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Archives 2021

February 2021

KEDGE has successfully renewed its AACSB accreditation

February 1st 2021

Accredited since 2016, three years after its creation following the merger between BEM and Euromed Management in 2013, KEDGE has just obtained the renewal of its AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation for a period of 5 years. The school confirms its place granted in 2017 among the prestigious 102 schools in the world that are triple accredited by the most renowned international labels: AACSB, EQUIS*, AMBA**.


December 2020

Financial Times 2020 Rankings : KEDGE ranked 34th best European Business School and 7th best French Management School 

December 9th 2020

By taking the 34th European and 7th French business school spots on the Financial Times 2020 Ranking of the best European Business Schools, KEDGE has confirmed its position among the best, thanks to its Grande Ecole Programme and its excellent executive training programmes. 

BEM DAKAR, one of KEDGE’s strategic partners, is ranked best Business School in sub-Saharan French-speaking Africa by Jeune Afrique magazine

December 3rd 2020

Once again ranked the No. 1 Business School in the 2020 Jeune Afrique ranking of the Best Masters in Sub-Saharan French-speaking Africa, BEM Dakar has confirmed its spot as the leader. Since its creation in 2008, the school has demonstrated academic excellence, which has earned it the top spot in the ranking for five years running.

November 2020

KEDGE Wine & Spirits Academy is now KEDGE Wine School

November 17th 2020

KEDGE Wine & Spirits Academy, a reference in higher education in wine and spirits management, is now the KEDGE Wine School. This new identity is reinforced by the launch of its new website, a showcase for all training courses, including two prestigious courses in wine and spirits, ranked 2nd and 3rd on the Eduniversal ranking. 

A lack of free ports, hinders French competitiveness 

November 10th 2020

Free logistics zones have existed since ancient times, but they are still relatively uncommon in France. For logistics experts, however, these zones speak to the high quality of international supply chain management. According to KEDGE professor Alexandre Lavissière, French ports are facing fierce competition from neighbouring countries. Establishing free zones should be part of any future port strategy for the country. 

Airbus Helicopters Sponsors KEDGE’s Master of Science Innovation, Transformation, Entrepreneurship Graduating Class

November 9th 2020

Airbus Helicopters, a KEDGE partner, has officially agreed to sponsor the inaugural graduating class in the Master of Science Innovation, Transformation, Entrepreneurship (MSc ITE). Christophe Prior, Digital Transformation Office Leader, spoke to the students entering the program about this momentous step at the Marseille campus on Wednesday 14 October 2020. 

KEDGE delivers on a promise, welcoming 2,100 work-study students in autumn 2020 

November 6th 2020

In light of the current health and economic crisis, KEDGE announced in the spring that we would be implementing sweeping efforts to help our students, partner companies and small businesses in France. We delivered on our promise to nearly double the number of places in our work-study scheme so students can continue their education whilst gaining professional experience. 2,100 work-studies have been confirmed for the new 2020 academic year. 

KEDGE moves all courses online and offers personalised support services to the community 

November 4th 2020

After the presidential announcement on 28 October, KEDGE was able to pivot all courses to an online learning format by eight in the morning on Friday, 30 October. The school is also offering a series of personalised support services to all students, graduates and partner companies. 

October 2020

2020 Financial Times ranking of the world’s top 100 Executive MBAs: KEDGE consolidates its position among the top global EMBAs 

October 27th 2020

Ranking 41st of the best Global Executive MBAs in the world, KEDGE Business School has consolidated its position among the international leaders in education, according to the 2020 Financial Times industry ranking. 

E-sports: a 21st century phenomenon 

October 14th 2020

Video games are set to become the largest global cultural industry in the 21st century. But will e-sports make the leap to becoming a household name in the realm of sport and culture? Without a physical element, can it really be considered a sport? Thierry Lorey, Marketing Professor at KEDGE, answers these questions. 

July 2020

KEDGE is launching the first digital higher education incubator for its start-ups

July 31st 2020

KEDGE is one of the ten “Business School Champions for Entrepreneurship” according to Forbes magazine, and the leading one according to Le Parisien. Recognised for its activities and for its whole approach to entrepreneurship for its students and graduates, KEDGE is innovating once again and reinforcing its support for start-ups. KEDGE’S incubator, the Business Nursery, now proposes a 100% digital solution, totally accessible remotely.

