Since September 2022, the CEA has been sponsoring the 2022/2023 class of the MSc ITE.
Case study: A visit to get to the heart of the matter by handling the sensors
On Monday 12 December, the MSc ITE students visited the CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) in Cadarache as part of their case study led by Christophe Destouches, Research Engineer at .
The objective of the case study was to propose one or more strategies for the long-term supply of specific sensors operating in an irradiated environment and associated measurement systems dedicated to measuring numerous parameters: neutron and gamma radiation, temperatures, dimensions, vibration, pressure, stresses, physico-chemical parameters, etc, over a period of approximately 20 years.
On the one hand, the students were given the opportunity to see the Jules Horowitz Research Reactor (RJH) built to answer a scientific and technological challenge: testing the behaviour of materials and fuels under irradiation, in support of current and future nuclear reactors; and on the other hand, to see the physical measurement sensors that will be used in the RJH reactor to test the behaviour of irradiated materials.
Paul Vincent BONZOM, head of the instrumentation systems and methods laboratory (LISM) at the CEA's IRESNE institute, welcomed the students to his laboratory for a visit that allowed them to get to the heart of the problematic of their case study by handling the sensors.
This visit is in line with KEDGE's pedagogy: Learning by doing.
The new Master of Science (MSc) in innovation, transformation and entrepreneurship from KEDGE is designed to train “transformative leaders” and agile entrepreneurs, enabling them to perform as business leaders to facilitate the transformation of businesses or to develop start-ups.
A disruptive vision of the market's future needs
Focusing on the skills required to disrupt business models, the programme aims at matching the current market dynamics. Its main objective is to meet the companies challenges to maximise innovation and to broaden their global performance reach, not only from an economic perspective.
The Master of Science (MSc) provides a strong educational platform for future innovators, who will be
- pilots and transformative leaders for innovation projects,
- drivers in value creation, able to bring out collective intelligence in an expanded organisation,
- intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs endowed with the right skills to successfully drive value and manage innovation and to bring their ideas to the market, "from concept to commercialization".
Besides its exhaustive cursus, this programme also includes a study trip to Silicon Valley or Israel.
Discover the programme