Recent publications
Publication | Year of publication | Type of publication |
BOMPAR, L., R. LUNARDO, C. SAINTIVES, R. BRION, "Humor usage by sellers: effects of aggressive and constructive humor types on perceptions of Machiavellianism and relational outcomes", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2023, vol. Vol. 38, no. No. 10, pp. 2183-2196 | 2023 | Journal article |
FOURNIER, C., L. BOMPAR, "L¡¯importance de la force de vente dans une politique de distribution omnicanal et humaine. Wiki AFM - Marketing pour une Soci¨¦t¨¦ Responsable, Chap. 9" in Wiki AFM - Marketing pour une Soci¨¦t¨¦ Responsable., Wiki AFM Ed., Association Fran?aise de Marketing, 2022 | 2022 | Book chapter |
BOMPAR, L., R. LUNARDO - "Comment l¡¯approche cat¨¦gorielle de L¡¯Or¨¦al / Carrefour peut-elle r¨¦enchanter l¡¯univers hygi¨¨ne beaut¨¦ en grande distribution ?" - 2021, CCMP, Paris, France | 2021 | Case Study |
LUNARDO, R., L. BOMPAR, C. SAINTIVES, "Briser la glace avec de l¡¯humour : la propri¨¦t¨¦ soulageante de l¡¯humour et ses effets sur la performance des vendeurs", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 3-23 | 2021 | Journal article |
ESTAY, C., Z. YANAT, C. LAKSHMAN, L. BOMPAR, "Comment un manager peut-il faire r¨¦ussir un collaborateur en situation d¡¯¨¦chec ?", Question(s) de management, 2020, no. 28, pp. 65-75 | 2020 | Journal article |
BENSEMMANE, S., A. BRIAN?ON, M. OHANA, L. BOMPAR, "Le bien-¨ºtre au travail comme d¨¦terminant de l'orientation client : test d'un mod¨¨le exploratoire", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gesti¨®n, 2019, no. 134, pp. 135-159 | 2019 | Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Rip Curl : Du positionnement des produits au ciblage des clients, un retour ¨¤ l¡¯authenticit¨¦" - 2019, CCMP, France | 2019 | Case Study |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Rip Curl: How Product versus Target Diversification Helps an Authenic (Re)Positioning and Commercial Performance" - 2019, CCMP | 2019 | Case Study |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "Boardriders distribution strategy Back to the endless summer for Quiksilver?" - 2018, CCMP | 2018 | Case Study |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "La strat¨¦gie de distribution de Boardriders Est-ce le retour ¨¤ un ? ¨¦t¨¦ sans fin ? pour Quiksilver ?" - 2018, CCMP | 2018 | Case Study |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO, C.SAINTIVES, "The effects of humor usage by salespersons: the roles of humor type and business sector", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2018, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 599-609 | 2018 | Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Boardriders Mapping the Perceived Brand Image of QUIKSILVER and ROXY in a Highly Competitive Market" - 2018, CCMP | 2018 | Case Study |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Cartographie de l'image des marques QUIKSILVER et ROXY du groupe Boardriders" - 2018, CCMP | 2018 | Case Study |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR, C.SAINTIVES, "L¡¯usage de l¡¯humour par les vendeurs et son impact sur la performance : le r?le de la phase d¡¯exploration et du type d¡¯humour", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2018, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 6-26 | 2018 | Journal article |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "ARENA: ¡°WATER INSTINCT¡± The marketing problems of being a specialist" - 2017, CCMP | 2017 | Case Study |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "ARENA : ? WATER INSTINCT ? La probl¨¦matique marketing d'¨ºtre un sp¨¦cialiste" - 2017, CCMP | 2017 | Case Study |
BOMPAR, L., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "La dynamique de la confiance sur la coop¨¦ration acheteur / vendeur en B2B", Logistique & Management, 2017, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 253-265 | 2017 | Journal article |
Teaching domains
- Sales Management, Negotiation, Sporting Goods Marketing
Research domains
- Negotiation and humor
Kedge Insights
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Renaud LUNARDO | Published in The Conversation |
Management |
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Marketing & new consumption |
None | Publication highlight |
Marketing & new consumption |