KEDGE is taking a flexible approach to start the new academic year in view of the evolving health protocols

July 31st 2020

The recruitment phase for the School’s future students is still underway but the number of candidates already in the system is encouraging. While the last stages of the admissions process are being completed, the School is preparing for a variable start to the academic year depending on the health situation.

June 2020

KEDGE Executive Education is expanding its international offer with three new “Advanced Executive Master É«ÀÇÎÑ”

June, 25th 2020

Building on its widely recognised expertise in Purchasing Management, Supply Chain Management, Innovation and Health, KEDGE is expanding its range of international continuing education programmes in these three areas of excellence.

Alexandre de NAVAILLES appointed Director General of KEDGE Business School

June, 10th 2020

The Board of Directors of KEDGE Business School, chaired by Agnès GRANGÉ, has appointed Alexandre de NAVAILLES, the current President of Hertz France, to the head of the management school. After more than 23 years of success at Hertz, Alexandre de NAVAILLES will take up his position as of 1 July 2020.

May 2020

Funding studies during the crisis : KEDGE provides solutions to help students

May, 5th 2020

Paying for post-secondary studies is a growing concern during this health, economic and social crisis.

Coronavirus (and other problems): 2020, a dark year for global tourism

May, 5th 2020

The coronavirus health crisis, tracked statistically in real time by Johns Hopkins University, is hitting the global economy hard and the tourism industry most of all. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) is expecting a drop in tourism revenue of 300 to 500 billion dollars in 2020, up to one third of the 1,500 billion generated in 2019. France could lose out on up to 40 billion euros per quarter. Millions of jobs in the sector are under threat worldwide. Anne Gombault and her co-authors Claire Grellier Fouillet and Jérémy Lemarié analyse the drastic consequences of the crisis for global tourism, the strategic issues that it emphasises and the opportunity for transformation and learning that it offers.

April 2020

Solidarity in the age of Covid-19 : A Neapolitan tradition, the ‘caffè sospeso’, has provided the inspiration for a new form of community-spirited solidarity: anonymous mutual assistance

April, 27th 2020

The Italian ‘caffè sospeso’ or ‘suspended coffee” is a community spirited tradition from the Naples area. It involves paying for two coffees, one for yourself and the second for another customer at the bar who may possibly not have enough money to buy one. A Neapolitan tradition, the suspended coffee is a coffee you offer to humankind to share your own joy and good fortune. With the current lockdown restrictions, this tradition has assumed a whole new dimension with the emergence of ‘spesa sospesa’ (suspended shopping) a humanitarian gesture to help those who have lost their source of income. Gregorio Fuschillo and Bernard Cova see this altruistic anonymous gift as a wish to give meaning to one’s day-to-day life.

Admissions and confinement: KEDGE adapts to recruitment 2.0

April, 23rd 2020

In an unprecedented context of confinement involving admissions by portfolio and an absence of oral examinations on some of the programmes, KEDGE is finding ways to innovate for its eligible candidates. The school is offering a novel digital experience to introduce its programmes, expertise and campuses and to immerse candidates in their future life as a student and then as a graduate.

COVID-19: KEDGE releases €100k from its emergency fund for students in highly precarious positions

April, 8th 2020

The lockdown ordered by France and many other countries to tackle the spread of COVID-19 has hit some students extremely hard, putting them in highly precarious positions essentially overnight. In response to this unprecedented situation, KEDGE has decided to take extraordinary action by releasing €100k from its emergency funds to help students facing significant financial difficulties relating to the health crisis.



December 2019

Financial Times 2019 Rankings: KEDGE forges ahead to become 31st best Business School in Europe and 8th best in France

December, 9 th 2019

Now ranked 31th best Business School in Europe out of 95 in total, KEDGE has moved up a further 4 places this year in the Financial Times 2019 international rankings.

November 2019

AmyPore, the biotechnology company supported by KEDGE, just demonstrated why & how its innovative solution to cure Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is to go through quickly

November, 11 th 2019

The company which designs and develops therapeutic peptides thus confirms its path to the very 1st effective treatment against Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's (PD) diseases, at the 3rd World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics, in Madrid, Oct. 7-8th 2019.

