"Faire Corps" season 2, KEDGE students design bio-mechanical prostheses for amputees

A KEDGE Design School professor and an entrepreneur have co-constructed the "Faire corps" project, which involves groups of students working together to co-create prosthetic objects for amputees. This collaborative and inclusive project has already been carried out in 2022 and will be relaunched in 2023, with new students and new people who are not always satisfied with their prosthesis.

KEDGE students mobilized for a collaborative and inclusive project (titre)

As part of their studies, and under the guidance of teacher Fabrice Pincin and entrepreneur and body designer Inéha Costerousse, students are tasked with designing a prosthesis for amputees. For this new version of the project, they invited 6 M1 business students and 7 Master in Management Grande Ecole students to join them as part of the "partner school" project.

The "Faire corps" project puts these students in "agency-like"situation, where they are confronted with their "customers" and, by the end of the Design session, must come up with a design that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, adapted to each customer's needs. The project highlights issues of inclusion and hybridization, body and technology. This year, they are working in collaboration with 6 amputees, including 2 who took part in the project's first season.

  • Fabrice Sabre: photographer and film-maker, right-hand amputee.
  • Renaud Metzger: poet, designer and editor, leg amputee living in Marseille.
  • Olivier Plaindoux: salesman, former disabled swimming champion, 2-leg amputee.
  • Ksénia Chasteau: tennis player with one amputated leg.
  • Frédéric Ecalle: Managing Director of an architectural design firm, amputee with one leg.
  • Jean-Michel Chasteau: retired single-leg amputee

They are accompanied by Baptiste Pariat, Managing Director of Ortho Access and orthoprosthetist.


The "faire corps" project is a fine example of the effectiveness of design, a discipline capable of producing solutions that respond precisely to the needs and sensibilities of individuals, while resolving the many technical constraints associated with the medical field, without neglecting the elegance of shapes, the harmony of colors, the balance of materials and textures, the expression of a personality and its values.

For further information

Fabrice Pincin has been a designer and professor at KEDGE for 5 years. He specializes in industrial design, a discipline he has been teaching for almost 30 years. He has also been president for 9 years of the Marseille Design Méditerranée association, which promotes design and its players in the PACA region and beyond. Inéha Costerousse is a body designer, costume designer and creator in many fields.