Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
SANNAJUST, A., O. MEIER, "The smart contract revolution: a solution for the holdup problem", Small Business Economics, 2021, vol. 57, pp. 1073-1088 | SANNAJUST Aurélie |
Journal article |
CRESPIN MAZET, F., K. GOGLIO-PRIMARD, M. HAVENVID , Å. LINNÉ, "The diffusion of innovation in project-based firms – Linking the temporary and the permanent levels of organizations”?", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 1692-1705 | CRESPIN MAZET Florence GOGLIO Karine |
Journal article |
GUILLAUME, L. -P., C. THIESSE, C. DELMAS, C. FOLCO, K. GOGLIO-PRIMARD, "Schneider Electric is Steering its Communities of Practice with the Communities@Work Program" in Communities of Innovation: How organizations harness collective creativity and build resilience., P. Cohendet; M. Rao, E. Ruiz, B. Sarazin, L. Simon Eds, World Scientific, 2021 | GOGLIO Karine |
Book chapter |
GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., "Communities of Practice: They Live by the Value They Produce!» An interview with Etienne Wenger-Trayner" in Communities of Innovation: How organizations harness collective creativity and build resilience., P. Cohendet; M. Rao, E. Ruiz, B. Sarazin Eds, World Scientific, 2021 | GOGLIO Karine |
Book chapter |
HOTTE, K., "Skill transferability and the stability of transition pathways- A learning-based explanation for patterns of diffusion", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2021, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 959-993 | HOTTE Kerstin |
Journal article |
COVA, B., R. SPENCER, F. N. H. FERREIRA, J. PROENÇA, "Understanding the morphing of focal nets in the solution business: a triad management perspective", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 2243-2256. | COVA Bernard |
Journal article |
COVA, B., B. S. IVENS, R. SPENCER, "The ins and outs of market shaping: Exclusion as a darkside?", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 124, pp. 483-493 | COVA Bernard |
Journal article |
HOTTE, K., A. PICHLER, F. LAFOND, "The rise of science in low-carbon energy technologies", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, vol. 139, pp. 110654 | HOTTE Kerstin |
Journal article |
BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, "Influencer is the New Recommender: Insights for Enhancing Social Recommender Systems" in Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society., Denis Dennehy, Anastasia Griva, Nancy Pouloudi, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Ilias Pappas, Matti Mäntymäki Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 681-691, 2021 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Book chapter |
BONHOURE, E., D. LE BRIS, "Did French stock markets support firms of the second industrial revolution?", Business History, 2021, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 914-943 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |
BABAI, M. Z., H. CHEN, A. A. SYNTETOS, D. LENGU, "A compound-Poisson Bayesian approach for spare parts inventory forecasting", International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, vol. 232, pp. 107954 | BABAI Mohamed Zied |
Journal article |
PRAK, D., R. H. TEUNTER, M. Z. BABAI, J. E. BOYLAN, A. A. SYNTETOS, "Robust compound Poisson parameter estimation for inventory control", Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 2021, vol. 104, pp. 102481 | BABAI Mohamed Zied |
Journal article |
AMIRI AREF, M., S. SHIRIPOUR, D. RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, "Exact and approximate heuristics for the rectilinear Weber location problem with a line barrier", Computers & Operations Research, 2021, vol. 132, pp. 105293 | AMIRI AREF Mehdi |
Journal article |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., "Quand la qualité de la relation fournisseur expose aux risques de dépendance" in Cas en Management des Achats., Gwenaëlle ORUEZABALA et Hugues POISSONNIER Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 175-188, 2021 | SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric |
Book chapter |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., C. DONADA, S. BEN MAHMOUD-JOUINI, "Vertical innovation partnerships and relational performance: The mediating role of trust, interdependence, and familiarity", Industrial Marketing Management, 2021, vol. 97, pp. 84-96 | SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric |
Journal article |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., "La curiosité comme guide de l'acheteur" in Entreprise curieuse., Institut de l'Entreprise Ed., Institut de l'Enteprise, pp. 11-16, 2021 | SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric |
Book chapter |
HANOTEAU, J., V. VIAL, G. PAWITAN, "Does social capital reduce entrepreneurs’ petty corruption? Evidence across Indonesian regions", Papers in Regional Science, 2021, vol. 100, pp. 651-670 | HANOTEAU Julien VIAL Virginie |
Journal article |
JAEGLER, Y., A. JAEGLER, F. ZAHRA MHADA, D. TRENTESAUX, P. BURLAT, "A new methodological support for control and optimization of manufacturing systems in the context of product customization", Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 2021, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 341-355 | JAEGLER Anicia |
Journal article |
RUEL, S., A. JAEGLER, "Impact of gender and expatriation choice on career paths in Supply Chain Management: Evidence from Master of Science graduates", Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 6907 | JAEGLER Anicia |
Journal article |
GASCHET, F., G. POUYANNE, A. DECAMPS, "Nouvelles centralités et valeurs immobilières : Une approche comparative des effets de centralité résidentielle à Bordeaux et Lyon", Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine, 2021, vol. 5, pp. 871 à 925 | DECAMPS Aurélien |
Journal article |
CHENAVAZ, R., S. DIMITROV, F. FIGGE, "When does eco-efficiency rebound or backfire? An analytical model", European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, vol. 290, no. 2, pp. 687-700 | CHENAVAZ Régis |
Journal article |
HUCK, N., R. CHENAVAZ, S. DIMITROV, "Psychological Prices at Retail Gasoline Stations: The Policies of 0-, 5-, and 9-Ending Prices", Applied Economics, 2021, vol. 53, no. 48, pp. 5584-5598 | CHENAVAZ Régis |
Journal article |
CHENAVAZ, R., C. PARASCHIV, G. TURINICI, "Dynamic Pricing of New Products in Competitive Markets: A Mean-Field Game Approach", Dynamic Games and Applications, 2021, vol. 11, pp. 463-490 | CHENAVAZ Régis |
Journal article |
SCHLOSSER, R., R. CHENAVAZ, S. DIMITROV, "Circular Economy: Joint Dynamic Pricing and Recycling Investments", International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, vol. 236, pp. 108117 | CHENAVAZ Régis |
Journal article |
CHENAVAZ, R., A. EYNAN, "Advertising, Goodwill, and the Veblen Effect", European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, vol. 289, no. 2, pp. 676-682 | CHENAVAZ Régis |
Journal article |
VAN PUYENBROECK, T., V. MONTALTO, M. SAISANA, "Benchmarking culture in Europe: A data envelopment analysis approach to identify city-specific strengths", European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, vol. 288, no. 2, pp. 584-597 | MONTALTO Valentina |
Journal article |
MONTALTO, V., F. PANELLA, P. L. SACCO, "What does Brexit mean for UK cultural and creative cities?", European Urban and Regional Studies, 2021, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 47-57 | MONTALTO Valentina |
Journal article |
MONTALTO, V., "Città creativa verso l'évoluzione della specia", Economia & Management, 2021, vol. 1, pp. 63-68 | MONTALTO Valentina |
Journal article |