Strategy-Sustainability-Entrepreneurship Download CV

Julien Hanoteau is Associate Professor of Sustainable Development at KEDGE Business School and holds a PhD in Economics from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po- 2004).  Julien’s research areas include environmental economics and policies, lobbying and corruption, entrepreneurship and development, in particular in the context of Indonesia. His recent publications focus on the effects of corruption and institutions on firms’ performance and entrepreneurship, emissions trading systems, and the impact of micro-entrepreneurship on economic welfare.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    HANOTEAU, J., R. BARKEMEYER, J. MIKLIAN, "Business and Violent Conflict as a Multi-Dimensional Relationship: the case of post-Reformasi Indonesia" Forthcoming Business Horizons 2024 Journal article
    HANOTEAU, J., "Do foreign MNEs alleviate multidimensional poverty in developing countries?", Eurasian Business Review, 2023, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 719-749 2023 Journal article
    SALIGNAC, F., J. HANOTEAU, I. RAMIA, "Financial Resilience: A Way Forward Towards Economic Development in Developing Countries", Social Indicators Research, 2022, vol. 160, no. 1, pp. 1-33 2022 Journal article
    JIMENEZ, A., J. HANOTEAU, R. BARKEMEYER, "E-procurement and firm corruption to secure public contracts: The moderating role of governance institutions and supranational support", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 149, pp. 640-650 2022 Journal article
    HANOTEAU, J., V. VIAL, G. PAWITAN, "Does social capital reduce entrepreneurs¡¯ petty corruption? Evidence across Indonesian regions", Papers in Regional Science, 2021, vol. 100, pp. 651-670 2021 Journal article
    HANOTEAU, J., V. VIAL, "Institutional quality, conforming and evasive entrepreneurship", Eurasian Business Review, February 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 97-121 2020 Journal article
    VIAL, V., J.HANOTEAU, "The sustained incremental multiactor multi-action building of South Korean soft power in Indonesia", The Pacific Review, 2019, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 56-75 2019 Journal article
    HANOTEAU, J., D.TALBOT, "Impacts of the Qu¨¦bec carbon emissions trading scheme on plant-level performance and employment", Carbon Management, 2019, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 287-298 2019 Journal article
    HANOTEAU, J., J.ROSA, "Information technologies and entrepreneurship", Managerial and Decision Economics, 2019, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 200-212 2019 Journal article
    WAHYUNINGTYAS, S. Y., J.HANOTEAU, V.VIAL, "The role of social networks in entrepreneurial ecosystems: The case of #StartupLokal in Jakartaems: The case of #StartupLokal in Jakarta", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2018, vol. 37, pp. 22-29 2018 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    Research domains

    Sustainable Development

    • Environmental economics and policies
    • Climate policies


    • Corruption
    • Lobbying


    • Entrepreneurship and development
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