KEDGE announces winners of Inclusiveness Prize

KEDGE fait la promesse d¡¯¨ºtre ? une ¨¦cole originale, durable et inclusive ?, ¨¤ ce titre les ¨¦tudiants ont ¨¦t¨¦ sollicit¨¦s pour concourir au Prix de l¡¯inclusivit¨¦.

KEDGE rewards its students with the Inclusiveness Prize

In line with its promise to be "an original, sustainable and inclusive school", KEDGE, through the Inclusivity Department and the Thesis Lab, is launching the Inclusivity Prize and rewarding three students whose thesis deals with this theme.

A five-member jury

  • Anicia Jaegler, Professor and Associate Dean for Sustainability and Inclusiveness
  • Clémentine Bourgeois, professor and associate dean for careers
  • Michaël Korchia, professor and head of the Thesis Lab
  • Virginie Martin, Professor and Head of the Media Lab
  • Dorian Simon-Meslet, Innovate for tomorrow project manager
  • François Chapdelaine, student

Expected writing criteria

  • An article of 1500 words maximum, in French or English, possibly with illustrations
  • On themes such as disability, parity, the LGBTQIA+ community, racism, rural inclusion, social openness, territorial openness, or other themes related to inclusiveness.

Different evaluation criteria

  • Interest and emphasis on the study result 
  • Quality and originality of the presentation 
  • Scientific justification
  • Potential for commercialising the results 
  • Compliance with the instructions

The awards ceremony took place on 29 September 2022 and here are the winners who will receive a prize of 500 euros for the 1st prize and 250 euros for the 2nd and 3rd:

The winners

  • Annabelle Jubin  wins 1st Prize with the article: Connecting with the LGBTQ+ community: away from the typical rainbow logo and stereotypical ad,supervised by Paola Gioia, PHD at KEDGE.
  • Manon Oudin wins 2nd prize for her article: La formation en entreprises, vecteur d'inclusion pour les personnes LGBTQ+, supervised by Marc Ohana, professor at KEDGE.
  • And 3rd prize went to Rosa Da Silva Azevedo for her article: How could Food Banks Against Hunger maintain its operations, when demand for food unexpectedly soared, but lacking sources of supply during COVID-19? The case of Porto Food Bank Against Hunger, supervised by Amiri-Aref Mehdi, KEDGE professor.
Annabelle Jubin, 1er Prix de l'inclusivité
  • How did you get interested in this subject?

"I became interested in this topic because I and many of my relatives are part of the LGBTQ+ community and every year I see the reaction of this community to the efforts of companies that participate in Pride Month and then cease all public support for this cause, and I found it interesting to analyse the reaction of LGBTQ+ individuals to these targeted communications. "

  • What have you learned from this experience?

"Writing this dissertation has helped me to structure my thinking and it has also been an opportunity to look at previous consumer behaviour research specifically on the LGBTQ+ community. I also found that a lot of research only looks at heterosexual consumers' perceptions of advertisements that include LGBTQ+ people, so it was interesting to bring another perspective by interviewing the main people involved. I am very happy that I was able to dedicate my M2 year to study this topic that is close to my heart."

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Anicia Jaegler