October 2019

Pr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize 2006, gives an exceptional conference

October, 15 th 2019

On October 9th, 2019, KEDGE Business School Marseille Campus welcomed Professor Muhammad Yunus for an inspiring conference on the theme "Bringing Social Business to Your Campus". More than 1000 students, among which 600 attending in the amphitheater and 400 connected through visio-conference from Paris, Bordeaux and Toulon campuses, listened to Pr. Yunus sharing his path, learnings and vision for a world of three zeros: zero poverty, zero unemployment, zero carbon emission. 

KEDGE Business School & Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne make their partnership official and launch their new program “Master of Science Wine & Hospitality Management”

October, 3rd 2019

José Milano, Director General of KEDGE Business School, and Inès Blal, Managing Director and Executive Dean of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, made their partnership official this morning at the new KEDGE Paris campus and announced the launch of a joint “Master of Science Wine & Hospitality Management” program for the 2020-2021 academic year.

CANDRIAM and KEDGE Business School create a research chair dedicated to sustainable finance

October, 1st 2019

Paris, 1 October 2019 – In the spirit of responsible finance week(1), CANDRIAM and KEDGE Business School announced today the launch of a research chair entitled “Finance Reconsidered: Addressing Sustainable Economic Development”(2). Led by Christophe Revelli, associate professor and director of the KEDGE Business School Corporate & Sustainable Finance Master’s programme, the Chair aims to explore how sustainability and accountability issues create additional value and impact businesses and, ultimately, the economic development of society as a whole.

June 2019

The CASINO affair, the lessons to be drawn

June, 20th 2019

With the Rallye group placed in a safeguard procedure, indebted and faced with the collapse of the Casino share, which represents its main asset and its guarantee for creditors, Eric Pichet, professor of finance and researcher in corporate governance at KEDGE Business School, decodes the affair.

Why isn't intrapreneurship developing more quickly?

June, 20th 2019

At a time when innovation has become essential to company strategy, intrapreneurship seems to be a way of promoting the process. Xavier Hollandts, professor in strategy and enterprise at KEDGE Business School, is invited by XERFI to analyse the challenges involved. According to Xavier Hollandts, businesses want to develop intrapreneurship because of “the speed and low cost of developing innovation internally”. Hollandts also notes that this approach “retains expertise and attracts new talent, pushing out the old, traditional management methods and introducing new managerial practices”.

May 2019

The new Silk Roads at the heart of the power struggle between China and the United States

May, 29th 2019

KEDGE Alumni and it's well established London branch will host for the first time in London on Tuesday 4 June a very interesting conference on The new Silk Roads at the heart of the power struggle between China and the United States. It will be chaired by Laurent Estachy, Marc Mourre and Xavier Rolet, followed by a networking cocktail with the presence of José Milano and Christophe Mouysset (KEDGE Business School’s Director of Corporate Relations).

NEW AGE NEW KEDGE - « Open minded leadership for an optimistic future »

May, 16th 2019

At its annual press conference, KEDGE Business School presents its fresh face at the new Paris campus. One year ago, KEDGE updated its strategic plan with the ambition of developing the skills of the leaders of tomorrow: they will be able to understand the modern world and rise to its technological, social and environmental challenges to become its enlightened leaders.

April 2019

KEDGE Business School opens new spaces for the Wine & Spirits Academy and Executive Education

April, 24th 2019

On Wednesday, 17 April, KEDGE Business School opened almost 1,000 m2 of space at its Bordeaux campus dedicated to the Wine & Spirits Academy and Executive Education: new classrooms and new work spaces, including a creativity room and a wine tasting room and cellar, christened Wine Lab, in tribute to Gérard Basset, a graduate of KEDGE and Master of Wine, Master Sommelier and Best Sommelier of the World.

“In the United States, the Democrats are reviving the idea of a wealth tax... for the very wealthy”

April, 23th 2019

Whilst over the last 25 years Europe has been phasing out wealth tax, with most notably the abolition in 2018 of the ISF (impôt de solidarité sur la fortune), the French wealth tax, which was replaced by the IFI (impôt sur la fortune immobilière), a wealth tax based solely on real estate, there has been growing debate in the United States over excessive social and financial inequalities. Eric Pichet, a KEDGE Business School professor and tax expert, gives us his analysis.

