
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
ATALLAH BIDART, S. - "Elaboration de la Stratégie de Communication Digitale de l'ONG Libanaise TechEd for Refugees" - 2023, The Case Centre, Buckinghamshire, Great Britain ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan
Case Study
ATALLAH BIDART, S. - "When Free-Floating Inspires a Sustainable Economic Model - The Case of QuickFrisbee" - 2023, The Case Centre, Buckinghamshire, Great Britain ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan
Case Study
ATALLAH BIDART, S. - "Using Football Sponsorship to Build a Digital Communications Strategy in the e-Trading Sector" - 2023, The Case Centre, Great Britain ATALLAH BIDART Sawsan
Case Study
CHENAVAZ, R., A. COUSTON, S. HEICHELBECH, I. PIGNATEL, S. DIMITROV, "Corporate Social Responsibility and Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 8849 CHENAVAZ Régis
COUSTON Alexandra
Journal article
COUSTON, A., F. DURRIEU, I. PIGNATEL - "Gold Bond ou l’enjeu de la dermocosmétique pour Sanofi" - 2023, CCMP, Bordeaux, France DURRIEU François
COUSTON Alexandra
Case Study
AIMÉ, I., "The dynamic construction of brand storytelling", Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2023, vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 1243-1262 AIME Isabelle
Journal article
PITSAKIS, K., T. GOESSLING, R. VINK, "Beyond Compliance: An Event History Analysis of Environmental Stewardship" in Responding to Uncertain Conditions: New Research on Strategic Adaptation., Torben Juul Andersen Ed., Emerald Publishing Limited, chap. 7, pp. 131-155, 2023 GOESSLING Tobias
Book chapter
GOESSLING, T., "Crisis" in Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series., Jacob Dahl Rendtorff and Maria Bonnafous-Boucher Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 51-56, 2023 GOESSLING Tobias
Book chapter
DAHLMANS, H., T. GOESSLING, P. KENIS, "Beyond acquiescence and compromise: Organizational strategies in pluralizing institutional environments", European Management Review, 2023, vol. 21, pp. 645-658 GOESSLING Tobias
Journal article
CASCIOLI, F., C. DEJOUX, "Apprentissage managérial avec un MOOC : variations des attentes selon le profil managérial", Question(s) de management, 2023, vol. 5, no. 46, pp. 111-121 CASCIOLI KARIVALIS Fiammetta
Journal article
LIVAT, F., H. REMAUD, A. MCHALE, "The puzzle of wine price in restaurants", Wine Business Journal, 2023 REMAUD Hervé
LIVAT Florine
Journal article
MASSET, P., L. TERRIER, F. LIVAT, "Can a wine be feminine? Gendered wine descriptors and quality, price, and aging potential", Journal of Wine Economics, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 273-285 LIVAT Florine
Journal article
RICKARD, B., S. HO, F. LIVAT, A. OKRENT, "Date labels, food waste, and supply chain implications", European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2023, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 29-58 LIVAT Florine
Journal article
DEVELAY, E., S. GIAMPORCARO, "Sustainable Finance and the Role of Corporate 4 Governance in Preventing Economic Crimes" in Sustainable Finance and Financial Crime., Michel Dion Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 267-287, 2023 GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie
Book chapter
GIAMPORCARO, S., J.-P. GOND, C. LOUCHE, "Deliberative Boundary Work for Sustainable Finance: Insights from a European Commission expert group", Organization Studies, 2023, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 1913-1938 GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie
Journal article
DHLAMINI, X., S. GIAMPORCARO, "Investing for Impact in the African continent: an overview" in Sustainable and responsible investment in developing markets: a companion., Joshua Abor Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 5, 2023 GIAMPORCARO Stéphanie
Book chapter
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-E. PALARD, K. KNIPE - "Acquisition opportunity of Naturex SA by the Givaudan Group (2014-2017) - Strategic analysis and financial diagnosis" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France ABDOUNE Radouane
KNIPE Kieran
Case Study
PREVOT, F., I. DUCASSY, F. PINCIN - "STRATS Serious game, JE-011" - 2023, CCMP, France DUCASSY Isabelle
PREVOT Frédéric
PINCIN Fabrice
Case Study
TRUC PHAN, T. N., P. BERTRAND, H. HAI PHAN, X. V. VO, "The role of investor behavior in emerging stock markets: Evidence from Vietnam", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2023, vol. volume 87, pp. 367-376 BERTRAND Philippe
Journal article
BERTRAND, P., L. QUY DUONG, "Overreaction and momentum in the Vietnamese stock market", Managerial Finance, 2023, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 13-28 BERTRAND Philippe
Journal article
KAHUPI, I., N. YAKOVLEVA, S. CHEN, "The significance of SDG16 “Strong Institutions” toward the adoption of circular economy approaches for artisanal and small-scale mining sector in sub-Saharan Africa" in The Social Dimensions of the Circular Economy., L.M. de Souza Campos and D.A. Vazquez-Brust Ed., Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. Greening of Industry Series, chap. 8, pp. 171-200, 2023 YAKOVLEVA Natalia
Book chapter
CASTRO DE SOUZA PIAO, R., R. RAO-NICHOLSON, N. YAKOVLEVA, D. VAZQUEZ-BRUST, "Fighting hunger and educating farmers with regenerative agriculture in Maputo’s green horticultural belt" in The Social Dimensions of Circular Economy., L.M. de Souza Campos and D.A. Vazquez-Brust Ed., Springer Nature Switzerland, vol. Greening of Industry Network Series, chap. 5, pp. 111-128, 2023 YAKOVLEVA Natalia
Book chapter
YAKOVLEVA, N., T. GAVRILYEVA, A. MAKAROV, N. KRASILNIKOVA, "Free prior informed consent in the extractive industry: Approaches to involving Indigenous peoples in decision-making in Russia", Journal of Environmental Management, October 2023, vol. 344, pp. 118341 YAKOVLEVA Natalia
Journal article
ZHOU, J., S.-L. (. CHEN, W. (. SHI, S. NGUYEN, M. KANRAK, J. GE, "A belief rule-based bayesian network approach for assessing risks in the cruise supply chain: An empirical study in Shanghai, China", Ocean and Coastal Management, 2023, vol. 232, pp. 106443 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
ZHOU, J., S.-L. (. CHEN, W. (. SHI, M. KANRAK, "Cruise supply chain risk mitigation strategies: An empirical study in Shanghai, China", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 153, pp. 105600 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
KANRAK, M., Y.-Y. LAU, J. ZHOU, J. GE, S. TRAIYARACH, "Empirical Analysis of the Cruise Shipping Network in Asia", Sustainability, 2023, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 2010 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
ZHOU, J., S.-L. (PEGGY) CHEN, W. (WENDY) SHI, "Identifying Risks in the Cruise Supply Chain: An Empirical Study in Shanghai, China", Transportation Research Record, 2023, vol. 2677, no. 1, pp. 1706-1720 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
ZHOU, J., S.-L. P. CHEN, W. W. SHI, M. KANRAK, J. GE, "The impacts of COVID-19 on the cruise industry based on an empirical study in China", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 153, pp. 105631 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
ANGLES, V., C. ZHANG - "Moteurs Baudouin: Un modèle d'acquisition chinoise en France" - 2023, CCMP, Paris ANGLES Valérie
Case Study
ANGLES, V., C. ZHANG - "Moteurs Baudouin A model of Chinese acquisition in France" - 2023, CCMP ANGLES Valérie
Case Study