Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
ATALLAH BIDART, S. - "Elaboration de la Stratégie de Communication Digitale de l'ONG Libanaise TechEd for Refugees" - 2023, The Case Centre, Buckinghamshire, Great Britain | ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan |
Case Study |
ATALLAH BIDART, S. - "When Free-Floating Inspires a Sustainable Economic Model - The Case of QuickFrisbee" - 2023, The Case Centre, Buckinghamshire, Great Britain | ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan |
Case Study |
ATALLAH BIDART, S. - "Using Football Sponsorship to Build a Digital Communications Strategy in the e-Trading Sector" - 2023, The Case Centre, Great Britain | ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan |
Case Study |
CHENAVAZ, R., A. COUSTON, S. HEICHELBECH, I. PIGNATEL, S. DIMITROV, "Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 8849 | CHENAVAZ Régis COUSTON Alexandra PIGNATEL Isabelle |
Journal article |
COUSTON, A., F. DURRIEU, I. PIGNATEL - "Gold Bond ou l’enjeu de la dermocosmétique pour Sanofi" - 2023, CCMP, Bordeaux, France | DURRIEU François COUSTON Alexandra PIGNATEL Isabelle |
Case Study |
AIMÉ, I., "The dynamic construction of brand storytelling", Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2023, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 1243-1262 | AIME Isabelle |
Journal article |
PITSAKIS, K., T. GOESSLING, R. VINK, "Beyond Compliance: An Event History Analysis of Environmental Stewardship" in Responding to Uncertain Conditions: New Research on Strategic Adaptation., Torben Juul Andersen Ed., Emerald Publishing Limited, chap. 7, pp. 131-155, 2023 | GOESSLING Tobias |
Book chapter |
GOESSLING, T., "Crisis" in Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series., Jacob Dahl Rendtorff and Maria Bonnafous-Boucher Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 51-56, 2023 | GOESSLING Tobias |
Book chapter |
DAHLMANS, H., T. GOESSLING, P. KENIS, "Beyond acquiescence and compromise: Organizational strategies in pluralizing institutional environments", European Management Review, 2023, vol. 21, pp. 645-658 | GOESSLING Tobias |
Journal article |
CASCIOLI, F., C. DEJOUX, "Apprentissage managérial avec un MOOC : variations des attentes selon le profil managérial", Question(s) de management, 2023, vol. 5, no. 46, pp. 111-121 | CASCIOLI KARIVALIS Fiammetta |
Journal article |
LIVAT, F., H. REMAUD, A. MCHALE, "The puzzle of wine price in restaurants", Wine Business Journal, 2023 | REMAUD Hervé LIVAT Florine |
Journal article |
MASSET, P., L. TERRIER, F. LIVAT, "Can a wine be feminine? Gendered wine descriptors and quality, price, and aging potential", Journal of Wine Economics, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 273-285 | LIVAT Florine |
Journal article |
RICKARD, B., S. HO, F. LIVAT, A. OKRENT, "Date labels, food waste, and supply chain implications", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2023, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 29-58 | LIVAT Florine |
Journal article |
DEVELAY, E., S. GIAMPORCARO, "Sustainable Finance and the Role of Corporate 4 Governance in Preventing Economic Crimes" in Sustainable Finance and Financial Crime., Michel Dion Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 267-287, 2023 | GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie |
Book chapter |
GIAMPORCARO, S., J.-P. GOND, C. LOUCHE, "Deliberative Boundary Work for Sustainable Finance: Insights from a European Commission expert group", Organization Studies, 2023, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 1913-1938 | GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie |
Journal article |
