Publications |
Kedge Authors |
Type of publications |
BEL HADJ ALI, S. - "Danse Concept - La compta sans comptes d'une enseigne de luxe innovante spécialisée dans l'univers de la danse latine" - 2020, CCMP |
Case Study |
GERGAUD, O., V.GINSBURGH, "Google Trends Data" in Handbook of Cultural Economics., Ruth Towse & Trilce Navarrete Hernandez Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 266-278, 2020 |
Book chapter |
DALLE CARBONARE, P. M., M. PROKUPEK, "Cultural business models: The mistake of obsoletion" in Managing the Cultural Business., Michela Addis, Andrea Rurale Eds, Routledge, vol. 1, chap. 2, pp. 37 - 77, 2020 |
Book chapter |
JETIN, B., L. REYES-ORTIZ, "Wage-led Demand as a Rebalancing Strategy for Economic Growth in China", Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, 2020, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 341-366 |
Journal article |
MAZIER, J., L.REYES-ORTIZ, "A simple finance-led SFC model" in Global Imbalances and Financial Capitalism. Stock-Flow-Consistent Modelling., Jacques Mazier Ed., Routledge, 2020 |
Book chapter |
CARIOU, P., R. ADLAND, F. -C. WOLFF, "Optimal ship speed and the cubic law revisited: Empirical evidence from an oil tanker fleet", Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, vol. 140, pp. 101972 |
Journal article |
CHEAITOU, A., O. FAURY, P. CARIOU, S. HAMDAN, G. FABBRI, "Economic and environmental impacts of Arctic shipping: A probabilistic approach", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2020, vol. 89, pp. 102606 |
Journal article |
GUEVARA, E., F. BABONNEAU, T. HOMEM-DE-MELLO, S. MORET, "A machine learning and distributionally robust optimization framework for strategic energy planning under uncertainty", Applied Energy, 2020, vol. 271, no. 1, pp. 115005 |
Journal article |
MORET, S., F. BABONNEAU, M. BIERLAIRE, F. MARÉCHAL, "Decision support for strategic energy planning: A robust optimization framework", European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, vol. 280, no. 2, pp. 539-554 |
Journal article |
MORET, S., F. BABONNEAU, M. BIERLAIRE, F. MARÉCHAL, "Overcapacity in European power systems: Analysis and robust optimization approach", Applied Energy, 2020, vol. 259, pp. 113970 |
Journal article |
HEINZE, A., "Search engine optimisation Strategy implementation" in Digital and Social Media Marketing: A results Driven Approach., Aleksej Heinze, Gordon Fletcher, Tahir Rashid & Ana Cruz Eds, Routledge, vol. 2nd Edition, chap. 7, pp. 175- 229, 2020 |
HEINZE Aleksej
Book chapter |
IREDALE, S., A. HEINZE, M. J. WILLIAMS, "Content marketing" in Digital and Social Media Marketing A Results-Driven Approach., Aleksej Heinze, Gordon Fletcher, Tahir Rashid & Ana Cruz Eds, Routledge, vol. 2nd Edition, chap. 9, pp. 230- 256, 2020 |
HEINZE Aleksej
Book chapter |
HEINZE, A., A. FENTON - "How Can Public Desire Grow in the Global Fast Fashion Industry?" - 2020, The Case Centre, Bedfordshire, UK, Great Britain |
HEINZE Aleksej
Case Study |
FENTON, A., A. HEINZE - "Fan Fit: developing a sports club social media and fitness app to engage fans" - 2020, The Case Centre, Great Britain |
HEINZE Aleksej
Case Study |
QUÉVAT, A., A. HEINZE, "The digital transformation of preventive telemedicine in France based on the use of connected wearable devices", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2020, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 17-27 |
HEINZE Aleksej
Journal article |
VAUDOUR, F., A. HEINZE, "Software as a service: Lessons from the video game industry", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2020, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 31–40 |
HEINZE Aleksej
Journal article |
LUIS-RICO, I., M. C.ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, T.DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, A.JIMENEZ, A.HERRERO, C.PALMERO-CAMARA, J. A.JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "Entrepreneurial interest and entrepreneurial competence among Spanish youth: an analysis with Artificial Neural Networks", Sustainability, 2020, vol. 12, no. 4, (1351), pp. 1-17 |
Journal article |
BAYRAKTAR, S., A. JIMENEZ, "Self-efficacy as a resource: a moderated mediation model of transformational leadership, extent of change and reactions to change", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2020, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 301-317 |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, J. C. PUCHE-REGALIZA, A. HERRERO, "Corruption and Private Participation Infrastructure Projects: The Influence of Vicarious Experience and National Animosity", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2020, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 513-527 |
Journal article |
KRAMMER, S. M., A. JIMENEZ, "Do political connections matter for firm innovation? Evidence from emerging markets in Central Asia and Eastern Europe", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, vol. 151, pp. 119669 |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., M. EREN, S. BAYRAKTAR, "Psychic distance and FDI in Turkey: the role of industrial development and religion", European Journal of International Management, 2020, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 775-795 |
Journal article |
HERRERO, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Machine Learning to Forecast the Success of Infrastructure Projects Worldwide", Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal , 2020, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 714-731 |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, "Political risk in private participation projects: The effects of political discretionality and corruption", Thunderbird International Business Review, 2020, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 149-160 |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., I. ALON, H. LIU, H. WANG, "The institutionalization of political risk assessment by Chinese multinational firms", Management International, 2020, vol. 24, pp. 49-63 |
Journal article |
LUIS-RICO, M. -I., M. -C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, T. DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, A. HERRERO, A. JIMENEZ, P. ARRANZ-VAL, C. PALMERO-CÁMARA, J. A. JIMÉNEZ-EGUIZÁBAL, "The association of parental interest in entrepreneurship to the entrepreneurial interest of Spanish youth", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, no. 13(4744), pp. 1-16 |
Journal article |
LEE, J., V. TARAS, A. JIMENEZ, B. CHOI, C. PATTNAIK, "Ambidextrous Knowledge Sharing within R&D Teams and Multinational Enterprise Performance: The Moderating Effects of Cultural Distance in Uncertainty Avoidance", Management International Review (Gabler), 2020, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 387-425 |
Journal article |
LEE, J. Y., A. JIMENEZ, K. R. BHANDARI, "Subsidiary roles and dual knowledge flows between MNE subsidiaries and headquarters: The moderating effects of organizational governance types", Journal of Business Research, 2020, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 188-200 |
Journal article |
LEE, J. Y., A. JIMENEZ, Y. YANG, Y. SOO, "Political Risk, Internal Versus Global Value Chain Knowledge, and Subsidiary Operational Integration", Global Strategy Journal, 2020, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 444-472 |
Journal article |