Since 2021, the activities of the Creative Industries Culture research Centre have been added to the Arts and Creative Industries Management Institute ¡ª the KEDGE Arts School. The institute combines the research centre and all the expertise programmes: MSc Arts & Creative Industries Management in Paris, Franco-Chinese Institute of Arts and Design Management in Shanghai, and the Culture and Innovation Major of the Grande Ecole Programme. The institute trains over a thousand students a year in Creative Industries Management across various KEDGE Business School campuses.

Research and development
- Researchers from the research expertise are part of Editorial Board of Academic Journals : Association International de Management des Arts et de la Culture, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Journal of Business Research,… They are also journal reviewers of Academic Journals in the Creative Industries: Markets and Culture, Journal of Management, Religion, and Spirituality,… and about 20 Academic Journals of Management (Journal of Consumer Research, Revue Française de Gestion, European Management Journal,…
- Other academic networks in the arts and creative Industries management field: International Association of Arts and Culture Management, International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Association for Cultural Economics International , International Association of Management, Spirituality & Religion conference, Critical Tourism Studies,…
Since the beginning of its partnership with CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China), the Research Centre has strengthened its commitment to develop research with and about Asia.
- Comparative analysis of arts & creative industries management between China and Europe since 2021 (various Research projects financed by the Sino-French Institute of Arts & Design Management)
- Silkologies Initiative (2019-2022) : The expertise centre is part of the Belt and Road Initiative launched by the Chinese government, which aims to deepen economic relations and global cooperation between China and many European, African and Asian countries around the Silk Roads.
- Arts & Heritage: Louvre Museum Organisational History by A.Gombault; Digital heritage by A.Gombault, A.Decamps & C.Grellier Fouillet; Arts & Culture Vintage Marketing par M.Derbaix & A.Gombault
- Cultural Industries: Transmedia in the field of Arts and Culture by M.Derbaix; Socialization Processes and Intergenerational Influences in the Transmission of Cultural Consumption Practices by M. Derbaix
- Creative services: KEDGE Design lab by S.Paixao-Barradas; l’Objet de la mer by S.Paixao-Barradas
- Taste Industries: Creative communication of Cognac by A.Gombault & C.Grellier Fouillet
- Leisure & Entertainment: Creative tourism in Canton du Valais by A.Gombault & C.Grellier Fouillet ; Tourism development “Around the Louvre Lens” by A.Gombault, A.Decamps & C.Grellier Fouillet; Surf as a creative Industry by A.Gombault, A.Decamps & C.Grellier Fouillet; Innovative Entrepreneurs in Tourism by C.Grellier Fouillet
- Contextual Creativity: Creative cities by A.Decamps & A.Gombault; Ontology by V.Bigo
Pedagogy and student life
In order to learn about and understand the specificities of the sector, the teaching of creative industries management necessarily calls for innovation. The centre of expertise carries out an immersive pedagogy that fosters imagination, autonomy, self-esteem, a sense of responsibility and social competence, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Examples of pedagogical activities:
- Courses in situ (in cultural and creative organisations): courses and visits on site, study trips to creative cities and territories (London, Provence, Nantes, Lille...);
- Personal and professional development through creativity techniques integrated in different courses: bodystorming, design thinking, meditation (mindfulness),... ;
- Real cases: pedagogical exercises in the form of face-to-face missions with companies in the industry;
- Meetings and co-working: collaboration with students in art or design schools (for example: Chinese designers/engineers in Shanghai on the theme "Technology, Innovation and Fashion");
- Integrated active social networks: Facebook Creative industries KEDGE alumni group (700 participants) and for each course, Twitter from the centre of expertise, LinkedIn from researchers, etc.
Our programmes:
- MSc Arts & Creative Industries Management : English, full-time, Master 2, Paris.
- Sino-French Institute in Management of Arts & Design (IMAD) : English, full-time, B1 to M2, Shanghai-Paris.
- Programme Grande Ecole : Culture & Innovation major
Since 2004, 1,000 students have graduated in Creative Industries Management, 90% of whom are now working in the sector in management, marketing, sales, production and entrepreneurial roles, in France and abroad. The alumni are organised into a network and are very involved in our programmes (courses, workshops, recruitment, etc.).
