Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
SOUCHET, L., D. MAYEUR, D. COURBET, S. HALIMI-FALKOWICZ, "L’acquiescement répété appliqué à la communication numérique" Forthcoming Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées | MAYEUR Didier |
Journal article |
DUBREUIL, C., D. DION, S. BORRAZ, "For the Love of the Game: Moral Ambivalence and Justification Work in Consuming Violence", Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, vol. 186, pp. 675-694 | DUBREUIL Clement |
Journal article |
LANG, G., S. OUVRARD - "BOREAL Ltd Sustainable Supply Chain & Finance" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France | OUVRARD Stéphane LANG Gerald |
Case Study |
GENTINA, E., V. MAILLE, Z. LI, "A cross-national study of nomophobia among Brazilian, Chinese, French, and U.S. young people: The role of materialism", Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2023, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 545-573 | MAILLE Virginie |
Journal article |
LI, Z., E. GENTINA, V. MAILLE, "The Complex Relationship Between Creativity and Consumer Ethics Depending on Endemic Corruption in Emerging and Developed Countries", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2023, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 1525-1542 | MAILLE Virginie |
Journal article |
DESPLEBIN, O., G. LUX, N. PETIT, "L’enseignement de la blockchain pour les étudiants en comptabilité : état des lieux et leçons issues du Top 50 mondial des universités", Audit Comptabilité Contrôle : Recherches Appliquées, 2023, vol. 3, no. 18, pp. 59-91 | PETIT Nicolas |
Journal article |
ANGLES, V., T. MIRON - "Bioderma: International priority markets for a dermo-cosmetic brand – the road to performance" - 2023, The Case Centre, Great Britain | ANGLES Valérie |
Case Study |
ANDRIEU, G., A. SANNAJUST, "ICOs after the decline: a literature review and recommendations for a sustainable development", Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 2023, pp. 1-19 | SANNAJUST Aurélie |
Journal article |
POMMET , S., A. SANNAJUST, Q. XU , "Rating of equity crowdfunding platforms", Finance Research Letters, 2023, vol. 58, Part D, pp. 104639 | SANNAJUST Aurélie |
Journal article |
SANNAJUST, A., A. GROH, "Pioneering management buy-out and entrepreneurial finance research: Mike Wright’s research legacy.", Small Business Economics, 2023, vol. 60, pp. 1-35 | SANNAJUST Aurélie |
Journal article |
SANNAJUST, A., A. GROH, "Private Equity in Emerging Markets" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Douglas Cumming, Benjamin Hammer Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 37, 2023 | SANNAJUST Aurélie |
Book chapter |
BALLY, F., M. COLETTI, "Civil society involvement in the governance of green infrastructure: An analysis of policy recommendations from EU-funded projects", Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, vol. 342, pp. 118070 | BALLY Frédéric |
Journal article |
Journal article |
EBONDO WA MANDZILA, E., "La RSE et l'audit" in Le Grand livre de la RSE., Rémi Demersseman, Stéphane Trébucq Eds, Dunod, pp. 33- 152, 2023 | EBONDO WA MANDZILA Eustache |
Book chapter |
GOGLIO, K., P. COHENDET, F. CRESPIN MAZET, L. SIMON, "Managing with communities for innovation, agility, and resilience", European Management Journal, 2023, vol. 27, pp. 534-539 | CRESPIN MAZET Florence GOGLIO Karine |
Journal article |
PAVONE, G., L. MEYER-WAARDEN, A. MUNZEL, "Rage Against the Machine: Experimental Insights into Customers’ Negative Emotional Responses, Attributions of Responsibility, and Coping Strategies in Artificial Intelligence–Based Service Failures", Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2023, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 52-71. | PAVONE Giulia |
Journal article |
ALRABIE, N., E. BONHOURE, "Collecter des données originales ou de façon originale en gestion" in L’Expérience de la Thèse en Management., Hugo Gaillard, Julien Cloarec, Juliette Senn, and Albane Grandazzi Eds, Editions Management & Société, 2023 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Book chapter |
BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, J.-R. KALA KAMDJOUG, M. GIANNAKIS, "How social media live streams affect online buyers: A uses and gratifications perspective", International Journal of Information Management, 2023, vol. 70, pp. 102621 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |
BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, "Influencer is the New Recommender: insights for Theorising Social Recommender Systems", Information Systems Frontiers, 2023, vol. 25(1), pp. 183-197 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |
BONHOURE, E., D. LE BRIS, "Did French stock markets support firms of the Second Industrial Revolution?" in Bank – Industry versus Stock Market – Industry Relationships., JosĂ© L. GarcĂa-Ruiz, and Michelangelo Vasta Eds, Routledge, 2023 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Book chapter |
BONHOURE, E., R. E. BAWACK, "Measuring network-driven citations: An adjusted citation count metric", COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 2023, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 247-268 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |
BONHOURE, E., "How history can inform corporate responsibility: the statutory rule of profit allocation", Journal of Management History, 2023, vol. 29(1), pp. 80-109 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |