Publication |
Year of publication |
Type of publication |
FEDI, L., O. FAURY, A. CHEAITOU, L. ETIENNE, P. RIGOT-MULLER, "Application of the IMO taxonomy on casualty investigation: Analysis of 20 years of marine accidents along the North-East Passage", Marine Policy, 2024, vol. 162, pp. 106061 |
2024 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., M. C. LAVISSI?RE, A. LAVISSIERE, "Taking maritime shipping agreements out of the box", Maritime Policy & Management, 2024, vol. 51:4, pp. 540-557 |
2024 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "Incoterms? 1936 ¨¤ 2020 : Regard sur un si¨¨cle de codification de la vente internationale de marchandises" in M¨¦langes en l¡¯honneur du Professeur Philippe Delebecque. Ecrits sans esprit de syst¨¨me., Lefebvre Dalloz Ed., Recueil Dalloz, pp. 537-548, 2024 |
2024 |
Book chapter |
MONIOS, J., L. FEDI, "The principal-agent problem in hierarchical policy making: A failure of policy to support the transition to LNG as an alternative shipping fuel", Marine Policy, 2023, vol. 157, pp. 105846 |
2023 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., P. CARIOU, J. MONIOS, "The French port system: forty years of port governance reforms" in Regulation and Finance in the Port Industry: Lessons from Worldwide experiences., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-210, 2022 |
2022 |
Book chapter |
CHEAITOU, A., O. FAURY, L. ETIENNE, L. FEDI, P. RIGOT-MULLER, S. STEPHENSON, "Impact of CO2 emission taxation and fuel types on Arctic shipping attractiveness", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, vol. 112, pp. 103491 |
2022 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., O. FAURY, P. RIGOT-MULLER, N. MONTIER , "COVID-19 as a catalyst of a new container port hierarchy in Mediterranean Sea and Northern Range", Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2022, vol. 24, pp. 747-777 |
2022 |
Journal article |
LAVISSI?RE, M. C., L. FEDI, "Maritime Cooperative Working Agreements: towards variability or standardization?", Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication - FACHSPRACHE , 2022, vol. XLIV (3-4), pp. 130-147 |
2022 |
Journal article |
RIGOT-MULLER, P., A. CHEAITOU, L. ETIENNE, O. FAURY, L. FEDI, "The role of polarseaworthiness in shipping planning for infrastructure projects in the Arctic: the case of Yamal LNG plant,", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, vol. 155, pp. 330-353 |
2022 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "L¡¯h¨¦g¨¦monie des alliances strat¨¦giques dans le transport maritime de lignes : interrogations et voies de r¨¦ponses du droit de la concurrence au niveau europ¨¦en et international." in Le travail et la mer., Alexandre Charbonneau, Olga Fotinopoulou-Basurko, Fran?ois Mandin Eds, A. Pedone, pp. 151-166, 2021 |
2021 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "Les contrats d¡¯alliances maritimes : Coop¨¦ration int¨¦gr¨¦e ou fusion masqu¨¦e ?" in Penser le Maroc logistique : une perspective pluridisciplinaire,., A. Naciri et G. Pach¨¦ Ed., Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, pp. 161- 173, 2021 |
2021 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "International Maritime Regulation: Closing the Gaps Between Successful Achievements and Persistent Insufficiencies," in International Encyclopedia of Transportation., In: Vickerman, Roger Eds, Elsevier, vol. 5, pp. 600-606, 2021 |
2021 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "La perte des conteneurs en mer : vers un renforcement de la l¨¦gislation ?", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2021, vol. 834, pp. 320-328 |
2021 |
Journal article |
CHARBONNEAU, A., P. CHAUMETTE, L. FEDI, "Sant¨¦ au travail, rel¨¨ve des ¨¦quipages, dialogue social et emploi maritime : retour d¡¯exp¨¦riences sur la gestion en France de la crise de la Covid-19", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2020, no. 827, pp. 686-694 |
2020 |
Journal article |
CHAUMETTE, P., A. CHARBONNEAU, L. FEDI, "Prospective internationale", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2020, vol. 827, pp. 718-721 |
2020 |
Journal article |
LAVISSIERE, A., L. FEDI, T. MANDJAK, J. HOFMANN, "Port marketing as manifestation of sustainable marketing in a B2B context", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2020, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 524-536 |
2020 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., O. FAURY, L. ETIENNE, "Mapping and analysis of maritime accidents in the Russian Arctic through the lens of the Polar Code and POLARIS system", Marine Policy, 2020, vol. 118, pp. 103984 |
2020 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "Incoterms? 2020 : la prophylaxie juridique au service de la vente internationale", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2020, vol. 822, pp. 204-211 |
2020 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., A. LAVISSIERE, D. RUSSELL, D. SWANSON, "The facilitating role of IT systems for legal compliance: the case of port community systems and container Verified Gross Mass (VGM)", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2019, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 29¨C42. |