Organised conferences and workshops
- 2022 - First report on the work of the Observatoire de fréquentation des sites culturels et touristiques, 29 September, Paris, France. Conference in partnership with PV2D and Atout France.
- 2021 – Workshop Guimet Innovation Lab, "Engagement and digital formats: lessons from the pandemic", 30 March, online. Workshop in partnership with the Musée National des Arts Asiatiques Guimet and the CLIC network.
- 2017 - B.creative Conference - Creative entrepreneurship and urban challenges, November 15, Shanghai, China. Academic & practitioner conference in partnership with CAFA (China Central Academy of Fine-Arts) and KEA.
- 2015 : 7e journées d'Économie de la Culture (7th day of Cultural Economics), September 24-25, Paris. Academic & practitioners conference in partnership with French Ministry of Culture and Communication and IEP Paris
- 2015 - AIMAC 13th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management, June 26 – July 1st, Aix-Marseille, France. Academic conference in partnership with HEC Montréal and Aix-Marseille University.
Participations in international conferences
Researchers from the Research Centre participate each year in numerous national and international conferences, including the following: International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) , Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy: GIKA, Congrès International de l’Association Française de Marketing, International Marketing Trends Conference, Associa¬tion for Cultural Economics International, Spirituality and Creativity in Management World Congress, Critical Tourism Studies Asia-¨Pacific Conference, Conference of the Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, etc.
The Creative Industries & Culture Expertise Centre in the Press
Diversity for dissemination: The centre of expertise promotes applied research on arts, culture and creative industries management and encourages a great diversity of publication, including the involvement of researchers in the generalist and specialist press in order to promote a stronger impact of research and the dissemination of knowledge in the arts and creative sector.
DANGLADE JP (2023), "", The Conversation, 24 mai
Gombault A. (2021), , Espaces tourisme et loisirs, n°361, juillet.
Gombault A. (2021), , The Conversation, 6 juin
Gombault A. (2021), Espaces tourisme et loisirs, n°360, mai.
Gombault A. (2021), , The Conversation, 11 mars
Gombault A. (2021), , The Conversation, 4 mars.
Gombault A. (2021),, The Conversation, 8 février.
Puydebat JM., Gombault A., Decamps A. et Grellier Fouillet C. (2021), , Espaces tourisme et loisirs, janvier.
Gombault A. (2021), , Espaces tourisme et loisirs, n°358, janvier.
Gombault A. (2020). Avec Biden, les arts et la culture retrouvent l'inspiration aux Etats-Unis.
Gombault A. (2020). , L’Express, 6 mai.
Danglade JP. (2020). , The Conversation, 20 avril.
Gombault A. (2020) , La Provence, Interview, 20 avril.
Gombault A., Allal-Chérif O. (2020)., Forbes France, 24 avril.
Danglade J.-M. (2020). , The Conversation, 16 avril.
Rinallo D. (2020). , The Conversation, 7 avril.
Gombault A., Rosin U. (2020). The Conversation, 01 avril.
Gombault A., Grellier Fouillet C., Lemarié J. (2020). , The Conversation, 17 mars. Widely covered in the international and national press such as,, …
Gombault A. (2020). The Conversation, 11 mars.
Gombault A., Tobelem JM (2019). The Conversation, 4 novembre.
Danglade JP. (2019). , The Conversation, 20 juin.
Danglade JP. (2019). Stars ET milliardaires : quand la puissance de la célébrité transforme Jay Z ou Rihanna en magnats des affaires,, Interview, 16 juin.
Allal-Cherif O., Gombault A. (2019). , The Conversation, 29 avril []
Gombault A. (2019). , The Conversation, 16 avril. []
Danglade JP. (2019). The Conversation, 28 février.
Rinallo D. (2018). , Xerfi, 3 décembre.
Bigo V. (2018). , Xerfi, 13 septembre.
Gombault A. (2017). The Conversation, 9 novembre / La Tribune, 19 Novembre.
Gombault A. (2017). , La Dépêche, 9 novembre.
Danglade JP. (2017). The Conversation, 30 août.
Danglade JP. (2017). , The Conversation, 26 juillet / La Tribune, 14 septembre.
Danglade JP. (2017). The Conversation, 29 mars.
Danglade JP. (2017). The Conversation, 6 mars.