
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, C. GRENIER - "La stratégie de co-création dans l'industrie du jeu vidéo" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France GRENIER Corinne
Case Study
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI, F. PONSIGNON, "Assessing and improving service co-creation: the customer-centric matrix", International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2023, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 97-114 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Production of Electric Vehicle Battery: International Success Factors" - 2023, CCMP ELASRI Karim
Case Study
VO, L.-C., M. C. LAVISSIÈRE, A. LAVISSIERE, "Retaining talent in the maritime sector by creating a work-family balance logic: implications from women managers navigating work and family", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 2023, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 133-155 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
Journal article
BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, T., J. CUSIN, O. HERRBACH, V. MAYMO, "Entrepreneurs are from Mars, bankers from Venus: Representational gaps between struggling entrepreneurs and loan officers", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2023, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 81-109 BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Journal article
PREVOT, F., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Thomas Cook: un échec stratégique" - 2023, CCMP BEL HADJ ALI Soraya
PREVOT Frédéric
Case Study
BITTENCOURT, B., A. ZEN, F. PREVOT, V. SCHMIDT, "How to Be More Innovative in Clusters? The Influence of Geographical Agglomerations on Its Firms.", Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2023, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 2603-2629 PREVOT Frédéric
Journal article
MONIOS, J., L. FEDI, "The principal-agent problem in hierarchical policy making: A failure of policy to support the transition to LNG as an alternative shipping fuel", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 157, pp. 105846 MONIOS Jason
FEDI Laurent
Journal article
JUMAN, Z. A. M. S., R. M’HALLAH, R. LOKUHETTI, O. BATTAIA, "A multi-vendor multi-buyer integrated production-inventory model with synchronised unequal-sized batch delivery", International Journal of Production Research, 2023, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 462–484 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
KATIRAEE, N., M. CALZAVARA, S. FINCO, O. BATTAIA, D. BATTINI, "Assembly line balancing and worker assignment considering workers’ expertise and perceived physical effort", International Journal of Production Research, 2023, vol. 61, no. 20, pp. 6939-6959 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
BATTAIA, O., A. DOLGUI, N. GUSCHINSKY, M. Y. KOVALYOV, "Designing fast-charge urban electric bus services: An Integer Linear Programming model", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, vol. 171, pp. 103065 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
BATTAIA, O., A. DOLGUI, N. GUSCHINSKY, "MIP-based heuristics for combinatorial design of reconfigurable rotary transfer machines for production of multiple parts", International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, vol. 262, pp. 108904 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
BATTAIA, O., A. DOLGUI, N. GUSCHINSKY, B. ROZIN, "MILP model for fleet and charging infrastructure decisions for fast-charging city electric bus services", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, vol. 182, pp. 109336 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
BATTAIA, O., R. GUILLAUME, Z. KRUG, R. OLORUNTOBA, "Environmental and social equity in network design of sustainable closed-loop supply chains", International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, vol. 264, pp. 108981 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
ZHENG, K., S. JASIMUDDIN, O. BATTAIA, J. Z. ZHANG, X. HUO, "Logistics Distribution Optimization: Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of E-Commerce Customers’ Demands  ", Computers in Industry, 2023, vol. 151, no. October, pp. 103960 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
KHACHAI, D., R. SADYKOV, O. BATTAIA, M. KHACHAY, "Precedence constrained generalized traveling salesman problem: Polyhedral study, formulations, and branch-and-cut algorithm", European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, vol. 309, no. 2, pp. 488-505 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
LOVATO, D., R. GUILLAUME, C. THIERRY, O. BATTAIA, "Managing disruptions in aircraft assembly lines with staircase criteria", International Journal of Production Research, 2023, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 632–648 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
TCHUENTE, M., J. R. KALA KAMDJOUG, J. DOUANLA, J.-P. TCHANKAM, "L’influence des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication sur les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises camerounaises : cas des semi-grossistes", Question(s) de management, 2023, vol. n° 45, no. 4, pp. 77-92 TCHANKAM Jean-Paul
Journal article
TCHANKAM, J.-P., "Responsabilité sociale des entreprises et référentiel discursif des théories dans les PMEs" in Mélanges en l'honneur de Zahir YANAT., Jean-Marie Peretti & Jacques Igalens Ed., Management & Prospective Edition, chap. 12, pp. 160-184, 2023 TCHANKAM Jean-Paul
Book chapter
TAKOUDJOU NIMPA, A., J.-P. TCHANKAM, F. P. AZEBAZE KENFACK, "Efficience des PME agro-industrielles au Cameroun : une estimation par la méthode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)", Management & Sciences Sociales, 2023, vol. N° 35, no. 2, pp. 58-73 TCHANKAM Jean-Paul
Journal article
SALISU, A. A., I. ADEDIRAN, P. C. OMOKE, J.-P. TCHANKAM, "Gold and tail risks", Resources Policy, 2023, vol. 80, pp. 103154 TCHANKAM Jean-Paul
Journal article
BARKEMEYER, R., C. W. YOUNG, P. K. CHINTAKAYALA, A. OWEN, "Eco-labels, conspicuous conservation and moral licensing: An indirect behavioural rebound effect", Ecological Economics, 2023, vol. 204, Part A, pp. 107649 BARKEMEYER Ralf
Journal article
BARKEMEYER, R., C. REVELLI, A. DOUAUD, "Selection Bias in ESG Controversies as a Risk for Sustainable Investors", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, vol. 405, pp. 137035 REVELLI Christophe
Journal article
LU, N., P. KUMAR CHINTAKAYALA, T. DEVINNEY, W. YOUNG, R. BARKEMEYER, "A critical review of the socially responsible consumer" in A Research Agenda for Sustainability and Business., Sally Russell, Rory Padfield Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 37-52, 2023 BARKEMEYER Ralf
Book chapter
MOLANDER, S., J. OSTBERG, L. PEÑALOZA, "Brand Morphogenesis: The Role of Heterogeneous Consumer Sub-assemblages in the Change and Continuity of a Brand", Journal of Consumer Research, 2023, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 762-785 PEÑALOZA Lisa
Journal article
PEÑALOZA, L., A. PROTHERO, P. MCDONAGH, K. POUNDERS, "The Past and Future of Gender Research in Marketing: Paradigms, Stances, and Value- Based Commitments", Journal of Marketing, 2023, vol. 87, no. 6, pp. 847-868 PEÑALOZA Lisa
Journal article
CRESPIN MAZET, F., O. DUPOUËT, K. GOGLIO, M. NEUKAM , "Harnessing Internal Communities: the role of intermediary structures", Management International, 2023, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 65-76 CRESPIN MAZET Florence
Journal article
DUPOUËT, O., P. COHENDET, R. RAMPA, R. NAGGAR, L. SIMON, "The relationship between ‘creative slack’ as an intangible asset and the innovative capabilities of the firm", International Journal of Technology Management, 2023 DUPOUËT Olivier
Journal article
GIOIA, P., N. OURAHMOUNE, D. RINALLO, "Place branding and cultural intermediaries representations: a socio-semiotic approach", Advances in Consumer Research, 2023, vol. 51, pp. 61-65 OURAHMOUNE Nacima
Journal article