Focus on L'Or¨¦al Masterclass for Data Analytics for Business students

February 23rd, 2023, the Msc Data Analytics for Business students attended a L'Or¨¦al Masterclass on the theme of tech applied to the beauty industry in the presence of two L'Or¨¦al experts, Quentin Andr¨¦ and Carol Ravel.

Focus on the KEDGE/L'Oréal Masterclass

Two L'Oréal experts gave a Masterclass to find out how Tech coud be applied to the beauty industry on 23 February 2023.

They were welcomed by Olivier Dupoüet, director of the MSc Data Analytics for Business and Aurélie Le Borgne, training advisor for KEDGE.

  • Quentin ANDRE (l'Oréal Beauty Tech) expert on artificial intelligence solutions, augmented reality and virtual reality 
  • Carol RAVEL (IT Europe l'Oréal) expert on CRM and databases 

 The two speakers also talked about the innovative projects deployed within the company's departments.

The students were able to ask their questions, exchange with the professionals and discover a sector of activity in full digital revolution.

L'Oréal will also proposed internship/work-study opportunities in the Data sector

Discover MSc Data Analytics for Business

The KEDGE Masterclasses

Throughout their training, KEDGE MS/MSc students had the opportunity to meet the best experts during this Masterclass.

There were opportunities for students to exchange, learn and grow their network.

KEDGE places experience at the heart of its pedagogy and these moments of exchange represent real development opportunities for our students.

It is important to mention that these speakers, even though they come from one of the largest company, give their time and expertise to come and talk to KEDGE students.


Why choose the MSc Data Analytics for Business

The MSc Data Analytics for Business prepares students to become the interface between the technical and processing aspects of data and the various departments of the company.

At a time when data massification requires highly technical processing, this degree offers to train specialists capable of evolving in a constantly changing world. 
Graduates of this program will be the new experts of tomorrow's digital enterprise.