Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
TALEIZADEH, A. A., A. AMJADIAN, S. E. HASHEMI-PETROODI, I. MOON, "Supply chain coordination based on mean-variance risk optimisation: pricing, warranty, and full-refund decisions", International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2023, vol. 10, pp. 2249808 | HASHEMI-PETROODI Seyyed Ehsan |
Journal article |
RATSIMANDRESY, A., J. MIEMCZYK, "Conceptualising Collaborations beyond Industrial Boundaries: A Literature Review and a Theoretical Proposition to Understand Cross-Industrial Collaborations in the Circular Supply Network", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 8850 | RATSIMANDRESY Anne |
Journal article |
PONSIGNON, F., J. HOLMQVIST, "A Framework for Designing Visitor Experiences in Branded Tourist Attractions: Insights from a Luxury Cognac Brand", Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2023, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 240-253 | PONSIGNON Frédéric HOLMQVIST Jonas |
Journal article |
HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, M. P. FRITZE, "Luxury Service Consumption" in Elgar Encyclopedia of Service Studies., Gallouj, F., Gallouj, C., Monnoyer, M., Rubalcaba, L., & Scheuer, M. Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 223-225, 2023 | HOLMQVIST Jonas |
Book chapter |
HOLMQVIST, J., C. KOWALKOWSKI, "Traceability in luxury: Harnessing B2B relationships to enhance ethical practices in the luxury industry", Industrial Marketing Management, 2023, vol. 111, pp. 257-267 | HOLMQVIST Jonas |
Journal article |
HOLMQVIST, J., J. WIRTZ, A. ISSANDOU, "Research note: conceptualizing agentic luxury in luxury services", Journal of Services Marketing, 2023, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 1113-1119 | HOLMQVIST Jonas |
Journal article |
DESSART, L., G. BRESSOLLES, "Intensity of collective consumption practices in brand communities: the case of crossfit", Journal of Brand Management, 2023, vol. 30, pp. 227-244 | BRESSOLLES Grégory |
Journal article |
DADICH, A., R. WELLS, S. WILLIAMS, N. TASKIN, M. COSKUN, F. PONSIGNON, C. GRENIER, S. SCAHILL, S. BEST, "Cues Disseminated by Professional Associations That Represent 5 Health Care Professions Across 5 Nations: Lexical Analysis of Tweets", Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, vol. 25, pp. e42927 | PONSIGNON Frédéric GRENIER Corinne |
Journal article |
FLORA, L., C. GRENIER, F. PONSIGNON, L’expérience dans l’innovation en santé modes éphémères ou nouveau paradigme ?, ISTE Editions, London, 2023 | PONSIGNON Frédéric GRENIER Corinne |
Book |
GRENIER, C. - "La Boutique solidarité de Marseille de la Fondation Abbé Pierre : Quand la mission de l'inconditionnalité met à mal l'équipe et les bénévoles" - 2023, CCMP, France | GRENIER Corinne |
Case Study |
GRENIER, C., "Repenser l’organisation d’un accueil de jour au regard de l’expérience des bénévoles en grande précarité sociale" in L’expérience dans l’innovation en santé modes éphémères ou nouveau paradigme ?., Flora L., Grenier C., Ponsignon F Eds, ISTE Editions, pp. 79-102, 2023 | GRENIER Corinne |
Book chapter |
MARTIN, V., H. QUANQUIN, La société à l'épreuve des inégalités, regards croisés France Etats-Unis, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, France, 2023 | MARTIN Virginie |
Book |
MARTIN, V., A. L. MELQUIOND, J'assure en géopolitique grâce aux séries, De Boeck Superieur, LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, Belgium, 2023 | MARTIN Virginie |
Book |
HASSEN, H., P. AKPONAH, "The intersection of sustainability, food and technology in the digital marketplace" in The Future of Consumption., Bäckström, K., Egan-Wyer, C., Samsioe, E. Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-38, 2023 | HASSEN Hela |
Book chapter |
BEY, C., D. MOOSMAYER, "Making a brand loved rather than sustainable? Cosmopolitanism and brand love as competing communication claims", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 13, pp. 1-13 | BEY Christoph MOOSMAYER Dirk |
Journal article |
