Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
CASTELLI, C., B. D’HOMBRES, L. D. DOMINICIS, L. DIJKSTRA, V. MONTALTO, N. PONTAROLLO, "What makes cities happy? Factors contributing to life satisfaction in European cities", European Urban and Regional Studies, 2023, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 319-342 | MONTALTO Valentina |
Journal article |
MONTALTO, V., V. ALBERTI, F. PANELLA, P. L. SACCO, "Are cultural cities always creative? An empirical analysis of culture-led development in 190 European cities,", Habitat International, 2023, vol. 132, pp. 102739 | MONTALTO Valentina |
Journal article |
AMBROSINI, V., G. JACK, L. THOMAS, How to develop a sustainable business school, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2023 | THOMAS Lisa |
Book |
BILLSBERRY, J., V. AMBROSINI, L. THOMAS, "Managerialist Control in Post-Pandemic Business Schools: The Tragedy of the New Normal and a New Hope", Academy of Management Learning and Education, 2023, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 439-458 | THOMAS Lisa |
Journal article |
BOJOVIC, N., S. GEIGER, "Epistemic and institutional recognition work in changing conditions of social visibility: Anosmia's journey from the shadows to the spotlight", Social Science and Medicine, December 2023, vol. 338, pp. 116359 | BOJOVIC Neva |
Journal article |
GRIEP, Y., J. KRAAK, J. FENNEMAN, A. JIMENEZ, X. LUB, "You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours: Unethical pro-organizational behavior and deviance in response to different psychological contract states", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 156, pp. 113537 | JIMENEZ Alfredo KRAAK Johannes |
Journal article |
GRIEP, Y., S. BANKINS, J. KRAAK, U. SHERMAN, S. HANSEN, "Sustainable Psychological Contracts : A Pathway for Addressing Precarious Employment" in Tackling Precarious Work., Stuart C. Carr, Veronica Hopner, Darrin J. Hodgetts, Megan Young Eds, CSC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2023 | KRAAK Johannes |
Book chapter |
GRIEP, Y., S. HANSEN, J. KRAAK, "Perceived identity threat and organizational cynicism in the recursive relationship between psychological contract breach and counterproductive work behavior", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2023, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 351–384 | KRAAK Johannes |
Journal article |
GRIEP, Y., J. KRAAK, E. BEEKMAN, "Sustainability is Dead, Long Live Sustainability! Paving the Way to Include ‘The People’ in Sustainability", Group and Organization Management, 2023, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 966–980 | KRAAK Johannes |
Journal article |
STINGLHAMBER, F., N. NGUYEN, M. OHANA, C. LAGIOS, S. DEMOULIN, P. MAURAGE, "For whom and why organizational dehumanization is linked to deviant behaviours", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2023, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 203-229 | OHANA Marc |
Journal article |
OHANA, M., F. STINGLHAMBER, G. CAESENS, "Coworkers’ interpersonal justice and team citizenship behaviors: mediation of social exchange and identity and moderation of extraversion", European Business Review, 2023, vol. 35, pp. 924-940 | OHANA Marc |
Journal article |
MUSHTAQ, R., G. MURTAZA, D. YAHIAOUI, V. PEREIRA, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR, "Are born global firms environmentally more responsible? Evidence from the East Asia and Pacific region", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2023 | MURTAZA Ghulam YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Journal article |
DESHPANDE, B., P. KAUR, A. FERRARIS, D. YAHIAOUI, A. DHIR, "The dark side of advertising. Promoting Unhealthy Food Consumption and Obesity", European Journal of Marketing, 2023, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 2316-2352 | YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Journal article |
