The different perceptions of ros¨¦ wine around the world

Food, wine & hospitality

publication date 15/12/2016


Do consumers¡¯ perceptions vary according to cultural and consumption contexts?

In France today, more rosé wine is sold than white wine, a statement that was impossible to imagine only 20 years ago. Even though this evolution might not be so pronounced in the rest of the world, nowadays rosé is trendy, even considered hip and stylish.
The world production of rosé reached 24.3 million hectoliters (mhl) in 2014 (FranceAgriMer, 2014). This represents 9.6% of global wine production (excluding sparkling wines). Rosé wine production has risen in recent years, boosted by an increase in consumption. Four countries account for 80% of production: France (7.6 mhl in 2014), Spain (5.5 mhl), the United States (3.5 mhl), and Italy (2.5 mhl). Europeans are the main consumers of rosé wine. In this market, it has acquired a distinctive reputation. Indeed, in consumers’ minds, it is often seen as unsophisticated and seasonal. However, is this image really accurate?

 A total of 984 completed surveys were collected in four markets. USA, New Zealand, France, and the UK represent both the Old and New Worlds, as well as wine producing and non-producing regions. These markets were also chosen to be representative of various cultures and consumption contexts. 

The study then includes a by-market comparison based on the identified perceptions and profiles of that wine.  Finally, there are managerial-oriented implications that may help producers develop efficient targeting strategies for all potential rosé consumers. 

Velikova N., Charters S., Bouzdine-Chameeva T., Fountain J., Ritchie C. (2015). Seriously pink: a cross-cultural examination of the perceived image of rosé wine. International Journal of Wine Business Research, 27(4), 281-298.