NEW AGE NEW KEDGE ? Open minded leadership for an optimistic future ? - Press release


NEW AGE NEW KEDGE - « Open minded leadership for an optimistic future »

At its annual press conference, KEDGE Business School presents its fresh face at the new Paris campus.

One year ago, KEDGE updated its strategic plan with the ambition of developing the skills of the leaders of tomorrow: they will be able to understand the modern world and rise to its technological, social and environmental challenges to become its enlightened leaders.

Today, KEDGE is presenting the first evidence of its move to set itself apart by incorporating the common good, tech management, and entrepreneurship into its learning processes. The school offers its students and companies a new way to learn that develops their conscience and sense of goodwill.

That commitment can be summed up in this new positioning: “Open-minded leadership for an optimistic future” 

  • Discover, Decode, Do: KEDGE Business School's new pedagogical signature 

KEDGE's main challenge is the need to reinvent itself and continue to set itself apart by incorporating the common good, tech management and entrepreneurship in order to serve the school's specialities and their territories (supply chain, marketing, digital tech, wine, creative industries, etc.).

KEDGE has given itself two years to transform its entire portfolio. The school is proud of being a community of people which, all over the world, is driven by a different mindset. A mindset that is shared by students, staff and faculty, one that shows them the way to transforming society and impacting the future. KEDGE highlights this differentiating positioning via a new brand signature that draws on its three strategic priorities, worded in a new way: Humanities and Common Good are becoming “Discover”, Tech Management is becoming “Decode”, and Entrepreneurship is becoming “Do”.

Discover: This means the ability to know oneself in order to better take care of others, otherwise known as the common good.

Decode: This means acculturation to new technologies, but also the ability to decode the complexity of our world.

Do: This means being able to turn beliefs into actions, whether as an employee or an entrepreneur.

Changes in the world of companies and organisations means the role of business schools needs to be reworked. It is our duty as a school to do our part, and develop characters and talents that can positively impact society and its future”, says Agnès Grangé, Chairperson of KEDGE Business School.

  •  A new Paris campus dedicated to Executive Education and specialised programmes  

At the start of the 2019 academic year, KEDGE opened its new Paris campus in one of the largest business buildings in Paris: the Lumière. 

Located in a neighbourhood that is home to numerous technology and digital tech companies, this 3,200 m2 campus has been designed to help students, faculty, and businesses meet and enter into dialogue.

Designed based on four pillars, namely modularity, flexibility, connectivity, and sociability, the new KEDGE Paris campus offers the perfect environment to host Executive Education programmes (offering modular training courses that are compatible with professional work) and specialised programmes (MS, MSc, etc.).

Following the success of its first opening in the Centre d’Affaires Paris Victoire (9th arrondissement), which quickly proved too small, KEDGE decided to invest 7 million euros in tripling its user space in the capital city and thereby developing the potential of its Executive Education training courses.

The Lumière building boasts:

  • 135,000 m2 of usable space
  • 8 floors spanning 2 wings, connected by a central atrium of 52,000 m3
  • Companies like Natixis, SNCF, the Ministry of the Interior, ING Direct, and Société Générale 

The KEDGE campus boasts:                  

  • 3,200 m2 on 2 levels
  • 12 Brain Bubbles
  • 3 meeting rooms
  • 1 auditorium with 80 seats
  • Cost of operations: €7 millions
  • New initiatives that promote the new pedagogical signature

Discover - Common Good

NEW – CSR & SD: A responsible finance chair with CANDRIAM

CANDRIAM and KEDGE will launch a new “Finance Reconsidered: Addressing Sustainable Economic Development” chair to think about new models and promote sustainable and responsible finance efforts. Duration: 4 years - funded with €400K.

Also: the “Sustainable Finance” MSc from KEDGE Paris is the only master programme in France that incorporates financial and extra-financial (or ESG) objectives in response to challenges related to environmental transition and reduction of social inequalities.

NEW – INTERNATIONAL: Grande Ecole in Suzhou, China course

As part of the PGE Suzhou course, KEDGE students now benefit from a partnership with Renmin University (the Chinese equivalent of ENA) and can take their courses for two full semesters at the Suzhou Franco-Chinese Institute.

NEW – NEW DISCIPLINE: MSc in Arts & Creative Industries Management

In 2018, KEDGE launched the “Arts & Creative Industries Management” Master of Science in Paris. This programme is run in English and positioned around “Made in France”: it is unique in the world and especially attractive to international students. 

Decode – Tech Management

NEW – Tech for students: Le Wagon partnership for Tech training courses

KEDGE students are trained by Le Wagon on coding and tech culture at the Marseille and Bordeaux campuses. As a leading EdTech player, Le Wagon has been ranked as the world's best intensive coding training course for the last three years.

Also: Two new dual Master of Science degrees

>>> DIGITAL MARKETING AND SALES: Train versatile digital experts in corporate digital strategy and web marketing.

>>>  MARKETING AND BRAND MANAGEMENT: For access to 80 % of marketing careers in three areas of expertise: Brand management; sales leadership and negotiation in BtoB; and communication and events management.

NEW – Tech for staff: DIGITT© digital certificate for all staff members

To acculturate staff members to digital tech, the school is offering them an e-learning platform in nine areas of digital tech. The goal: 100 % of staff members certified by 2020.

NEW – Hybrid training courses: Creation of the first Engineering Degree available to Business School students

In partnership with ISEN YNCREA Méditerranée, KEDGE will develop three degrees that combine digital engineering skills with management skills, including an engineering degree available to KEDGE management students.

Also: A new KEDGE Toulon campus for hybrid training courses

At the start of the 2019 academic year, KEDGE opens a hybrid technology management training hub in downtown Toulon at the new Chalucet campus. Over 350 students and nearly 30 staff members will be welcomed in the 3,000 m² space in the heart of the “creativity and knowledge district” to continue the growth of the KEDGE Bachelor programme and roll out new hybrid offerings.

NEW – Wine Lab x Bordeaux Campus: a laboratory within the Wine & Spirits Academy

In Bordeaux, the wine capital of the world, KEDGE is adding a new teaching tool for excellence to its wine training courses: Wine Lab. Made up of two modular rooms decorated with pictures by the famous wine-specialist photographer Leif Carlsson, the space aims to perfect students’ learning and overall experience.

Also: A new “Responsible Consumption” chair with Vin & Société

KEDGE and Vin & Société are launching the “Responsible Consumption Research and Teaching Chair”. The goal: analyse the role of education and information in wine consumption. Duration: 3 years – Funding: €250K.

Do - Entrepreneurship

NEW – KEDGE DESIGN SCHOOL x Marseille Campus: KEDGE is the only business school that has a design school integrated into and connected to its business accelerator

At the start of the 2019 academic year, KEDGE Design School opens at the Luminy campus in Marseille. Currently located in Toulon, the Design School will benefit in Marseille from the group’s strong entrepreneurial drive, the business accelerator, and all the startups and student associations. 

NEW – New BE-U: A digital platform to promote soft skills

Starting in September 2019, Be-U will draw on a new digital platform to develop and promote soft skills. It will help students enrich their social skills and highlight them when talking to recruiters.A quiz lets the Be-U platform determine the “target profile” of students, which is made up of levels to achieve in each soft skill to reach their goals.

Action means the ability to take initiative: start, create, and implement one's ideas to turn beliefs into actions. It means the ability to develop the hard and soft skills that are key to each individual’s professional success and employability”, emphasises José Milano, Director General of KEDGE.

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