69-98 | ESTACHY Laurent |
Journal article |
ESTACHY, L. - "Systemic" Country Risk Analysis- South East Asia" - 2019, The Case Centre, Cranfield, Great Britain | ESTACHY Laurent |
Case Study |
ESTACHY, L. - ""Systemic" Country Risk Analysis - Venezuela" - 2019, The Case Centre, Cranfield, Great Britain | ESTACHY Laurent |
Case Study |
ESTACHY, L. - "Systemic" Country Risk Analysis- Argentina" - 2019, The Case Centre, cranfield, Great Britain | ESTACHY Laurent |
Case Study |
ESTACHY, L. - "Systemic" Country Risk Analysis - Egypt" - 2019, The Case Centre, Cranfield, Great Britain | ESTACHY Laurent |
Case Study |
ESTACHY, L., "Russia, New Silk Road and the US-China confrontations", Public Administration ( Ranepa Moscow), 2019, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 83-95 | ESTACHY Laurent |
Journal article |
RANDRIANARISOA, L., K. WANG, A. ZHANG, "Insights from recent economic modeling on port adaptation to climate change effects" in Maritime Transport and Regional Sustainability., Adolf K.Y. Ng, Jason Monios & Changmin Jiang Eds, Elsevier, chap. 4, pp. 45-71, 2019 | RANDRIANARISOA Laingo |
Book chapter |