
2475 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
GARONNE, C. - "Lime : Micro-mobility challenges in France" - 2023, ECCH, London, Great Britain GARONNE Christophe
Case Study
GARONNE, C. - "La micromobilité en France" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France GARONNE Christophe
Case Study
GARONNE, C. - "Micromobility in FranceTEST" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France GARONNE Christophe
Case Study
CRESPIN MAZET, F., G. PARMENTIER, "What is a community + Consumer communities + the value of communities + how to facilitate a community + communities as a new source of value creation for Laerdal Medical + Legitimizing the community at the institutional level" in The practical guide to communities - a new lease on life for organizations., Editions d'Innovation Ed., Editions d'Innovation, vol. 1, chap. 81, pp. 24 - 36 - 74-103-216-227, 2023 CRESPIN MAZET Florence
Book chapter
HOSSAIN, M., S. PARK, S. SHAHID, "Frugal innovation for sustainable rural development", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, vol. 193, pp. 122662 SHAHID Subhan
Journal article
KUNDI, Y. M., S. SHAHID, "Joint Decision-Making and Team Outcomes: Examining Cross-Lagged Relationships and the Roles of Psychological Safety and Participative Leadership", Human Performance, 2023, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 89-108 SHAHID Subhan
Journal article
ASHRAF, N., W. WADHO, S. SHAHID, "Faultlines in Family SMEs: The U-Shape Effect of Family Control on Innovativeness and Performance", M@n@gement, 2023, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 1–15 SHAHID Subhan
Journal article
SHAHID, M. S., M. HOSSAIN, S. SHAHID, T. ANWAR, "Frugal innovation as a source of sustainable entrepreneurship to tackle social and environmental challenges", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, vol. 406, pp. 137050 SHAHID Subhan
Journal article
SHAHID, S., "Perceived barriers and entrepreneurial exit intentions: moderating role of regular versus sustainable entrepreneurship", European Business Review, 2023, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 39-56 SHAHID Subhan
Journal article
CLEVELAND, M., B. BARTIKOWSKI, "Cross-national consistency of place-related identity dispositions as antecedents of global brand advocacy among ethnic Chinese at home and abroad", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 155, no. B, pp. 113405 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
PITARDI, V., B. BARTIKOWSKI, V.-S. OSBURG, V. YOGANATHAN, "Effects of Gender Congruity in Human-Robot Service Interactions: The Moderating Role of Masculinity.", International Journal of Information Management, 2023, vol. 70, pp. 102489 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
BARTIKOWSKI, B., M.-O. RICHARD, H. GIERL, "Fit or misfit of culture in marketing communication? Development of the culture-ladenness fit index", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 167, pp. 114191 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
ISHAQ, M. I., A. RAZA, B. BARTIKOWSKI, H. SARWAR, Z. REHMAN, "Masstige marketing: A scale development and validity study", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 166, pp. 114112 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
HAMEED, T., P. VON STADEN, K.-S. KWON, "Inter-Team Cooperation: An Overlooked Imperative in South Korea’s Transition to the Technological Frontier", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2023 VON STADEN Peter
Journal article
CRAINIC , T., W. KLIBI, B. MONTREUIL, "Hyperconnected city logistics: a conceptual framework" in Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight., Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, and Michela Le Pira Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 20, pp. 398-421, 2023 KLIBI Walid
Book chapter
BEN MOHAMED, I., W. KLIBI, R. SADYKOV, H. ÅžEN, F. VANDERBECK, "The two-echelon stochastic multi-period capacitated location-routing problem", European Journal of Operational Research, 2023, vol. 306, no. 2, pp. 645-667 KLIBI Walid
Journal article
SARKIS, J., J. HOFSTETTER, "Corporate sustainable supply chain management: from freestyle to compulsory" in Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility., Anthony Goerzen Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 443–461, 2023 HOFSTETTER Joerg
Book chapter
GRIMM, J. H., J. HOFSTETTER, J. SARKIS, "Corporate sustainability standards in multi-tier supply chains – an institutional entrepreneurship perspective", International Journal of Production Research, 2023, vol. 61, no. 14, pp. 4702-4724 HOFSTETTER Joerg
Journal article
BEDU, N., C. GRANIER, C. REVELLI, "Asset management and Sustainability. Critical Perspectives and Reform Issues" in Ecological Money and Finance. An exploration of sustainable monetary and financial systems., Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 683-725, 2023 REVELLI Christophe
Book chapter
BEDU, N., C. GRANIER, C. REVELLI, "Asset Management and Sustainability. Industries and Regulatory Issues" in Ecological Money and Finance. An exploration of sustainable monetary and financial systems., Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 651-682, 2023 REVELLI Christophe
Book chapter
RICHOMME-HUET, K., O. DE SURREL DE SAINT JULIEN, "Lenali, the first audio social media: the Malian app empowering small-business owners" in Cases on Digital Entrepreneurship., Edward ELGAR Publishing Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 12, pp. 145–159, 2023 RICHOMME-HUET Katia
Book chapter
BARES, F., B. COVA, "Plaidoyer pour une prise en compte de la proposition de valeur de liaison entre consommateurs dans le champ de l’entrepreneuriat", Revue Internationale PME, 2023, vol. 36, no. 3-4, pp. 167-177 COVA Bernard
Journal article
BARES, F., B. COVA, "Mouvements de consommateurs activistes : Entre cadrage des fondateurs et auto-organisation des membres", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2023, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 14– 39 COVA Bernard
Journal article
COVA, B., A. SHANKAR, J. COFFIN , "Marketplaces Cultures" in Consumer Culture Theory Second Edition., Eric Arnould, Craig Thompson, David Crockett & Michelle Weinberger Eds, Sage, pp. 97-110, 2023 COVA Bernard
Book chapter
SKÅLÉN, P., B. COVA, J. GUMMERUS J, A. SIHVONEN, "Marketing-as-practice: A framework and research agenda for value-creating marketing activity", Marketing Theory, 2023, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 185-206 COVA Bernard
Journal article
CARU, A., B. COVA, Z. VOSS, "Disruptive Audience Performance: The Extremes of the Duet Applauses/Boos", International Journal of Arts Management, 2023, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 72-81 COVA Bernard
Journal article
BARES, F., B. COVA, A. NEMANI, START-UPS AND THE MOBILIZATION OF SOCIAL INTERACTIONS, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK, Great Britain, 2023 COVA Bernard
GROSS, J., Z. CUI, F. VON WANGENHEIM, "How to make influencer advertising engaging on Instagram: Emotional storytelling in sponsored posts", Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2023, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 388-408 GROSS Jana
Journal article