Responsible Consumption

Responsible Consumption Chair 

Responsible consumption is understood here as a model of occasional, moderate and measured consumption of alcoholic beverages, and in particular wine. It is characterised by the moderation of the quantities consumed (notion of consumption benchmarks), certain consumption habits (for the same quantity of alcohol, consumption spread over time rather than on a single occasion, consumption at the table, etc.), and using concepts such as product and cultural knowledge, pleasure, respect and self-control. 

Encouraging responsible wine consumption behavior is a priority for the wine industry, which cannot accept the misuse of its products and the associated risks. Aware of its social responsibility, the wine industry has been contributing to the development of responsible consumption for many years and has reiterated its desire to participate, as such, in the overall prevention policy, by submitting its contribution to the National Public Health Plan to the President of the Republic on June 27, 2018.

Reasonable consumption is also a way of consuming that takes into account the criteria of sustainable development, i.e. consumption that is both environmentally friendly and beneficial to the economy (especially local), but also positive for society.

The Objectives of the Chair 

The main purpose of this chair is to analyse the main determinants of responsible consumption. It aims to explore how certain aspects of life circumstances, education, work and the economic, social or political environment can influence these behaviors and change alcohol consumption over time. 

The Chair has a stated intention to support the prevention plan of the wine sector and to contribute to its reflection and orientations in terms of prevention.

The Chair's projects will first be based on two research areas

  • Axis 1: Impact of education on responsible wine consumption

•    Study the impact of family and social environment on alcohol consumption. Identify the link between adult alcohol consumption, parental alcohol consumption, alcohol consumption by colleagues, alcohol consumption by friends and close contacts.

•    Study the role of education and human and social capital transmitted by the environment (parents, then friends and colleagues) on consumption.

  • Axis 2: Impact of information 

•    Identify the categories of people with high risk behaviors and their motivations for doing so.

•    Identify the contexts in which wine consumers engage in excessive consumption and the corresponding motivations.

Our Partner

 represents the entire wine sector, i.e. more than 500,000 direct and indirect stakeholders. 21 regional inter-professional organisations and 7 national organisations act through it to defend the place of wine in France and transmit its values.

Through Vin & Société, the 500,000 wine and vine growers in France are committed every day to moderate and responsible wine consumption. While wine is undoubtedly one of the pillars of our cultural heritage, it is not a product like any other because it contains alcohol. The wine sector therefore claims a duty of responsibility. It wishes to enhance the role of wine in our society while promoting a model of responsible consumption.

Expertise and KEDGE Programs



Olivier GERGAUD Chair Holder

David JAUD Managing Director

Florine LIVAT

Thierry LOREY


Claire LAMOUREUX (PhD Student)

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PR Wine Chair

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Bourgogne aujourd'hui - Responsible Consumption Chair (in French)

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