[RADIO] KEDGE Wine & Spirits Academy on air in Argentina

Challenges of Argentina Wine Industry

Jacques-Olivier PESME is at the microphone

Jacques-Olivier PESME, Director KEDGE Wine & Spirits Academy is visiting Argentina for meetings, lecture and international development of KEDGE Wine  Expertise.

He was invited on Universidad Belgrano Radio to give his analyses on Argentina wines perspectives and his view on the wine industry international market situation. The  2017 vintage is also screened by the guest speaker and the journalists.

The Argentina wines are checked-up live on November 4th 2017. The radio-show was broadcasted and recorded in Buenos Aires. The podcats is available below.

Under discussion :

  • local wines competitivity,
  • the power of Malbec and its branding,
  • Argentina international assets,
  • Argentina potential for development.

Listen to the podcast (beware, fully in Spanish) :