
2475 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
BASURTO, N., A. JIMENEZ, S. BAYRAKTAR, A. HERRERO, "Improving the Prediction of Project Success in the Telecom Sector by means of Advanced Data Balancing", Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal , 2023, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 306-320 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
LAHBIB, O., A. KESSOUS, P. VALETTE-FLORENCE, "Vers une meilleure comprĂ©hension du phĂ©nomĂšne d’ambivalence dans l’endossement du luxe durable", DĂ©cisions Marketing, 2023, vol. 2, no. 110, pp. 85-114 LAHBIB Oxana
Journal article
DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, T., M.-I. LUIS-RICO, C. GUTIÉRREZ CID, M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, S. BAYRAKTAR, C. P. CÁMARA, A. JIMENEZ, "Creencias de los docentes, dimensiones culturales y competencia emprendedora" in Avances en educaciĂłn emprendedora. GĂ©nesis y desarrollo del potencial emprendedor., Bernal, A. Eds, PirĂĄmide, pp. 83-118, 2023 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Book chapter
DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, T., M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, C. DI GIUSTO-VALLE, M.-I. LUIS-RICO, J. A. JIMÉNEZ-EGUIZÁBAL, A. JIMENEZ, "Creencias del profesorado y formaciĂłn del potencial emprendedor en el alumnado", Interciencia. Revista de Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a de AmĂ©rica, 2023, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 398-408 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
HAIDER, S., M. S. NAZIR, A. JIMENEZ, M. A. J. QAMAR, "Commodity Prices and Exchange Rates: Evidence from Commodity Dependent Developed and Emerging Economies", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2023, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 241-271 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
GNEKPE, C., A. JIMENEZ, "Smoke signal: When firms patent strategy and local patent protection system affects equity stakes in cross-border acquisitions", Journal of International Management, 2023, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 101079 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
HERRERA, A., A. ARROYO, A. JIMENEZ, A. HERRERO, "Artificial Intelligence as Catalyst for the Tourism Sector: A Literature Review", Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2023, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1439-1460. JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
JIMENEZ, A., Programa educativo para el desarrollo del potencial emprendedor en adolescentes: PEIEO, Aljibe, Spain, 2023 JIMENEZ Alfredo
LEE, J. Y., D. KIM, B. CHOI, A. JIMENEZ, "Early Evidence on How Industry 4.0 Reshapes MNEs’ Global Value Chains: The Role of Value Creation vs. Value Capturing by Headquarters and Foreign Subsidiaries", Journal of International Business Studies, 2023, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 599-630 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
SHAO, X., A. JIMENEZ, J. Y. LEE, V. TARAS, "The Impact of the Perceived Value of the Sharing Economy on Consumer Usage Behavior: Evidence from Shared Mobility in China", Asian Business & Management, 2023, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1962-2003 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
PEREZ-PEREZ, C., D. BENITO-OSORIO, A. JIMENEZ, "The impact of country-level sustainability and digitalization on the performance: sharing economy dashboard", Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2023, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 621-634 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
TAHIRU, T. A., D. AGHANYA, A. JIMENEZ, T. RAJWANI, "Corporate political activity and bribery in Africa: do internet penetration and foreign ownership matter?", Journal of Business Research, 2023, vol. 154, pp. 113326 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
LU, J., S. J. CHOI, A. JIMENEZ, S. BAYRAKTAR, "Bribery in Emerging Economies: An integration of Institutional and Non-Market Position Perspective", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2023, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 205-242 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
MATOS-CÁMARA, R. F., M. R. MATOS-CÁMARA, A. JIMENEZ, "Perceived Risk in Cancun Tourism. A Destination Marketing Perspective", UCJC Business & Society Review, 2023, vol. 20, no. 77, pp. 160-209 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
HIGUET, M., H. REMAUD, "Do wine buyers behave differently in brick and mortar versus online stores?", British Food Journal, 2023, vol. 125, no. 6, pp. 1968-1984 REMAUD Hervé
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., L. MATHIEU, F. DURRIEU, "Understanding the drivers of patient satisfaction with home health care services: an empirical study of two care pathways", International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2023, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 1644-1656 DURRIEU François
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., L. PHILLIPS, P. A. SMART, N. LOW, "Designing the service delivery system for prevention-oriented goals: insights from two case studies", Journal of Service Management, 2023, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 22-45 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., "Making the customer experience journey more hedonic in a traditionally utilitarian service context: a case study", Journal of Service Management, 2023, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 294-315 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., G. BAROUCH, "Quality Management" in Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management., Jacob Dahl Rendtorff; Maria Bonnafous-Boucher Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 304-308, 2023 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Book chapter
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-E. PALARD - "Naturex SA : une opportunité d'acquisition par le groupe Givaudan" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France ABDOUNE Radouane
Case Study
FAGNOT, I., "Assurance of Learning (AoL) and AACSB’s 2020 Business Accreditation Standards: a conversation with Marine Condette", Organization Management Journal, 2023, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 56-62 FAGNOT Isabelle
Journal article
BENTEBBAA, S., "Strengthening youth social inclusion through inclusive entrepreneurship The case of L’Ecole Entrepreneuriale" in Social innovations and youth inclusion., Ed., Economia, 2023 BENTEBBAA Sara
Book chapter
DUCASSY, I. - "L’introduction en Bourse de Porsche AG" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
DUCASSY, I. - "The IPO of Porsche AG" - 2023, CCMP, France DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
TALBOT, D., G. BARBAT, O. BOIRAL, E. ORDONEZ-PONCE, "Failure to consider environmental risk: The case for biodiversity impact disclosure in the electricity sector", Utilities Policy, 2023, vol. 85, pp. 101672 BARBAT Guillaume
Journal article
DANGLADE, J.-P. - "MorphĂ©e, une stratĂ©gie marketing originale afin de conquĂ©rir le marchĂ© du bien-ĂȘtre" - 2023, CCMP, Paris, France DANGLADE Jean-Philippe
Case Study
HUAMAN RAMIREZ, R., J.-F. TOTI, "How are e-retailer brands related to the manufacturer brands they offer?", International Journal of Market Research, 2023, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 100-125 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
HUAMAN RAMIREZ, R., D. MERUNKA, N. MAANINOU, "Destination personality effects on tourists’ attitude: the role of self-congruity and ambiguity tolerance", Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2023, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 74-98 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
LAHLOUH, K., A. OUMESSAOUD, R. HUAMAN RAMIREZ, H. OUHANNOUR, "COVID-19 safety leadership, perceived severity, and emotional exhaustion: Does safety culture matter?", Journal of Safety Research, 2023, vol. 87, pp. 496-507 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
HUAMAN RAMIREZ, R., K. LAHLOUH, "Understanding Career Plateaus and Their Relationship with Coworker Social Support and Organizational Commitment", Public Organization Review, 2023, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 1083-1104 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article