Highlighting the value of an intangible cultural heritage

April, 4th 2019

In the face of intensive agriculture and livestock farming, highlighting the value of local products requires a differentiated marketing strategy. Diego Rinallo, associate professor in marketing and consumer culture and associate researcher at the Centre of Excellence in Marketing and the Culture Creative Industries Research Centre at KEDGE Business School, is the guest of XERFI Canal to share his analysis on a case of highlighting the value of intangible cultural heritage.

March 2019

Teaching about sustainable and responsible finance

March, 1st 2019

At a time when societal and environmental issues are becoming an unavoidable concern to all sectors of business, including the economic and financial world, Christophe Revelli, finance professor and head of the Corporate & Sustainable Finance master’s programme at KEDGE Business School, shares his analysis of the necessary evolution in the teaching of economics and finance at universities with XERFI Canal.

January 2019

Well-being at work, a driver of performance

January, 14 2019

At a time when employee expectations are profoundly shifting and leading to significant behavioural changes across companies, Arnaud Lacan, KEDGE Business School Management Professor, was invited to be a guest on Xerfi Canal to share his analysis of new managerial practices and how well-being at work is a driver of all our collective performance.

Launch of the SDSN France network: French higher education and research rally around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

January, 2019

Paris,  November 21, 2018-Led by Université PSL, KEDGE Business School and Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP), the SDSN France network (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) was launched on November 13, 2018 with the mission of promoting the sustainable development goals in the scientific community and civil society, through associations and politiciansIn 2015 the UN’s General Assembly adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the 2030 Agenda. The SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Networkwas founded in 2012 with the support of the United Nations with the aim of mobilising global researchers and experts in order to define practical solutions and accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.


December 2018

COP 24 Toward an eco-efficient resource use in the circular economy

December, 6 2018

With experts calling for immediate and urgent action at Cop 24 in Poland, it is imperative to understand how to increase the efficiency of resource use quickly. Frank Figge, Professor of CSR and Sustainable Development at KEDGE Business School, works on this research topic and has published an analysis of longevity and circularity as indicators of eco-efficient resource use in the circular economy.

A businesswoman assumes Chairmanship of KEDGE : Agnès Grangé takes over from Stanislas de Bentzmann

December, 4 2018

Agnès Grangé's candidacy for the position of Chairperson of KEDGE, which she will hold until 2021, was presented to the board of directors and adopted on Tuesday 4 December, thus replacing the outgoing Stanislas de Bentzmann.

Financial Times Rankings 2018: KEDGE named 35th best European Business School up 5 places

December, 3 2018

Now ranked 35th best Business School in Europe out of 95 in total, KEDGE has moved up a further 5 places in the Financial Times international rankings 2018.

November 2018

The 2019 “Le Figaro Etudiant” Master programmes rankings : KEDGE has been ranked 9th among the best French schools and is continuing its progression

November, 23 2018

Moving up a further place, KEDGE has reached the 9th spot in the 2019 “Le Figaro Etudiant” rankings of the Master programmes. For the 4th time in 2018, the school reached the top 10 business schools in this leading French rankings, ahead of its competitors Néoma (10th), Iéseg (11th), Toulouse Business School (12th) or Rennes SB (13th).

Advertising and product quality : what kind of relationship ?

November, 16 2018

How to consider the expense of advertising in link with product quality ? What product is more advertised : product of better or lower quality ? Régis Chenavaz, associate professor of managerial economics and marketing at KEDGE Business School answered of these research questions by an analysis of the relationship between product quality and advertising, published in the European Journal of Operational Research.

Brazil: a foreseeable election with considerable economic and environmental consequences

November, 2 2018

Amidst the incomprehension and the concerns raised by the victory of Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right candidate in Brazil’s presidential election, Frédéric Prévot, Associate Professor in Strategy and International Management at KEDGE Business School, gives his factual analysis of the impact and challenges ahead for the eighth largest global economic power.

September 2018

Sidney Gavignet, KEDGE Global Executive MBA participant, launches himself into the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe 2018 under the banner of the Café Joyeux

September, 9 2018

After having participated in numerous previous « Route du Rhum » races in the « Ultimate » category under the banner of the Sultunate of Oman, Sidney Gavignet, Kedge Global Executive MBA participant, announced that he will run the Route du Rhum 2018 under the banner of the Café Joyeux with the desire to show a change in course in his career. Accompanied by KEDGE in this journey, Sidney Gavignet made the choice to compete in the Rhum Class, an historic category in this competition, aboard a 53 foot (16m) monohull which will shove off the 4 November from Saint-Malo, France.

