Finance Reconsidered: KEDGE-CANDRIAM Chair renewed for 4 years

KEDGE and CANDRIAM renew their partnership for 4 years. On the 3rd October 2023, the stakeholders met to extend the partnership of the KEDGE-CANDRIAM research chair.

KEDGE and Candriam renew their partnership for the Finance Reconsidered: Addressing Sustainable Economic Development chair

On the 3rd of October 2023, on the Paris campus, KEDGE BS and its partner CANDRIAM signed a new partnership agreement through the KEDGE-CANDRIAM Chair "Finance Reconsidered: Addressing Sustainable Economic Development".

A  conference on the topic of the "financialisation of ESG data" was organised and led by Christophe Revelli, professor at KEDGE and founder of the chair.
He was joined by :

  • Thierry Philipponnat, Chief Economist at Finance Watch
  • Julia Haake,  Founder and Managing Director of Bhumi Consulting
  • Christel Dumas, ICHEC Brussels Management School Finance professor
  • Wim Van Hyfte, Global Head of ESG Investments & Research at CANDRIAM

At a time of climate change and the identification of planetary limits, the financial industry needs to think about new models that promote a dual materiality objective, as well as its real ecosystemic impact, beyond a vision based exclusively on risks and financial valuation. The aim of this Chair will therefore be to encourage the development of this vision, not only through scientific production and fundamental research, but also through education and teaching.

our partner CANDRIAM 

("Conviction and Responsibility in Asset Management") is a recognised European benchmark in asset management, drawing on strong values and management expertise developed over 20 years ago. It is a pioneer in Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) and in taking ESG criteria into account when analysing investment opportunities and risks.

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Finance reconsidered : SEEFAR

MSc Sustainable Finance