GUPTA, M., A. BEHL, V. PEREIRA, D. YAHIAOUI, A. VARMA, "From Full-Time to Part-Time: Motivation Model for the Turbulence-Hit Knowledge Workers", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 163, pp. 113926 | YAHIAOUI Dorra |
Journal article |
MOFATTEH, M. Y., A. PIRAYESH, O. FATAHI VALILAI, "Energy Semantic Data Management and Utilization in Smart Grid Networks with Focus on Circular Economy" in Handbook of Smart Energy Systems., Fathi, M., Zio, E., Pardalos, P.M. (eds), Springer, Cham, pp. 1-24, 2023 | PIRAYESH Amir |
Book chapter |
YOUSEFLOO, A., R. BABAZADEH, M. MOHAMMADI, A. PIRAYESH, A. DOLGUI, "Design of a robust waste recycling network integrating social and environmental pillars of sustainability", Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2023, vol. 176, pp. 108970 | PIRAYESH Amir |
Journal article |
AUGER, P. - "Alexandre Gérard, le patron qui ne voulait pas être chef !" - 2023, CCMP | AUGER Pascale |
Case Study |
AUGER, P. - "HCL Technologies, les employés d'abord, les clients ensuite" - 2023, CCMP | AUGER Pascale |
Case Study |
AUGER, P. - "Emmaus, une organisation emblématique de l'éthique du care" - 2023, CCMP | AUGER Pascale |
Case Study |
AUGER, P., S. ZAOMI - "Les mécanismes de la souffrance au travail, la double contrainte" - 2023, CCMP | AUGER Pascale |
Case Study |
COMYNS, B., P.-X. MESCHI, A. NORHEIM-HANSEN, "Firms' responses to environmental misconduct accusations under the condition of contested practice complexity: Evidence from the palm oil production industry", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2023, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 5332-5348 | COMYNS Breeda NORHEIM-HANSEN Anne |
Journal article |
NORHEIM-HANSEN, A., "Green supplier development: What’s in it for you, the buyer?", Business Horizons, 2023, vol. 66, pp. 101-107 | NORHEIM-HANSEN Anne |
Journal article |
ADAMOVIC, M., M. MOLINES, "What if the supervisor has a different gender? The roles of value fit, identification, and beliefs in gender equality", Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2023, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 101259 | MOLINES Mathieu |
Journal article |
MOLINES, M., A. PERRIER, "Managing my shame: Investigating the effects of organizational identity threat and public service motivation on exemplification", Public Administration Review, 2023, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 726-747 | MOLINES Mathieu |
Journal article |
MOLINES, M., M. STORME, M. MIFSUD, "Promoting ethical voice in the police: a daily Examination of ethical vision, LMX ambivalence, and interpersonal justice", Public Management Review, 2023 | MOLINES Mathieu |
Journal article |
GABAY-MARIANI, L., S. FOLIARD, S. SANDRINE LE PONTOIS, C. VERZAT, S. DUBARD BARBOSA, M. TAVAKOLI, F. BORNARD, M. LOI, J. TIXIER, C. FRIEDMAN, O. TOUTAIN, J. FABRI, C. TESSIER, J. A. LACERDA, "Decentration and Intersubjectivity: Collage as a Qualitative Method of Data Collection" in Nurturing Modalities of Inquiry in Entrepreneurship Research: Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Those Who Research:., David Higgins, Catherine Brentnall, Paul Jones, Pauric McGowan Eds, Emerald Publishing Limited, vol. 17, pp. 149-170, 2023 | GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia |
Book chapter |
GABAY-MARIANI, L., P. PAILLÉ, P. VALÉAU, "The long-term persistence among nascent entrepreneurs: An fsQCA analysis", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 156, pp. 113477 | GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia |
Journal article |
Journal article |
DERBAIX, M., M. KORCHIA, M. PADIOU, "Fans as Prosumers : Labour of Love", International Journal of Arts Management, 2023, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 4-15 | KORCHIA Michaël DERBAIX Maud |
Journal article |
DE SURREL DE SAINT JULIEN, O., M. MECHKAK - "REX : A performant leverage at Schneider Electric" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France | DE SURREL DE SAINT JULIEN Odile |
Case Study |