Publication |
Year of publication |
Type of publication |
CAPEAU, F., P. VALETTE-FLORENCE, V. COVA, "A consumer demands¨Cresources model of engagement: Theoretical and managerial contributions from a cross-validated predictive ability test procedure", Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 177, pp. 114619 |
2024 |
Journal article |
CAPEAU, F. - "Blancr¨¨me : quelle nouvelle gamme pour conqu¨¦rir le march¨¦ de la clean beauty ?" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
PEYRE, S., F. CAPEAU - "Bjorg & la cat¨¦gorie des boissons v¨¦g¨¦tales : comment am¨¦liorer l¡¯implantation des boissons v¨¦g¨¦tales en rayon, au b¨¦n¨¦fice de la cat¨¦gorie et de Bjorg ?" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
PEYRE, S., F. CAPEAU - "Bjorg and the plant-based milk category in France: How to improve the implementation of plant-based drinks in stores for the benefit of the category and of Bjorg?" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., "Le Capital Faire : les ressources du consommateur comme d¨¦terminant de son engagement dans le Faire soi-m¨ºme" in Sarabande des hot topics en Marketing., V¨¦ronique Cova Ed., Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp. 8-19, 2023 |
2023 |
Book chapter |
CAPEAU, F. - "Tanoshi : Comment maintenir l'¨¦lan des produits asiatiques d'¨¦picerie apr¨¨s le boost de la p¨¦riode pand¨¦mique ?" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., C. DELORME - "Blancr¨¨me : ma?triser son portefeuille produits pour performer sur le march¨¦ de la clean beauty" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F. - "Tanoshi: How can we keep up the momentum of Asian grocery products after the boost during the pandemic period?" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., C. DELORME - "Blancr¨¨me: Mastering your product portfolio to perform in the clean beauty market" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F. - "What new line should be used to expand in the clean beauty market?" - 2023, CCMP, France |
2023 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., D. CASTAGNONI, T. WHITE - "Danone Eaux France Volvic ou Evian: quelle marque pour cibler le march¨¦ des boissons pour enfants" - 2020, CCMP, Paris, France |
2020 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., T. WHITE - "Danone Eaux France Comment relancer la marque Volvic sur le march¨¦ des boissons pour enfants?" - 2020, CCMP, France |
2020 |
Case Study |
CAPEAU, F., T. WHITE - "Danone Waters France Relaunching the Volvic brand on the kids¡¯ beverage market" - 2020, CCMP, France |
2020 |
Case Study |
CASTAGNONI, D., F. CAPEAU - "Palais des Th¨¦s ou comment optimiser la communication digitale" - 2018, CCMP |
2018 |
Case Study |
CASTAGNONI, D., F. CAPEAU - "Palais des Th¨¦s ou comment associer raffinement et ¨¦thique" - 2017, CCMP |
2017 |
Case Study |
CASTAGNONI, D., F. CAPEAU - "Kusmi Tea? ou comment innover sur le march¨¦ du th¨¦" - 2016, CCMP |
2016 |
Case Study |