
2478 results


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JIMENEZ, A., I. LUIS-RICO, T. DE LA TORRE-CRUZ, M. C. ESCOLAR-LLAMAZARES, D. JIMÉNEZ, "“La familia como variable moderadora del interés emprendedor en jóvenes españoles", Familia. Revista de Ciencias y Orientación Familiar, 2021, vol. 59, pp. 141-157 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
LUPTON, N., D. BEHNAM, A. JIMENEZ, "Taking Advantage of Institutional Weakness? Political Stability and Foreign Subsidiary Survival in Primary Industries", Multinational Business Review, 2021, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 501-521 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
LEE, J. Y., J. I. KIM, A. JIMENEZ, A. BIRAGLIA, "The role of subnational cultural value on animosity: the China-South Korea THAAD crisis", Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2021, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 452-478 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
JIMENEZ, A., S. BAYRAKTAR, "Hello! Namaste? Within-country linguistic diversity and infrastructure projects in emerging markets", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 86-97 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
JIMENEZ, A., N. LUPTON, "Terrorism Hazard and Infrastructure Projects: The Moderating Role of Home Experience and Institutions", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 135, no. 1, pp. 721-730 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
HERRERO, A., A. JIMENEZ, R. ALCALDE, "Advanced feature selection to study the internationalization strategy of enterprises", PeerJ Computer Science, 2021, vol. 7, no. e403, pp. 1-26 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
TARAS, V., D. BAACK, D. CAPRAR, A. JIMENEZ, F. FROESE, "How Cultural Differences Can Impact Global Teams", Harvard Business Review, 2021, vol. June 9th 2021., pp. 1-9 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
TARAS, V., M. GUNKEL, A. ASSOUAD, E. TAVOLETTI, J. KRAEMER, A. JIMENEZ, A. SVIRINA, W. S. LEI, G. SHAH, "The predictive power of university pedigree on the graduate’s performance in global virtual teams", European Journal of International Management, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 555-584 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
PUCHE-REGALIZA, J. C., S. PORRAS-ALFONSO, A. JIMENEZ, S. APARICIO-CASTILLO, P. ARRANZ-VAL, "Exploring determinants of public satisfaction with urban solid waste collection services quality", Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2021, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 9927–9948 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
MORAL-GARCIA, J. E., A. JIMENEZ, A. S. CABACO, J. A. JIMENEZ-EGUIZABAL, "The role of physical activity and school physical education in enhancing school satisfaction and life satisfaction", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1-13 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
SILVA, C. A., X. ORDEÑANA, P. VERA-GILCES, A. JIMENEZ, "Global Imbalances: The Role of Institutions, Financial Development, and FDI in the context of Financial Crises", Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 356 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
PAGDA, Z., S. BAYRAKTAR, A. JIMENEZ, "Exploring culture and leadership after 23 years: A replication of GLOBE project in Turkey", Journal of International Management, 2021, vol. 27, pp. 100822 JIMENEZ Alfredo
Journal article
BAROUCH, G., F. PONSIGNON, "La pandémie du Covid-19: analyse de la crise et choix de politiques publiques favorisant la sortie de cette crise systémique", Gestion et Management Public, 2021, vol. No Spécial, pp. 179-184 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., P. DAVIES, A. SMART, R. S. MAULL, "An in-depth case study of a modular service delivery system in a logistics context", International Journal of Logistics Management, 2021, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 872-897 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article
PONSIGNON, F., A. SMART, J. SMITH, "Development and validation of a measurement scale for the experience capability construct", Journal of Service Management, 2021, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 315-345 PONSIGNON Frédéric
Journal article
VAS, R., I. FAGNOT - "How to Make Data Work for Your Organization: Is Data Culture the Missing Link ?" - 2021, The Case Centre FAGNOT Isabelle
Case Study
DUCASSY, I., A. M. CROUZET - "Initial Public Offering of La Française des Jeux" - 2021, CCMP, France DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
DUCASSY, I., A. M. CROUZET - "L'introduction en Bourse de FDJ" - 2021, CCMP, France DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
HUAMAN RAMIREZ, R., D. MERUNKA, "Celebrity CEOs’ credibility, image of their brands, and consumer materialism", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2021, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 638-651 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
TOTI, J.-F., M. DIALLO, R. HUAMAN RAMIREZ, "Ethical sensitivity in consumers’ decision-making: The mediating and moderating role of internal locus of control", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 131, pp. 168-182 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
HUAMAN RAMIREZ, R., N. MAANINOU, D. MERUNKA, V. COVA, "How do consumers perceive old brands? Measurement and consequences of brand oldness associations", European Business Review, 2021, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 566-596 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
MAILLE, V., E. GENTINA, Z. LI, "The Influence of Social belonging and Creativity on the Immoral Consumption Behaviors of New Adolescents: A Cross-Cultural Study of 16–24 Year Olds", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 2021, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 70-99 MAILLE Virginie
Journal article
ANDRIANI, P., R. KAMINSKA, "Exploring the dynamics of novelty production through exaptation: a historical analysis of coal tar-based innovations", Research Policy, 2021, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 104171 ANDRIANI Pierpaolo
Journal article