Dominique BILLON


MSc Marketing & Brand Management Director

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Dominique Billon is Director of the MSc Marketing. He has a Master’s degree from Kedge Business School and the University of Bordeaux, and a PhD from the University of Rouen. His research focuses on the brand as a cultural resource in shaping family identity. Dominique launched and managed several programmes (Bachelor, Master 1, etc.) and has teaching experience at Bachelor, Master/MSc, and executive levels in France, China (Beijing) and Sénégal (Dakar). Dominique specialises in the field of experiential marketing, digital marketing and cultural branding.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    BILLON, D. - "Craquer ? ou pas pour une Tesla ? : une exp¨¦rience d'achat atypique, un parcours client innovant" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    BILLON, D., V. BARBAT - "GreenMa : comment cr¨¦er et d¨¦velopper une marque DNVB sur le march¨¦ des th¨¦s et des infusions bio ?" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    BILLON, D. - "Henri Piquet : comment r¨¦veiller une belle endormie en embrassant de nouveaux rituels de consommation ?" - 2020, CCMP, France 2020 Case Study
    Teaching domains


    • Expérientiel Marketing
    • Qualitative methods
    • Strategic marketing
    • Operational marketing
    • Consumer Culture
    • Brand Management
    Research domains


    • Experiential branding

    Consumer Culture Theory