2019 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., O.FAURY, L.ETIENNE, P.RIGOT-MULLER , A.CHEAITOU, S.STEPHENSON, "L¡¯impact de la gestion du risque sur l¡¯attractivit¨¦ du Passage du Nord-Est" in Baltic-Arctic Strategic Perspective., Arnaud Serry, Yann Alix & Viktoras Sencila Eds, Editions EMS, chap. 9, pp. 169-190, 2019 |
2019 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "Arctic Shipping Law From Atomised Legislations to Integrated Regulatory Framework: The Polar Code (R)Evolution?¡±" in Arctic Shipping, Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development., Fr¨¦d¨¦ric Lasserre, Olivier Faury Eds, Routledge, chap. 7, pp. 117-136, 2019 |
2019 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "Alliances strat¨¦giques dans l¡¯industrie des liners : les voies de r¨¦ponses du droit de la concurrence europ¨¦en et international", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2019, no. 816, pp. 675-686 |
2019 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "L¡¯incoterm EXW : le faux ami de la vente internationale", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2019, no. 817, pp. 828-833 |
2019 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "?Le droit anglais des ventes maritimes;?Sassoon: CIF and FOB Contracts", Droit maritime fran?ais, May 2018, no. 802, pp. 412-420 |
2018 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "De l¡¯imputation des risques et co?ts dans une vente internationale", Droit maritime fran?ais, June 2018, no. 803, pp. 528-535 |
2018 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., L.ETIENNE, O.FAURY, P.RIGOT-MULLER, S.STEPHENSON, A.CHEAITOU, "Arctic Navigation; Stakes, Benefits, Limits of the Polaris System", Journal of Ocean Technology, December 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 54-67 |
2018 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., O.FAURY, D.GRITSENKO, "The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters: a ¡°toolbox¡± for underwriters?", Maritime Policy & Management, 2018, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 478-494 |
2018 |
Journal article |
LE PODER, L., L. FEDI - "GREENMODAL TRANSPORT : les enjeux d¡¯une logistique durable pour l¡¯implantation d¡¯une plate-forme trimodale en R¨¦gion parisienne Collection KEDGE. CCMP. KEDGE-PL-003" - 2018, CCMP, Paris, France |
2018 |
Case Study |
FEDI, L., "De l¡¯int¨¦r¨ºt de bien choisir son incoterm", Droit maritime fran?ais, October 2017, no. 795, pp. 826 -831 |
2017 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "La surveillance, la d¨¦claration et la v¨¦rification des ¨¦missions de CO2 du transport maritime", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2017, vol. 787, pp. 7-19 |
2017 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "Le monde maritime ¨¤ l¡¯heure du smart", Droit maritime fran?ais, September 2017, no. 794, pp. 729-734 |
2017 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "Le nouveau Code polaire OMI" in Annales de l'Institut M¨¦diterran¨¦en des Transports Maritimes., Ed., IMTM, pp. 175-189, 2017 |
2017 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "Les alliances g¨¦ostrat¨¦giques dans le transport maritime conteneuris¨¦" in Annales de l'Institut M¨¦diterran¨¦en des Transports Maritimes., Ed., IMTM, pp. 175-189, 2017 |
2017 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "The Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of ships¡¯ CO2 emissions: a European substantial policy measure towards accurate and transparent CO2 quantification" in Ocean Yearbook., Ed., Brill, vol. 31, pp. 381-417., 2017 |
2017 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., A.LAVISSIERE, T.MANDJ?K, "The key role of infrastructure in backshoring operations: the case of free zones", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2016, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 143-155 |
2016 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "L¡¯¨¦mergence des ¨¦nergies marines renouvelables : enjeux juridiques et socio-¨¦conomiques", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2016, vol. 785, pp. 961-965 |
2016 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., "La responsabilit¨¦ des op¨¦rateurs de terminaux portuaires dans le cadre des conventions CNUDCI" in Le Droit maritime dans tous ses ¨¦tats., Ed., Presse Universitaire Aix-Marseille, pp. 43-61, 2016 |
2016 |
Book chapter |
FEDI, L., "Le cr¨¦dit documentaire irr¨¦vocable et confirm¨¦ : un double contrat rigoureux", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2016, vol. 780, pp. 405 - 417 |
2016 |
Journal article |
FEDI, L., O.FAURY, "Les enjeux et impacts du Code Polaire OMI", Droit maritime fran?ais, 2016, no. 779, pp. 323-337 |
2016 |
Journal article |
LE PODER, L., L.FEDI - "GREENMODAL TRANSPORT : Comment devenir un organisateur de transport innovant et durable" - 2016, CCMP, France |
2016 |
Case Study |