July 2018

Jérémy Cukierman, Master of Wine, has been appointed as Director of the KEDGE Wine & Spirits Academy

July, 25 2018

KEDGE Business School is pleased to announce that Jérémy Cukierman has been appointed as Director of the Wine & Spirits Academy, which includes all of its specialised programmes in wine and spirits management and its activities for professionals and companies in the industry, both in France and abroad. Jérémy Cukierman replaces Jacques-Olivier Pesme who is leaving the KEDGE group.

PTC appoints KEDGE to perform a strategic case study into opportunities in the IoT market

July, 11 2018

PTC, a global provider of technology platforms and solutions, has appointed KEDGE to perform a case study intended to highlight market opportunities in the IoT field (Internet of Things). This project, as part of KEDGE’s Executive education activities with the collaboration of companies, was developed via two training programs: the Grande Ecole Program and the Specialised Master in Organisational Management, Strategy and Finance.

Agires Development and Synergie Campus Entreprises Awards

KEDGE awarded third place for impact, innovation and the dynamism of its corporate relations

July, 10 2018

At the 1st edition of the Agires Développement and Synergie Campus Entreprises Awards, which took place at the beginning of June in Paris, KEDGE won 3rd place in the Business School category. This award aims to highlight impact, innovation and dynamism in relations between institutes of higher education and companies.

BEM Dakar / KEDGE Business School and BOLLORÉ Transport & Logistics to increase their cooperation with the signature of a major international partnership

July, 6 2018

BEM Dakar / KEDGE Business School and Bolloré Transport & Logistics have announced the creation of a partnership, which was signed by Dr Pape Madické Diop, CEO of BEM Dakar, and David-Alexandre Fournier, Human Resources Director at Bolloré Transport & Logistics, on Friday 29 June 2018 in Dakar on the campus of BEM Dakar at Sacré Cœur 3 Pyrotechnique.

Two KEDGE Business School professors win the 2018 Sidney Levy Award

July, 3 2018

Two KEDGE Business School professors have received the 2018 Sidney Levy Award for the article Selling Pain to the Saturated Self, co-written by Bernard Cova, KEDGE Professor, Julien Cayla, Professor at Nanyang Business School in Singapore and Associate Professor at KEDGE, with Rebecca Scott, a senior lecturer at Cardiff University, whose doctoral work is the basis of this research, published in the Journal of Consumer Research. The awards ceremony took place on Friday 29 June at the Consumer Culture Theory Conference at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense.

June 2018

The challenges of responsible and sustainable finance by Pr. Christophe Revelli in Financial Times and The Conversation

June, 19 2018

Further to the recent announce of the European Commission around its action plan on sustainable finance at a conference with heads of state and high-level financiers, including French President Emmanuel Macron and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Christophe Revelli, professor at KEDGE Business School and Director of the Master of Science in Corporate & Sustainable Finance, delivers his analysis about the challenges of responsible finance, both by publishing an article in The Conversation and by his comments about articles of the Financial Times.

May 2018

KEDGE hosts the 2nd #SocialSellingForum

May, 3 2018

In partnership with Loïc Simon, the event’s founder and organiser, and the agency BeeMyBees, KEDGE is hosting the second #SocialSellingForum on Friday 4 May on the Bordeaux campus. More than 30 social selling experts and company managers will be present, with the aim of meeting up and sharing experiences.

“The Women taking the power in Purchasing”

May, 2 2018

KEDGE Alumni and the MAI Alumni Association, would like to invite you to a conference on “The Women taking the power in Purchasing”, THURSDAY 3 MAY AT 7 pm At KEDGE Paris, 52 rue de la Victoire - 75009 Paris.

April 2018

KEDGE signs a partnership with Procter & Gamble

April, 20 2018

KEDGE and Procter & Gamble have announced the signing of their partnership, which formalises their years-long working relationship. KEDGE will assist the multinational Procter & Gamble in the development of its employer brand, while Procter & Gamble will support KEDGE’s marketing programmes.

KEDGE Business School organises its fourth Open Innovation Business Challenge with Epitech

April, 18 2018

For the fourth consecutive year, KEDGE Business School students from all of the specialised MS and MSc courses are taking on the Open Innovation Business Challenge organised with Epitech students this year. Grouped into interdisciplinary teams, the students will have three weeks to provide a solution to a real strategic challenge faced by a business. 

