A businesswoman assumes Chairmanship of KEDGE: Agne?s Grange? takes over from Stanislas de Bentzmann

PRESS RELEASE - 12.04.2018

A businesswoman assumes Chairmanship of KEDGE : Agnès Grangé takes over from Stanislas de Bentzmann

Agnès Grangé's candidacy for the position of Chairperson of KEDGE, which she will hold until 2021, was presented to the board of directors and adopted on Tuesday 4 December, thus replacing the outgoing Stanislas de Bentzmann.

Agnès Grangé has been a member of the board of directors since its creation in 2013 and is conversant with all aspects and characteristics of the school. As regional representative of the La Poste Group, a company that has undergone major transformation, Agnès Grangé is very aware of the challenges of territorial anchorage, modernisation and adaptation to new technologies.

She takes over from Stanislas de Bentzmann, whose drive has given the school a differentiating positioning, based on the development of training courses in 21st century leadership. The effectiveness of Stanislas de Bentzmann's efforts and his long-term commitment have seen the school advance in all international rankings under his chairmanship. KEDGE and its board of directors are particularly grateful to him.

The appointment of Agnès Grangé illustrates KEDGE’s desire to strengthen its strategy around the three main training challenges of Entrepreneurship, the Humanities and Technology Management. Her task will be to continue the school’s transformation in a context that is currently challenging the models of French business schools, in constant liaison with the Director General, José Milano, in charge of executive management and with the full confidence of the board of directors.

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