
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
LEE, J., A. JIMENEZ, T. DEVINNEY, "Learning in SME Internationalization: A New Perspective on Learning From Success versus Failure", Management International Review (Gabler), 2020, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 485-513 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
LEE, J., A. JIMENEZ, S. CHOI, "The Impact of Political Capabilities and Political Markets on Firms’ Decision to Lobby", Journal of International Management, 2020, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 100796 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
MORAL-GARCIA, J. E., A. D. AGRASO-LOPEZ, A. J. RAMOS-MORCILLO, A. JIMENEZ, J. A. JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "The Influence of Physical Activity, Diet, Weight Status and Substance Abuse on Students’ Self-Perceived Health", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, pp. 1-14 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
VELEZ-CALLE, A., M.MARIAM, M. A.GONZALEZ-PEREZ, A.JIMENEZ, J.EISENBERG, S.SANTAMARIA ALVAREZ, "When technological savviness overcomes cultural differences: Millennials in global virtual teams", Critical Perspectives on International Business, 2020, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 279-303 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
PUCHE-REGALIZA, J. C., A. JIMENEZ, P. ARRANZ-VAL, "Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model", Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2020, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 215-236 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
LUPTON, N., G. F. JIANG, L. F. ESCOBAR, A. JIMENEZ, "National income inequality and international business expansion", Business & Society (Sage), 2020, vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 1630-1666 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
CORSI, A., H. REMAUD, "How wine is really purchased? A systematic multi-country, multi panel analysis", Current Opinion in Food Science, 2020, vol. 33, pp. 78-84 REMAUD Hervé
Journal article
PETERS, K., H. REMAUD, "Factors influencing cosumber menu-item selection in a restaurant context", Food Quality and Preference, 2020, vol. 82, pp. 103887 REMAUD Hervé
Journal article
BENTEBBAA, S., "Exploration de l’identité des entreprises familiales en contexte marocain" in Contexte et contextualisation, Mosaïque d'approches en Management., Doha Sahraoui Bentaleb et Abdenbi Louitri. Ed., Editions Management et Innovation, pp. 211-234, 2020 BENTEBBAA Sara
Book chapter
DUCASSY, I., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Capital Structure Design: Three examples of financial policies and their determinants" - 2020, CCMP, France DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
DUCASSY, I., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Choix de financement : trois exemples de politique financière et leurs déterminants" - 2020, CCMP DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
LE PODER, L., I. DUCASSY - "Le Slip Français : du bad buzz à la crise digitale" - 2020, CCMP, France DUCASSY Isabelle
LE PODER Laurence
Case Study
TALBOT, D., G. BARBAT, "Water disclosure in the mining sector: An assessment of the credibility of sustainability reports", Corporate Social Responsibilty and Environmental Management, 2020, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1241-1251 BARBAT Guillaume
Journal article
DANGLADE, J.-P., Valorisez votre marque employeur!, De Boeck Superieur, LOUVAIN LA NEUVE, France, 2020 DANGLADE Jean-Philippe
MAILLE, V., M. MORRIN, R. REYNOLDS-MCILNAY, "On the Other Hand…: Enhancing Promotional Effectiveness with Haptic Cues", Journal of Marketing Research, 2020, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 100-117 MAILLE Virginie
Journal article
BRENNAN, R., L.CANNING, R.MCDOWELL, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Great Britain, 2020 CANNING Louise
THOMAS, C., R.KAMINSKA, P.ANDRIANI, "Bill McKlevey - Les sciences de la complexité: un paradigme pour intégrer les différentes perspectives de l’organisation." in Les grands auteurs en strategie., Thomas Loilier & Albéric Tellier Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 531–548, 2020 ANDRIANI Pierpaolo
Book chapter
DAWSON, N., P.ANDRIANI, "Is it time to rethink “normal” in population health research?" in Complex systems and population health: a primer.., Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Kristen Hassmiller Lich & Michael Kenneth Lemke Eds, Oxford University Press, 2020 ANDRIANI Pierpaolo
Book chapter
SANNAJUST, A., A. CHEVALIER, "Going private transactions performance in emerging economies: a comparative study in Latin America and Asia", Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 2020, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-33 SANNAJUST Aurélie
Journal article
BILLON, D. - "Henri Piquet : comment réveiller une belle endormie en embrassant de nouveaux rituels de consommation ?" - 2020, CCMP, France BILLON Dominique
Case Study
SANNAJUST, A., A. GROH, "There's no need to be a pioneer in emerging private equity markets", Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020, vol. 65, pp. 101781 SANNAJUST Aurélie
Journal article
BALLY, F., M. GABILLET, D. LAFORGUE, S. LAVOREL, V. PEYRACHE-GADEAU, "La « crise du Chambon », de nouveaux liens entre territoire, institutions, populations et sciences", Nature Sciences Sociétés, 2020, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 24-34 BALLY Frédéric
Journal article