DHLAMINI, X., S. GIAMPORCARO, "Investing for Impact in the African continent: an overview" in Sustainable and responsible investment in developing markets: a companion., Joshua Abor Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 5, 2023 | GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie |
Book chapter |
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-E. PALARD, K. KNIPE - "Acquisition opportunity of Naturex SA by the Givaudan Group (2014-2017) - Strategic analysis and financial diagnosis" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France | ABDOUNE Radouane BENTEBBAA Sara KNIPE Kieran |
Case Study |
PREVOT, F., I. DUCASSY, F. PINCIN - "STRATS Serious game, JE-011" - 2023, CCMP, France | DUCASSY Isabelle PREVOT Frédéric PINCIN Fabrice |
Case Study |
TRUC PHAN, T. N., P. BERTRAND, H. HAI PHAN, X. V. VO, "The role of investor behavior in emerging stock markets: Evidence from Vietnam", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2023, vol. volume 87, pp. 367-376 | BERTRAND Philippe |
Journal article |
BERTRAND, P., L. QUY DUONG, "Overreaction and momentum in the Vietnamese stock market", Managerial Finance, 2023, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 13-28 | BERTRAND Philippe |
Journal article |
KAHUPI, I., N. YAKOVLEVA, S. CHEN, "The significance of SDG16 “Strong Institutions” toward the adoption of circular economy approaches for artisanal and small-scale mining sector in sub-Saharan Africa" in The Social Dimensions of the Circular Economy., L.M. de Souza Campos and D.A. Vazquez-Brust Ed., Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. Greening of Industry Series, chap. 8, pp. 171-200, 2023 | YAKOVLEVA Natalia |
Book chapter |
CASTRO DE SOUZA PIAO, R., R. RAO-NICHOLSON, N. YAKOVLEVA, D. VAZQUEZ-BRUST, "Fighting hunger and educating farmers with regenerative agriculture in Maputo’s green horticultural belt" in The Social Dimensions of Circular Economy., L.M. de Souza Campos and D.A. Vazquez-Brust Ed., Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. Greening of Industry Network Series, chap. 5, pp. 111-128, 2023 | YAKOVLEVA Natalia |
Book chapter |
YAKOVLEVA, N., T. GAVRILYEVA, A. MAKAROV, N. KRASILNIKOVA, "Free prior informed consent in the extractive industry: Approaches to involving Indigenous peoples in decision-making in Russia", Journal of Environmental Management, October 2023, vol. 344, pp. 118341 | YAKOVLEVA Natalia |
Journal article |
ZHOU, J., S.-L. (. CHEN, W. (. SHI, S. NGUYEN, M. KANRAK, J. GE, "A belief rule-based bayesian network approach for assessing risks in the cruise supply chain: An empirical study in Shanghai, China", Ocean and Coastal Management, 2023, vol. 232, pp. 106443 | ZHOU Jingen |
Journal article |
ZHOU, J., S.-L. (. CHEN, W. (. SHI, M. KANRAK, "Cruise supply chain risk mitigation strategies: An empirical study in Shanghai, China", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 153, pp. 105600 | ZHOU Jingen |
Journal article |
KANRAK, M., Y.-Y. LAU, J. ZHOU, J. GE, S. TRAIYARACH, "Empirical Analysis of the Cruise Shipping Network in Asia", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 2010 | ZHOU Jingen |
Journal article |
ZHOU, J., S.-L. (PEGGY) CHEN, W. (WENDY) SHI, "Identifying Risks in the Cruise Supply Chain: An Empirical Study in Shanghai, China", Transportation Research Record, 2023, vol. 2677, no. 1, pp. 1706-1720 | ZHOU Jingen |
Journal article |
ZHOU, J., S.-L. P. CHEN, W. W. SHI, M. KANRAK, J. GE, "The impacts of COVID-19 on the cruise industry based on an empirical study in China", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 153, pp. 105631 | ZHOU Jingen |
Journal article |
ANGLES, V., C. ZHANG - "Moteurs Baudouin: Un modèle d'acquisition chinoise en France" - 2023, CCMP, Paris | ANGLES Valérie ZHANG Chi |
Case Study |
ANGLES, V., C. ZHANG - "Moteurs Baudouin A model of Chinese acquisition in France" - 2023, CCMP | ANGLES Valérie ZHANG Chi |
Case Study |