Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
TARASOV, I., A. HAĂŹT, O. BATTAIA, "Benders decomposition for a period-aggregated resource leveling problem with variable job duration", Computers & Operations Research, 2021, vol. 132, pp. 105258 | BATTAIA Olga |
Journal article |
KRUG, Z., R. GUILLAUME, O. BATTAIA, "Design of reverse supply chains under uncertainty: the lexicographic criterion for exploring opportunities", International Journal of Production Research, 2021, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 3221-3236 | BATTAIA Olga |
Journal article |
KUEDA WAMBA BERTHELO, B., J.-R. FEUDJO , J.-P. TCHANKAM, F. TEULON FRÉDÉRIC, "Le paradoxe de la relation auditeur-audité dans le contexte camerounais", Gestion 2000, 2021, vol. 38, pp. 63-89 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Journal article |
NKAKLEU, R., J.-P. TCHANKAM, A. D. BIBOUM, "La construction de la confiance dans les relations d'alliance entre TPE dans une économie en développement. Une approche contextualiste et ancrée", Management International, 2021, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 43-60 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Journal article |
MBOUNA, M. N., J.-P. TCHANKAM, "Pratiques e-RH et agilité organisationnelle : une étude en contexte de crise dans les pays en développement" in Mélange en l'honneur de François Silva., MPE Ed., MPE Editions, chap. 4, 2021 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Book chapter |
DECAMPS, A., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, A. GOMBAULT, "Fostering Knoweldge of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities : the Case of Sulitest", Sustainability, Fall 2021, vol. 13, no. 13215, pp. 1-18 | DECAMPS Aurélien GOMBAULT Anne |
Journal article |
GOMBAULT, A., O. ALLAL-CHÉRIF, "The expansion of virtual spaces of superstar and star museums during the Covid-19 lockdown" in The metamorphosis of creative and cultural organizations : exploring change from a spatial perspective., De Molli F. and Vecco M. Ed., Routledge, chap. 14, pp. 192-207, 2021 | GOMBAULT Anne |
Book chapter |
ROSIN, U., A. GOMBAULT, "Venice in Crisis : the Brutal Marker of Covid-19", International Journal of Arts Management, Winter 2021, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 75-88 | GOMBAULT Anne |
Journal article |
JAMIN, B., A. GOMBAULT, "Arts Governance : From Ambivalence to Ambiguity", International Journal of Arts Management, Fall 2021, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 75-88 | GOMBAULT Anne |
Journal article |
ANAND, A., P. ARGADE, R. BARKEMEYER, F. SALIGNAC, "Trends and patterns in sustainable entrepreneurship research: A bibliometric review and research agenda", Journal of Business Venturing, 2021, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 106092 | BARKEMEYER Ralf |
Journal article |
ARGADE, P., F. SALIGNAC, R. BARKEMEYER, "Opportunity Identification for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Interplay of Individual and Context Level Factors in India", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2021, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 3528-3551 | BARKEMEYER Ralf |
Journal article |
OZSOZGUN CALISKAN, A., E. ESEN, R. BARKEMEYER, "Impression management tactics in the CEO statements of Turkish sustainability reports", Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 2021, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 485-506 | BARKEMEYER Ralf |
Journal article |
DZHENGIZ, T., R. BARKEMEYER, G. NAPOLITANO, "Emotional framing of NGO press releases: Reformative versus radical NGOs", Business Strategy and the Environment, 2021, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 2468-2488 | BARKEMEYER Ralf |
Journal article |
GUMMERUS, J., D. O'LOUGHLIN, C. KELLEHER, L. PEĂ‘ALOZA, "Shifting sands: Actor role and identity reconfigurations in service systems", Journal of Business Research, 2021, vol. 137, pp. 162-169 | PEĂ‘ALOZA Lisa |
Journal article |
OURAHMOUNE, N., H. E. JURDI, "Beauty salon- a marketplace icon", Consumption Markets & Culture, 2021, vol. 24:6, pp. 611-619 | OURAHMOUNE Nacima |
Journal article |
PREUSS, L., J. PINKSE, T. HAHN, F. FIGGE, "Travelled roads and novel vistas: Taking stock of empirical studies into tensions in business sustainability" in Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility., Maak, T.; Pless, N.; Orlitzky, M. and Sandhu, S. Eds, Routledge, 2021 | PREUSS Lutz |
Book chapter |
GARNIER, C., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Calcul des coûts dans une entreprise industrielle Cas des couteaux « Epinol » et « Laziol »" - 2021, CCMP | BEL HADJ ALI Soraya GARNIER Claire |
Case Study |
CHEN, Y.-T., E. SUN, M.-F. CHANG, Y.-B. LIN, "Pragmatic real-time logistics management with traffic IoT infrastructure: Big data predictive analytics of freight travel time for Logistics 4.0", International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, vol. 238, pp. 108157 | SUN Edward |
Journal article |
BELOVAS, I., L. SAKALAUSKA, V. STARIKOVIÄŚIUS, E. SUN, "Mixed-Stable Models: An Application to High-Frequency Financial Data", Entropy, 2021, vol. 23, pp. 739 | SUN Edward |
Journal article |
LAI, W., Y.-T. CHEN, E. SUN, "Comonotonicity and low volatility effect", Annals of Operations Research, 2021, vol. 299, no. 1-2, pp. 1057–1099 | SUN Edward |
Journal article |
GARNIER, C., S. BEL HADJ ALI - "Cost accounting in an industrual compagny : Case of Epinol and Laziol knives" - 2021, CCMP | BEL HADJ ALI Soraya GARNIER Claire |
Case Study |
KAFA, N., A. JAEGLER, "Food Losses and Waste Quantification in Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review", British Food Journal, 2021, vol. 123, no. 11, pp. 3502-3521 | JAEGLER Anicia KAFA Nadine |
Journal article |
YAMI, S., Z. M'CHIRGUI, C. SPANO, O. GONTIER, "Reinventing Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Education: The Role of Human and Social Capital", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021, vol. 164, pp. 120044 | YAMI Said M'CHIRGUI Zouhaier |
Journal article |
COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, M. L. GRISOLI, "L’étude d’un partenariat public-privé à la lumière de la nouvelle gouvernance publique : Le cas de la construction d’une communauté d’universités et d’établissements dans l’enseignement supérieur français", Management International, 2021, vol. 25, no. numéro spécial, 2021, pp. 165–185 | PIGNATEL Isabelle COUSTON Alexandra |
Journal article |
LAPORTE, M. -E., I. AIMÉ, F. BERGER-REMY, "La transformation digitale du marketing comme mode managériale : une démystification du discours des consultants", Management & Avenir, 2021, no. 122, pp. 89-113 | AIME Isabelle |
Journal article |
BERGER-REMY, F., M.-E. LAPORTE, I. AIMÉ, "The reconfiguration of marketing organization in the age of digital transformation: a paradox perspective", Management Revue - Socio-Economic Studies, 2021, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 108-127 | AIME Isabelle |
Journal article |
GOESSLING, T., "Kapitalism, Wachstum, Institutionen und Individualethik. Ein Kommentar zur Individualethik in der Postwachstumsökonomie", Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 2021, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 208-215 | GOESSLING Tobias |
Journal article |