
2475 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
KAHUPI, I., N. YAKOVLEVA, C. HULL, O. OKORIE , "Factors affecting the adoption of circular economy in mining companies of developing economies — A Namibian stakeholder perspective", Journal of Environmental Management, June 2024, vol. 361, pp. 121214 YAKOVLEVA Natalia
Journal article
SOUZA PIAO, R., T. VINCENZI, D. VAZQUEZ-BRUST, N. YAKOVLEVA, S. BONSU, M. CARVALHO, "Barriers toward circular economy transition: Exploring different stakeholders' perspectives", Corporate Social Responsibilty and Environmental Management, 2024, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 153-168 YAKOVLEVA Natalia
Journal article
VAZQUEZ-BRUST, D., F. ARTHUR-HOLMES, N. YAKOVLEVA, "The social and environmental responsibility of informal artisanal and small-scale mining in Ghana: An Akan philosophical perspective", Journal of Environmental Management, June 2024, vol. 360, pp. 121131 YAKOVLEVA Natalia
Journal article
ARUFFO, G. A., A. MICHRAFY, D. OULAHNA, M. MICHRAFY, "Experimental and numerical analysis of structural inhomogeneity of grooved compacts", Powder Technology, 2024, vol. 445, pp. 120140 MICHRAFY Mohamed
Journal article
HUANG, C., X. WANG, H. WANG, J. KONG, J. ZHOU, "A novel regional ship collision risk assessment framework for multi-ship encounters in complex waters", Ocean Engineering, 2024, vol. 309, pp. 118583 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
WANG, L., Z. TANG, Y.-Y. LAU, J. ZHOU, M. KANRAK, "The promotion of Shanghai’s position and function in the global container shipping network", International Journal of Urban Sciences, 2024, pp. 701-721 ZHOU Jingen
Journal article
OHANA, M., G. MURTAZA, I. INAM UL HAQ, E. AL-SHATTI, C. ZHANG, "Why and When can CSR toward Employees Lead to Cyberloafing? The Role of Workplace Boredom and Moral Disengagement", Journal of Business Ethics, 2024, vol. 189, pp. 133-148 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
HU, X., S. ZHOU, X. LUO, J. LI, C. ZHANG, "Optimal pricing strategy of an on-demand platform with cross-regional passengers", Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 2024, vol. 122, pp. 102947 ZHANG Chi
Journal article
ZHANG, C., D. MOOSMAYER, M. WANG, M. OHANA, "Managing Chinese suppliers' sustainability performance: The double-edged role of guanxi governance", Industrial Marketing Management, 2024, vol. 118, pp. 189-199 OHANA Marc
Journal article
ZHANG, C., M. VENKATESH, M. OHANA, "The impact of normative institutions on socially sustainable supply chain management: the role of individual cultural values", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2024, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 790-812 OHANA Marc
Journal article
MARTY, J., L. TOSI, "Enhancing sustainable supply chain through downstream actor integration: a comprehensive framework", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2024, vol. VOL. 25, NO. 3,, pp. 321–336 TOSI Laetitia
MARTY Justine
Journal article
EL KHOURY, M., A. JAOUEN, S. SAMMUT, "The liberated firm: An integrative approach involving sociocracy, holacracy, spaghetti organization, management 3.0 and teal organization", Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2024, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 101312 EL KHOURY Michèle
Journal article
ANNABELLE JAOUEN, A., M. EL KHOURY, "So Styles, un management libéré au service d’une vision humaniste" in L'entrepreneuriat humaniste Principes et pratiques., Annabelle Jaouen Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 29-49, 2024 EL KHOURY Michèle
Book chapter
MARTY, J., B. AGERON , "Connecting the customer to the supply chain: proposition of a conceptual framework", European Journal of International Management, 2024, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-30 MARTY Justine
Journal article
TOSI, L., J. MARTY, "Understanding coordination in humanitarian action: insights from the activities–resources–actors model", International Journal of Development Issues, 2024, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 106-127 TOSI Laetitia
MARTY Justine
Journal article
FAUGERE, C., "Velocity of money and Productivity Growth: Explaining the 2% Inflation Target in the US (1959-2007)", International Journal of Financial Studies, 2024, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 15-49 FAUGERE Christophe
Journal article
MARTY, J., M. CHRISTOPHER, B. AGERON, "Making supply chains more sustainable through customer and consumer engagement: The case of rare metals", Corporate Social Responsibilty and Environmental Management, 2024, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 895-908 MARTY Justine
Journal article
MARTY, J., S. SALOMEE RUEL, "Why is “supply chain collaboration” still a hot topic? A review of decades of research and a comprehensive framework proposal", International Journal of Production Economics, 2024, vol. 273, pp. 109259 MARTY Justine
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., D. JAUD, F. DURRIEU, R. LUNARDO, "The ability of experience design characteristics to elicit epistemic value, hedonic value and visitor satisfaction in a wine museum", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2024, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 2582-2600 DURRIEU François
Journal article
KRAAK, J., Y. GRIEP, R. LUNARDO, Y. ALTMAN, "The effects of host country language proficiency on the relationship between psychological contract breach, violation, and work behaviors: A moderated mediation model", European Management Journal, 2024, vol. 42, pp. 611-622 KRAAK Johannes
Journal article
LUNARDO, R., J. GROSS, "How narcissism biases food healthiness perceptions and consumption", Psychology & Marketing, 2024, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 276–291 GROSS Jana
Journal article
FLACANDJI, M., M. VLAD, R. LUNARDO, "The effects of retail apps on shopping well-being and loyalty intention: A matter of competence more than autonomy", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2024, vol. 78, pp. 103762 LUNARDO Renaud
Journal article
BLUT, M., D. CHANEY, R. LUNARDO, R. MENCARELLI, D. GREWAL, "Customer Perceived Value: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis", Journal of Service Research, 2024, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 501-524 LUNARDO Renaud
Journal article
GIRARDIN, F., I. BLAL, R. LUNARDO, "The Role of Brand Authenticity for Higher Education Institutions", Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 1056-1076 LUNARDO Renaud
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., R. LUNARDO, M. BAUMAN, "Seeking relief or reward? A utilitarian-hedonic journey perspective on escapism", European Journal of Marketing, 2024, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1543-1565 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
OHANA, M., M. FORTIN, "Half Just or Half Unjust? the Influence of Dispositional Optimism on the Link Between Interpersonal Peer Injustice, Negative Emotions and Sleep Problems", Group and Organization Management, 2023 OHANA Marc
Journal article