KEMPER, J. A., A. B. KAPETANAKI, F. SPOTSWOOD, R. ROY, H. HASSEN, A. G. UZOIGWE, '. M. E. FIFITA, "Food practices adaptation: Exploring the coping strategies of low-socioeconomic status families in times of disruption", Appetite, 2023, vol. 186, pp. 106553 | HASSEN Hela |
Journal article |
LAASCH, O., D. MOOSMAYER, E. ANTONACOPOULOU, "The Interdisciplinary Responsible Management Competence Framework: An Integrative Review of Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability Competences", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, vol. 187(4), pp. 733–757 | MOOSMAYER Dirk |
Journal article |
AL SHAM, S. M., K. Z. B. AHMED, S. JASIMUDDIN, "The relationship between Curiosity and Innovative Work Behavior in Aviation Industry: The Mediating Effect of Work Engagement", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2023, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 3119-3136 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
HUO, X., S. JASIMUDDIN, K. ZHENG, Z. ZHANG, "Exploring the Risks of International SupplyChain Financial Warehouse Receipts Pledge Model: A Structural Equation Approach", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2023, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 385-396 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
ALMURAQAB, N. A. S., S. MINIAOUI, S. JASIMUDDIN, "People’s Perceptions of the Benefits, Risks, and Acceptance of Services Delivered by Drones in the United Arab Emirates", R. El Khoury Ed., Springer, Cham, vol. 223, pp. 589- 599, 2023 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Book chapter |
THAKRAL, P., P. SRIVASTAVA, , S. DASH, , S. JASIMUDDIN, Z. ZHANG, , "Trends in the thematic landscape of HR analytics research: A structural topic modeling approach", Management Decision, 2023, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 3665-3690 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
NASSER ABDO SAIF ALMURAQAB, N. A. S., S. JASIMUDDIN, F. SACI, "Exploring determinants that influence the usage intention of AI based customer services in the UAE", Journal of Global Information Management, 2023, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1-16 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
WU, M., Y. LIU, S. JASIMUDDIN, Z. J. ZHANG, "Rethinking Cross-border Mobile Payment Ecosystems: A Process Study of Platform Complementors, Network Effect Holes, Transaction Costs and Task Module Boundaries  ", International Business Review, 2023, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 102026 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
XIA, H., H., Z. SUN, Z., J. Z. ZHANG, J. Z., Y. WANG, Y., M. M. KAMAL, M. M., S. JASIMUDDIN, N. ISLAM, N. , "Emergency medical supplies scheduling during public health emergencies: algorithm design based on AI techniques.", International Journal of Production Research, 2023 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
XIA, H., Y. WANG, Y., S. JASIMUDDIN, J. ZHANG, A. THOMAS, "A Big-Data-Driven Matching Model Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cotton Blending", International Journal of Production Research, 2023, vol. 61, no. 22, pp. 7573-7591 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
WU, R., Z. ZHANG, Y. YU, S. JASIMUDDIN, J. ZHANG, "The Impact of Value Co-Creation on CSR Innovation and Economic Performance.", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 4008 | JASIMUDDIN Sajjad |
Journal article |
METIVIER, J., E. BEKKERS, M. BACCHETTA, R. KOOPMAN, "International trade cooperation's impact on the world economy", Journal of Policy Modeling, 2023, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 713-744 | METIVIER Jeanne |
Journal article |
JAEGLER, A., T. ROQUES, Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Sustainable Decision Support, Wiley-ISTE Ltd, 2023 | JAEGLER Anicia ROQUES Thierry |
Book |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Investment Choices: Arbitrating between ordinary, innovative and ecological projects" - 2023, CCMP | ELASRI Karim |
Case Study |
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Les conflits dans les canaux de distribution : Le cas d’Apple" - 2023, CCMP | ELASRI Karim |
Case Study |