MSc Corporate Finance: who are the HOLT Valuation Challenge's winners ?

Each year, the students of the MSc Corporate Finance participate in the Holt Valuation Challenge. This competition allows them to become familiar with the Credit Suisse HOLT? methodology.

A challenge to immerse in the world of finance

The HOLT Valuation Challenge is a competition that offers an unique opportunity to develop financial skills and learn about the Credit Suisse HOLT™ valuation methodology. Opened to Bachelor, Master, MBA and PhD students, it has three goals

  • identify the best talents around the world
  • introduce students to the Credit Suisse HOLT methodology
  • give HOLT Lenslicences to best talents

It is divided in 2 stages :

  • A learning period on the Credit Suisse HOLT™ platform to improve students' understanding of accounting, finance and valuation through exercises on listed companies via the use of different HOLT valuation methodologies.
  • An oral presentation with submission of a short valuation video of two companies for review. The videos will then be reviewed by professionals, banking experts and finance professors, who select a group of finalists.

This year's challenge addressed the outlooks for economic recovery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alone or in pairs, students conduct a comparative analysis of the possible share price developments of a list of given companies. The companies were from various sectors: entertainment, technology, catering, energy, health, etc. 

The HOLT Valuation Challenge project was presented orally on 22 April.

HOLT Valuation Challenge: 2021 Edition

This year's challenge dealt with the prospects of economic recovery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alone or in pairs, the MSc Corporate Finance students had to perform a comparative analysis of the possible share price evolutions of a given list of companies. The companies came from various sectors: entertainment, technology, catering, energy, health, etc.  

For the 3rd edition of the challenge, the jury was composed of :

  • Thomas Mott, Director - Credit Suisse
  • Loïc Chiari, Equity research associate - Credit Suisse
  • Alexis Hongre, Director - Barclays Investment Bank
  • Guillaume Mordelet, Regional Director - Euronext

MSc Corporate Finance students were asked to analyse which companies would recover from the Covid-19 crisis based on a . The final project of the HOLT Valuation Challenge was presented orally on 22 April.

Clara Bragard and Olivier Genin reached the final of the challenge by presenting respectively and .

The jury members decided to award the 2021 Prize to Clara Bragard and praised her adequate use of the various Holt Credit Suisse tools to make her recommendation. Congratulations to Clara and Olivier for being part of the winner's circle of this 3rd edition.

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