OPEN CHATEAU PIRON - KEDGE wins the Grandes Ecoles Challenge

April, 06 2018

KEDGE students topped the tables at this wine-tasting tournament as part of the 2018 OPEN organised by Château Piron on March 24th. The tournament featured around sixty teams composed of amateurs and professionals. Kedgers won six prizes, including first place in the Grandes Ecoles Challenge and second place in the general grand final for this 5th edition.


April, 05 2018

Students of KEDGE’s ISLI Global Supply Chain Management MSc are qualified for the world final of the Global Student Challenge which will take place April 30th to May 3rd in the Netherlands. This Supply Chain serious game competition is the worldwide supply chain competencies benchmark. The team of four Kedgers has stood out among over 10,000 students from 600 different universities in more than 100 countries.

The Cambridge Analytica / Facebook affair: the challenge of securing personal data on social networks

April, 05 2018

As the scandal deepens concerning the practices of Cambridge Analytica and its use of the personal data of 87 million Facebook users, Mohamed Makhlouf, Professor in Information Systems Management at KEDGE Business School, shares his view of the major risks concerning the security of social network users’ data.

March 2018

The 15th Journées Humanisme et Gestion event “Responsible management, or ‘humanism’s new clothes’ within organisations”

March, 22 2018

In partnership with the association ‘Humanisme et Gestion’, KEDGE Business School is hosting the 15th Journées Humanisme et Gestion (Humanism and Management Days) focusing on the theme of “responsible management or ‘humanism’s new clothes’ within organisations” on 5 and 6 April.

KEDGE Business School heads off to meet its graduates around the world 

March, 19 2018

KEDGE is launching a series of video reports with the aim of putting the spotlight on the school’s community of students and graduates both in France and worldwide. Filming starts this month in China, in Shanghai and Suzhou, where KEDGE has set up.

The 21st European Short Film Festival

March, 14 2018

The 21st European Short Film Festival (Festival Européen du Court-Métrage) in Bordeaux features a top- flight jury and provides an outstanding showcase for Bordeaux and its region. A press conference will be held for the occasion on Thursday 29 March at 2 pm on the premises of France 3 Aquitaine, at 136 rue Ernest Renan in Bordeaux, with the special participation of the jury members.

Le Parisien Etudiant Bachelor Degree ranking 2018 : KEDGE ranked 1st of the French Business Schools for fifth consecutive year

March, 14 2018

In its Bachelor Degree ranking for 2018, Le Parisien Etudiant ranks KEDGE Business School in 1st place. This is the fifth consecutive year in which KEDGE has occupied the leading position in this ranking of Bachelor Degree programmes in France’s management schools.

The Bureau National Interprofessionnel de l’Armagnac (BNIA) and KEDGE Business School’s Wine & Spirits Academy invite you to attend the signature of their partnership agreement and the launch of their programme

March, 13 2018

THURSDAY 15 MARCH 2018 AT 6.30 PM, KEDGE Bordeaux Campus, 680 cours de La Libération - Talence, with the presence of Marc Darroze, President of the Bureau National Interprofessionnel de l’Armagnac and Jacques-Olivier Pesme, Director of the Wine & Spirits Academy at KEDGE. Following the signature of the agreement, you can enjoy a cocktail while watching a special “ArmagnacStyle” feature

Two professors from KEDGE are among the world’s top 10 teacher-researchers in the maritime Supply Chain field

March, 12 2018

In a recently published article in the International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, professors from Inha University (South Korea) and Shandong Normal University (China) compiled a list of the world’s 50 best teacher-researchers specialising in maritime transport. KEDGE is the only Business School to be featured in the top 10, with two professors, Jason Monios and Pierre Cariou who are respectively ranked at 5th and 9th place for their impact scores, over the 2011-2015 period.

Le Point’s 2018 Rankings of French Business Schools : KEDGE achieves its best-ever position in the ‘Master’s Degree’ and ‘International Bachelor’s rankings

March, 9 2018

KEDGE Business School achieves the best performance of all French business schools in the ‘Master’s Degree’ and ‘International Bachelor’s rankings published recently in the magazine Le Point.

