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Dardo de Vecchi is a Doctor in language sciences and research supervisor. He is an associate professor at KEDGE BS, where he is developing a language that can be applied to management. His research fields include researching professional jargon (pragmaterminology) for businesses and organisations. He teaches language management, which explores the relationship between language and human resources, marketing, mergers, communications, language policies and technology. He also studies the role of language in knowledge management.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    DE VECCHI, D., "Le multilinguisme europ¨¦en et l¡¯IA. Enqu¨ºte aupr¨¨s des futurs d¨¦cideurs", European and Global Studies Journal "De Europa", 2022, vol. Special Issue, pp. 215-246 2022 Journal article
    DE VECCHI, D., "D¡¯une Terminologie de quoi ¨¤ une Terminologie de et pour qui ?" in Termes en discours. Entreprises et organisations., Val¨¦rie Delavigne and Dardo de Vecchi Ed., Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp. 109-124, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "Les termes ¨¤ l¡¯oral" in Termes en discours. Entreprises et organisations., Val¨¦rie Delavigne and Dardo de Vecchi Ed., Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp. 69-82, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "Introduction" in Termes en discours. Entreprises et organisations., Val¨¦rie Delavigne and Dardo de Vecchi Ed., Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, pp. 3-16, 2021 2021 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "Words at Work: The Dynamics of Company-Speak in the Work Place", HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business, 2020, vol. 60, pp. 241-249 2020 Journal article
    DE VECCHI, D., "Les projets en / d¡¯entreprise ou la vie programm¨¦e des d¨¦nominations en entreprise" in Lexicalisation de l¡¯onomastique commerciale Cr¨¦er, diffuser, int¨¦grer., Jana Altmanova & Gabrielle Le Tallec Ed., Lexicalisation de l¡¯onomastique commerciale. Cr¨¦er, diffuser, int¨¦grer, pp. 127-138, 2019 2019 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "Company-speak, organisation-speak" in Languages for Special Purposes - An International Handbook., John Humbley, Gerhard Budin, Christer Laur¨¦n Eds, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 279-288, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "La vie secr¨¨te des jargons" in La communication, un enjeu citoyen., Val¨¦rie Delavigne Ed., Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, pp. 127-147, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "Organisation, entreprise et d¨¦nomination" in La d¨¦nomination : lexique et discours., Petit, G. Hallet, P. et Salvador, X.-L. Eds, La d¨¦nomination : lexique et discours, pp. 147-159, 2017 2017 Book chapter
    DE VECCHI, D., "Approche pragmaterminologique des termes des entreprises et des organisations", Revue du Gerflint, 2016, no. 12, pp. 125-142 2016 Journal article
    DE VECCHI, D., "La cr¨¦ation lexicale et terminologique en entreprise : formes et d¨¦rivations productives" in La Fabrique des mots fran?ais., Jacquet-Pfau, C. et Sablayrolles, J.F. Eds, Lambert, pp. 295-313, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    Teaching domains

    Human Resources Management

    • Languages in business, socialisation
    Research domains


    • Linquistics, Terminology, Lexicology

    Knowledge Management

    Human Resource Management

    Cross-Cultural Management

    International Business
