Publication |
Year of publication |
Type of publication |
GENTINA, E., V. MAILLE, Z. LI, "A cross-national study of nomophobia among Brazilian, Chinese, French, and U.S. young people: The role of materialism", Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2023, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 545-573 |
2023 |
Journal article |
LI, Z., E. GENTINA, V. MAILLE, "The Complex Relationship Between Creativity and Consumer Ethics Depending on Endemic Corruption in Emerging and Developed Countries", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2023, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1525-1542 |
2023 |
Journal article |
MAILLE, V., E. GENTINA, Z. LI, "The Influence of Social belonging and Creativity on the Immoral Consumption Behaviors of New Adolescents: A Cross-Cultural Study of 16¨C24 Year Olds", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 2021, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 70-99 |
2021 |
Journal article |
MAILLE, V., M. MORRIN, R. REYNOLDS-MCILNAY, "On the Other Hand¡: Enhancing Promotional Effectiveness with Haptic Cues", Journal of Marketing Research, 2020, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 100-117 |
2020 |
Journal article |
NENKOV, G., M. MORRIN, V. MAILLE, T. RANK-CHRISTMAN, M. LWIN, "Sense and sensibility: The impact of visual and auditory sensory input on marketplace morality", Journal of Business Research, 2019, vol. 95, pp. 428-441 |
2019 |
Journal article |
MAILLE, V., "Comment g¨¦rer les sensations tactiles, thermiques et motrices du client ?" in Le marketing sensoriel et exp¨¦rientiel du point de vente., Sophie Rieunier Ed., Dunod, pp. 185-223, 2017 |
2017 |
Book chapter |
MAILLE, V., N.FLECK, P.RAGHUBIR, "What a Strange Bottle! Effects of Perceived Congruence of a Package Design" in The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science.., Colin L. Campbell Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 582-585, 2017 |
2017 |
Book chapter |