
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
JIANG, C., S. HORAK - "Leading Agile Transformation: The Case of Sing Pharma in South Korea" - 2022, The Case Centre JIANG Cuiling
Case Study
RANDRIANARISOA, L., D. GILLEN , "Reducing Emissions in International Transport: A Supply Chain Perspective", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, vol. 102, pp. 103074 RANDRIANARISOA Laingo
Journal article
COURBIERE, B., M. DALMAS, A. LACAN, "Parcours santé et satisfaction au travail des collaborateurs. Une étude sur le cas de collaborateurs confrontés à l'assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP) en France", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 2022, vol. 151, pp. 137-165 LACAN Arnaud
Journal article
LACAN, A., "Le rapport aux risques des entrepreneurs : un éclairage sur les tendances sociétales entrepreneuriales", Vie & Sciences de l'Entreprise, 2022, vol. 213, no. 1, pp. 110-124 LACAN Arnaud
Journal article
LACAN, A., "Value-Based Governance as a Performance Element in Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations: A French Sustainable Post-Modern Proposal", Sustainability, 2022, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 2153 LACAN Arnaud
Journal article
LACAN, A., M. DALMAS, "De l'entreprise libérée à l'entreprise libérante essai critique et clinique sur les transformations managériales", Management & Avenir, 2022, vol. 130, pp. 41-63 LACAN Arnaud
Journal article
LE GAUYER, T., A. LACAN, "Une brève histoire de l'entrepreneur et de l'entreprise", Vie & Sciences de l'Entreprise, 2022, vol. 213, no. 1, pp. 55-68 LACAN Arnaud
Journal article
MATHIEU, A., "Etablir une « formula » à partir de l’expérience monétaire européenne. Relations monétaires intergouvernementales, règles monétaires et politiques économiques" in Monnaie, souveraineté et démocratie., Thomas Boccon-Gibod et Alban Mathieu Ed., Le Bord de l'Eau, vol. 1, pp. 155-175, 2022 MATHIEU Alban
Book chapter
MATHIEU, A., "Introduction" in Monnaie, démocratie et souveraineté., Thomas Boccon-Gibbod et Alban Mathieu Ed., Le Bord de l'Eau, vol. 1, pp. 5-17, 2022 MATHIEU Alban
Book chapter
GAO, N., "L'incroyable rattrapage chinois: une menace pour les États-Unis" in ECONOMIE Term STMG - Editions Nathan Technique., Nathan Ed., Editions Nathan, vol. 167638, chap. 8, pp. 125-126, 2022 GAO Ni
Book chapter
MATHIEU, A., "La souveraineté monétaire étatique, entre conditions et contraintes" in Monnaie, souveraineté et démocratie., Thomas Boccon-Gibod et Alban Mathieu Ed., Le Bord de l'Eau, vol. 1, pp. 87-107, 2022 MATHIEU Alban
Book chapter
MATHIEU, A., "Une tentative de réencastrement de la monnaie. Le cas des monnaies complémentaires au sein de la zone euro", Economie Appliquée, 2022, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 77-99 MATHIEU Alban
Journal article
MATHIEU, A., "Interpreting the European monetary union with OCA criteria", Studies in Political Economy, 2022, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 19-35 MATHIEU Alban
Journal article
FUSCHILLO, G., Brand Fan: Capire i fan per aiutare il proprio brand, Franco Angeli Editore, Milan, Italy, 2022 FUSCHILLO Gregorio
BHATTI, S., F. SALEEM, G. MURTAZA, T. UL HAQ, "Exploring the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance: the roles of perceived organizational support and innovative environmental behavior", International Journal of Manpower, 2022, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 742-762 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
KHAN, R., G. MURTAZA, J. P. NEVEU, A. NEWMAN, "Reciprocal Relationship between Workplace Incivility and Deviant Silence - The Moderating Role of Moral Attentiveness", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2022, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 174-196 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
KHAN, R., J. P. JEAN-PIERRE NEVEU, G. MURTAZA, K. KASHIF ULLAH KHAN, "Impact of Psychological Resources on Employee Engagement: The Mediating Role of Positive Affect and Ego-Resilience", Sage Open, 2022, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-12 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
MOUSA, M., H. MASSOUD, R. AYOUBI, G. MURTAZA, "Why Him Not ME? Inclusive/Exclusive Talent Identification in Academic Public Context", International Journal of Public Administration, 2022, vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 747-759 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
HOLLANDTS, X., B. CHAPAS, "Quand la RSE fragilise plus qu’elle ne rassemble. Les enseignements du cas “Danone-Faber”", Entreprise et Société, 2022, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 61-86 HOLLANDTS Xavier
Journal article
HOLLANDTS, X., N. AUBERT, La réforme de l’entreprise : un modèle français de codétermination, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, Aix-Marseille, 2022 HOLLANDTS Xavier
HE, J., F. CHU, A. DOLGUI, F. ZHENG, M. LIU, "Integrated stochastic disassembly line balancing and planning problem with machine specificity", International Journal of Production Research, 2022, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 1688-1708 HE Junkai
Journal article
PETIT, O., A. JAVORNIK, C. VELASCO, "We Eat First with Our (Digital) Eyes: Enhancing Mental Simulation ofEating Experiences via Visual-Enabling Technologies", Journal of Retailing, 2022, vol. 98, no. 2, pp. 277-293 PETIT Olivia
Journal article
PETIT, O., Q. J. WANG, C. SPENCE, "Does pleasure facilitate healthy drinking? The role of epicurean pleasure in the regulation of wine consumption", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2022, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1390-1404 PETIT Olivia
Journal article
DOUCÉ, L., C. ADAMS, O. PETIT, A. NIJHOLT, "Crossmodal Congruency Between Background Music and the Online Store Environment: The Moderating Role of Shopping Goals", Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 PETIT Olivia
Journal article
PETIT, O., C. VELASCO, Q. J. WANG, C. SPENCE, "Consumer Consciousness in Multisensory Extended Reality", Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, vol. 13, pp. 851753 PETIT Olivia
Journal article
VELASCO, C., F. J. BARBOSA ESCOBAR, O. PETIT, "Ethics of experience design and management in the context of digital transformations", Morals & Machines, 2022, vol. 2, pp. 8-21 PETIT Olivia
Journal article
SPENCE, C., K. MOTOKI, O. PETIT, "Factors influencing the visual deliciousness / eye-appeal of food", Food Quality and Preference, 2022, vol. 102, pp. 104672 PETIT Olivia
Journal article
DE VECCHI, D., "Le multilinguisme européen et l’IA. Enquête auprès des futurs décideurs", European and Global Studies Journal "De Europa", 2022, vol. Special Issue, pp. 215-246 DE VECCHI Dardo
Journal article
GOUJON BELGHIT, A., J. HUSSER, S. SEFIANI, "Management du capital humain ou des talents ? Proposition d’un modèle intégrateur", Marché et Organisations, 2022, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 145-168 SEFIANI Said
Journal article
HAWI, A., F. AL-KUWARI, C. GARONNE, "Entrepreneurship Development in Qatar" in Entrepreneurial Rise in the Middle East and North Africa: The Quadruple Helix Influence on Technological Innovation., Ed., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. Advanced Strategies in Entrepreneurship, Education and Ecology, pp. 29-52, 2022 GARONNE Christophe
Book chapter