KEDGE Business School launches its Master of Science in Arts and Creative Industries Management at the Paris campus starting in September 2018

March, 7 2018

KEDGE made Arts and Creative Industries Management one of its fields of expertise by carrying out innovative academic research into challenges faced by companies, countries and public organisations working within the sector. In September 2018, KEDGE will be strengthening its initial training offering by launching the Master of Science in Arts & Creative Industries Management in Paris.

KEDGE Business School launches its new Summer School programmes

March, 6 2018

KEDGE Business School, France’s largest independant Business School holding triple accreditation, is creating two new summer school programmes dedicated to foreign students who want to benefit from courses delivered by experienced academics and professionals in management.
On one hand, the Premium Summer School Programme is dedicated to Management of Haute Cuisine & Fine Wines, in partnership with France’s leading professional training school in culinary arts, FERRANDI Paris.

The 2018 French Research in Management Ranking : KEDGE maintains its first place among French management schools with 100 articles published in one year

March, 5 2018

In the 2018 Research in Management ranking issued by L’Etudiant, the leading French magazine covering student orientation, KEDGE Business School is France’s best school for the second year running, having published 100 academic articles in one year, well ahead of the second-placed school, which produced only 74 articles. In the 2017 ranking, KEDGE had already surpassed the 100-article mark, with a total of 103 academic articles published by its researchers.

January 2018

Fiscal and Budgetary Doctrine in the French Presidential Term: A New Direction

January, 25 2018

Last Monday in France, the formal re-opening ceremony for the Court of Auditors (Cour des comptes) took place, during which the french Court President Didier Migaud called for structural reforms to public spending. At the same time, Éric Pichet, Professor, at KEDGE Business School and Director of the Specialist Master’s Programme in Wealth & Real Estate Management (IMPI), penned an article titled "Fiscal and Budgetary Doctrine in the Presidential Term: A New Direction," just published in the fourth edition of La Revue de droit fiscal (The Tax Law Journal) n°4 pp 8-28, on 25 January 2018. 


January, 19 2018

KEDGE Business School, recognized for its high expertise in marketing, is contributing to set Digital Marketing standards by participating in the European (EU) Search Awards. Dr Aleksej Heinze, Associate Professor at KEDGE Business School, is one of a select group of individuals serving on the judging panel for the Awards in 2018.


January, 16 2018

AFNOR Compétences, the training/consultancy subsidiary of the AFNOR Group, has asked KEDGE and its professors-researchers to conduct a study on the role of the Quality, Safety, and Environment (QSE) function in the digital transformation of companies. This study has been led within the ‘Parcours Croisés’ Clubs which call in decision makers to discuss the themes of quality and sustainable development.


January, 15 2018

After the consultations which ended in December, the Action Plan for Corporate Growth and Transformation (PACTE), which should become a government bill in the spring, is entering a new phase this Monday with the launch of a public consultation. At the same time, a Private Member’s Bill tabled by a number of socialist party (PS) deputies and other supporters, aiming to rewrite or add to several articles of the Civil, Business, and Labour codes, will be debated in the National Assembly on Thursday 18 January. 


January, 12 2018

KEDGE Business School invites future students and their families to a multi-campus Open Day on Saturday 27 January to meet KEDGE students, visit the campus, discover the options offered to students to help finance their studies or for their personal development, and find out more about the entrance requirements for KEDGE.

KEDGE Business School opens its Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Sales at the Marseille campus starting in September 2018.

January, 11 2018

KEDGE has made marketing one of its priorities for excellence by producing high-level academic research that is internationally recognised and permeates through all of its training programmes. In September 2018, KEDGE is strengthening its initial training offering by launching the Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Sales.

Bitcoin: speculative bubble or money of the future ?

January, 10 2018

As Bitcoin (or BTC), which was created in 2009, breaks new records each week and has now passed the 9,000-dollar mark (versus 10,000 dollars at the start of 2017, and 1 dollar in 2011), economists are divided: is it really a new, decentralised currency free from any central bank or is it a purely speculative instrument? Eric Pichet, a KEDGE professor specialising in macroeconomics and monetary policy, shares his take on the phenomenon.


January, 9 2018

On Monday 15 January, Clepsydre, the student association of KEDGE, welcomes Denis Masseglia, President of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, for a conference on the stakes, the power play, and the complication of making a bid to host the Olympic Games, with the consequences that it can have.